Friday, March 18, 2022

Will Russia Be Consecrated To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary -- As The Catholic World Is Reporting??

  I hope so.

But more than hope, I (we) pray that this is so.

What a miraculous change the world will see and experience!

After all these years; after all the failed "attempts" by the popes; after appeasing the secular/communist powers not to "insult" the murderous leaders of the old Soviet Union; after succumbing to the pressures of the hierarchy; and, after cowardice, will the announcement of the upcoming consecration actually take place on March 25th, using the exact formula demanded by our Blessed Lady?  

We will see if the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, will, in fact, consecrate Russia -- by name! -- to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... 

Let's say that everything comes off on schedule, then what?

Will we see an immediate change in the hearts and minds of the heads of state of the world?   But isn't it only Russia that will be consecrated?  Why would there be a change of heart in the leaders of other countries around the world?

Simple: if Russia is consecrated, (and that includes President Putin and company) it will not be able to resist the deluge of Heavenly grace from the Hands of our Blessed Lady.  I think that miracles will abound!  The world will be stunned!  Even atheist communist China will not be able to deny the obvious!  Just as in Fatima in 1917!

Okay, so the consecration happens, and Russia and Ukraine stop the war; peace "explodes", then what?

I contend that the next step is to consecrate Europe and all Western nations; then all Pacific/Asian nations, then America specifically!  

Why America specifically?

Because it is not only Russia that has and continues to spread her errors, but it is also our beloved country that has and continues to spread her errors, that's why...

As I write this missive, we -- as a country -- are incessantly beating the war drums; we continue to use our "intelligence" agencies to covertly infiltrate and destabilize foreign governments (it is called regime change) and install puppets that are pro-West; we continue to slaughter the most vulnerable of our species, the pre-born baby; we continue to sanction homosexual "marriage"; we continue to allow males to "become" females; we continue to allow our "freedoms" to be used for evil instead of good; we give "rights" to a class of citizens that didn't exist a generation ago, and we continue the attack on the family by all of the above.  

Yes, America needs to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Blessed Mother!

We must pray that those currently in power -- mostly apostate Catholics -- are converted back to the faith, and be removed from office, peacefully, and have a new God-fearing government elected by the people, not installed by fraud and deceit...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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