Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Can Our Beloved Country Survive The Infestation Of Benedict Arnolds In Our Government, The Media -- And Even The Church?

 As I write this, it is absolutely clear that Satan, the father of lies and murder, is winning the war waged against the human race.

I am not despairing, but I am facing the facts of the moral and spiritual life...

As I have written many times, I know, and the demon knows, that, in the end, his rotten, miserable head will be stomped on and crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ our Lord.

In the meantime, we have a real battle on our hands, especially those God-fearing, pro-life patriots facing those diabolical, treasonous rats that continue to destroy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as enshrined in the Natural Law and enumerated in our Declaration of Independence...

These traitors have an arsenal at their disposal, most notably, the media, who themselves are the vehicle used to push the anti-Christ agenda of the new-world-order, de-population freaks intent on reducing the world's inhabitants to less than one billion -- from a population of over 7,000,000,000!

In conjunction with this heinous goal, we have almost continuous wars and rumors of wars, as we see in the newest attempt to inch us closer to another world war.  This time, however, it would be the last if the nuclear missiles start to fly.  It would be Hiroshima and Nagasaki multiplied hundreds of times around the globe, leaving the living to envy the dead...

Those who should know better are saber-rattling to the point of no return, and if they are successful in getting the U.S. directly involved in the mess of the Ukraine/Russia war, then all bets are off for any chance of a negotiated peace...

I do not claim to know all the ins and outs of the tenets of that conflict, but we can see the villains on all sides, including here in the U.S. -- specifically in the Oval Office, the Congress and Senate, as well as (even more importantly?) in the Marxist media as they continue to poke the Russian Bear with a very sharp stick...

If anyone dares to deviate from the official narrative: Russia/Putin bad, Zelensky (I have seen his name spelled with a double "yy")/Ukraine good, then that person or group is immediately labeled a traitor or treasonous!  Another Benedict Arnold, if you will... 

Is that how low we have sunk?  If you disagree and express your opinion, you are a traitor to your country???   Just crumble up and fling that First Amendment into the trash bin of history!

This seems to be the case since the installation of Biden into the White House secured with the illegal actions of real traitors and a fraudulent "election" process...

(As an aside, it seems that there is now conclusive evidence that at least three states should have their electoral votes de-certified.  I said at least three states.  It turns out that as many as six or more states fall into that category, such efforts, however, are being stifled by more traitors at the state level.  But the truth is slowly emerging for all to see!) 

As a prime example of this nonsense, former congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, has been called a "treasonous liar" regarding the now confirmed fact that the U.S. has at least 25 biolabs in the Ukraine.  And who labeled Gabbard a "treasonous liar"?  Well, none other than the real traitor, "senator" Mitt Romney...  But she's in good company, as Fox anchor, Tucker Carlson, is now a "Russian collaborator" too!!

(Just as Rush Limbaugh was called a Russian collaborator, so Tulsi and Tucker, you're in good company!)


We know that's baloney, but the real treason is coming from some "conservative" congressmen and senators determined to get us into a war with Russia, especially that moron, "senator" Lindsey Graham.  What's with that lunatic calling for the assassination of the President of Russia, Putin???   When someone threatens to kill another head of state, that sounds like an act of war.  How on earth is Putin supposed to react to that threat???

So, we have neo-libs and neo-cons clamoring for a world war; now that's real treason!

It is said that as the church goes, so goes society... I agree.  And for the last, say, 60 years or so, the church has had her share of traitors; evil actors determined to undermine the authentic teachings of the real Magisterium and the real popes.  And because of this, the secular demons have been emboldened by the anti-Christ antics -- words and actions of the most recent traitor to Holy Mother Church, the current bishop of Rome, Bergoglio and his unrelentless attacks on Tradition, especially the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful Catholics who assist at the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!!

To be frank, I'm at a loss to try to figure out the entire scenario, except to repeat that right now, Satan is winning the battle for hearts and souls by sewing confusion and doubt among the Elect.  Forget about those whose names are not in the Book of Life; he's already got them... 

One thing we can do, is to pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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