Monday, March 14, 2022

Puerto Ricans Rise Up In Support Of Bishop Deposed By Pope Francis...

 Why was this good bishop deposed??

What was his "crime"?

1) No forced vaccinations or "passports" for his parishioners.  2) He never closed the doors of the churches in his parish during the faux "pandemic"... 3) And most important of all, he did not ban the Traditional Latin Mass!

Well, it's like this... "pope" Francis, also known -- as he wants to be known -- as the Bishop of Rome, not the Vicar of Christ, Bergoglio, doesn't like any faithful bishop or priest who stands in his way of implementing the plan of the father of lies, Satan.  

So, here is the story as reported by 

And I would urge anyone who reads this article, to make up your own minds as to the legitimacy and the true agenda of Bergoglio.  Of course, he has his henchmen to do his dirty work for him as would never bloody his own hands!   As has been proven, Bergoglio is completely dedicated to the destruction of the true Magisterium and the truths of the real Catholic Church -- you know, the Church founded by our Lord, not the great facade created in the image and likeness of the demon -- that so many Catholics went to their deaths over the centuries rather than offer incense to the false gods of the pagan, Roman Emperors of days gone by... 

But we have new pagan "Roman Emperors" who use sophisticated tactics to destroy their enemies: those who adhere to the Traditions that we have taught either by word, or our epistle (St. Paul), and the teachings of Christ, our Lord... 

So here is that article...  Puerto Ricans rise up in support of bishop deposed by Pope Francis - LifeSite (

Here are the first two paragraphs of that article...

"ARECIBO, Puerto Rico (LifeSiteNews) — Puerto Ricans have expressed an outpouring of support for a faithful bishop abruptly dismissed by Pope Francis this week after defending conscience objections to COVID vaccination.

Priests, parishioners, and Catholic and other Christian leaders have rallied behind Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres, who was ousted from the Diocese of Arecibo without a canonical process on Wednesday." (My emphasis.) 

Can't have "disobedience" now, can we?  All must comply with the diabolical dictates of a rogue "pope"... If you do "disobey," you can kiss your bishopric; your salary; your health insurance; your retirement -- and your reputation goodbye.  Same for the "lowly" parish priest; we've seen far too many good priests persecuted for attempting to speak the truth from the pulpit...

It turns out that that prospect was just too much to bear for the other six Puerto Rican bishops as they all caved to the illegal, un-canonical actions of Caesar and shut the doors of their churches, thereby depriving faithful Catholics of the Sacraments.  Ditto, here in the States... And, as we know, there was filthy lucre involved, a lot of it, from government sources.  I call it kickbacks...

(Does anyone remember the scene in the great movie, A Man For All Seasons, when the bishop (or archbishop) and his entourage take their places in the giant hall... Soon, the representative of King Henry VIII comes in to get the church hierarchy to recognize the King as the head of the Church in England?   What did he offer the clergy for their potential apostacy?  Money.  Lots of money.  If I remember correctly, the price for rejecting Christ, their real Master, was 100,000 Pounds.  Considering that was back in the mid-sixteenth century, in today's dollars that would be equivalent to about $25,000,000!  So, for $25 MILLION BUCKS, they did apostatize, and they immediately became protestants.  Just like today; no difference!)   

Pray for the intervention of St. Michael the Archangel to smite these cowards and enemies of Christ!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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