Saturday, March 19, 2022

What About POPE Benedict XVI And The Consecration?????

  That's a good question.

How are we to answer that?

Is Pope Benedict not the pope?

As far as I know, he is one of two popes, or, am I wrong in this assumption?

And isn't he still, at least, the Bishop of Rome?

This is all very confusing, considering that Bergoglio, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, has said and done things that border on heresy.  Some say -- outright -- that he is a heretic.  

So, is he the pope?

Regardless, we have two men who look like popes; who dress like popes; but only one who speaks and acts like a real, Catholic, pope.  

That would be Benedict XVI...

How is the upcoming consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, scheduled for March 25, 2022, to be accomplished without Benedict???

Why didn't Bergoglio wait for Benedict to pass to his Particular Judgment before he decided to plan the consecration of Russia to our Blessed Mother???

In a way, that would avoid confusion and debate as to what role Benedict would or should play in such a monumental spiritual act to fulfill the demand of Our Lady.  

If he is left out of the consecration, would that not be an outrageous insult to Benedict? 

Not to be cynical, but is Bergoglio more of a politician than a pope?  

Is he an actor, acting out his greatest role on the world stage by announcing the consecration of the Russian nation to the Mother of Christ, our Lord?  Or, does he truly believe, and want to do the right thing to end the errors of Russia (and other nations, including our own United States!), and usher in a period of conversion and peace to the world as promised by the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Saying -- and hopefully, doing -- the consecration all sounds very Catholic, but his previous draconian actions taken against all things traditional -- to be blunt, anti-Catholic --, makes me wonder just what is going on here.

But as I wrote yesterday; see my article here:  

Will Russia Be Consecrated To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary -- As The Catholic World Is Reporting??

If the consecration does, in fact, happen, and done with the formula that Our Lady prescribed, the world will be deluged with tremendous Heavenly graces!

Still, I wonder... Will Pope Benedict XVI be involved in the act of consecration, or will he be left out, unseen in the shadows and confines of the Vatican?

Time will surely tell...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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