Sunday, March 27, 2022

Madness! Absolute Madness!! The Lunatic In The White House Wants To Kill Us All!!

 Please!  Someone must shut this moron's mouth before the nukes start to fly from Russia!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The installed Marxist maniac, Biden, made -- what some would call a speech -- to our NATO "allies," calling for regime change in Russia, and to remove President Putin from power.  

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The "speech," took place on March 26, 2022, in "Catholic" Poland, of all places!  

Why on earth would the President of Poland allow this incoherent, apostate "Catholic" to speak -- at all! -- is mind boggling, considering the fact that just a few days before, the so-called "vice president," Harris, made a laughingstock of herself, and, more importantly, of the giggling and cackling her way through serious questions and making dumb responses.  A ten-year-old could have done better, much better!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

I would laugh myself, if things weren't so serious; we are on the brink of a possible nuclear war due to the malfeasance, high crimes and misdemeanors of the puppet, Biden and his inept "administration," including the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, and White House spokeswoman, the pathological liar, J. Psaki, and others...

Do you miss President Trump yet??

The traitor, Biden, does not care one hoot about you or me, or our families, as can be seen by his actions to cut off our fuel supplies and making the U.S. more dependent on foreign oil than ever before.  Under President Trump, we were very close to energy independence.  In fact, when he was deprived of a second term by a fraudulent election by the criminal elite, gasoline prices were right around $2 a gallon.  Now, the average is near $5 a gallon, with California pushing $7-9 a gallon!  

Do you miss President Trump yet??

This is the least of our worries, as Biden -- the pervert -- continues to taunt and threaten the Russian president in outlandish and disgusting charges against Putin, making him out to be the devil incarnate.  In reality, it is the apostate "Catholic," Biden, who fits the bill of being wicked and evil beyond belief!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

Am I too harsh a critic of Biden?  Not at all, especially when he just may get the world annihilated right before our eyes, that is, if there is anyone left alive after a nuclear war, where, in reality, the living will very likely envy the dead!

Do you miss President Trump yet??

Who are his allies in this race to destroy America and our hard fought-for liberties?  The communist media and their lackeys on the "6-o'clock news," that's who, not to mention most of the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church in our country, many of whom are allied with the Demonrat party: the party of death and mayhem perpetrated against the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born baby.  Not only that, but the majority of the bishops -- and far too many parish priests -- are homosexuals or at least sympathetic to the "cause."

Do you miss President Trump yet??

I will leave you with one last thought to ponder... On Friday, March 25th, Pope Francis "consecrated Russia" to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (see my article here: Are We Grasping At Straws??? Will the "Consecration of Russia" Be Accepted By Our Lord And His Most Blessed Mother???).

If this consecration was done properly and is accepted by Heaven, then we should see results in the not-too-distant future, I hope and pray!  And if that is the case, then the evil likes of Biden and company should fly from office and retreat to a monastery to do penance for their uncountable crimes against humanity, or better yet, be sentenced to federal prison for the rest of their natural lives!

But unless and until that happens, please shut your mouth, Biden, before you get us all killed!!!

Pray -- PRAY -- for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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