Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Evil And Wicked Sickness Of Males "Becoming" "Females," And Females "Becoming" "Males"...

  If you are convinced that males and females who want to become what they aren't, and have sold their minds and souls to the diabolical spirit of the age, then please read some of the following articles, then pray for these poor souls that they come back, at least, to the Natural Law, and accept the way God made them...

Also, please know -- and pray -- that those politicians who push this anti-life, anti-nature scheme to destroy the bodies and souls of the young, be converted back to reality -- and God almighty before they leave this earth...

It is also important to realize that this demonic agenda being pushed on a gullible American populace is not limited to radical Leftists, but also by supposed Republicans afraid of their own shadow and the fear of being ostracized if they oppose such deadly nonsense.  So, they compromise and appease in order to show they are all for "diversity," "inclusion," and offer a "big tent" -- for votes!   

Cowards!  Traitors!

There are literally hundreds of articles that I can post here, but what I have posted is enough to make one sick to one's stomach, and, at the same time, acknowledge the evil and wickedness of a fallen human nature.  In fact, when I did my search -- on one website! -- I came up with over 4,300 articles!...

Biden admin allows ‘transgender’ male convicts to be housed with women in federal prisons

Biden’s new prison rules, which also require guards to use transgender pronouns, come amid several reports of men raping female inmates in liberal states.

DeVos meets with gay and transgender activists. Now pro-family groups want equal time

The Education Secretary reached out to LGBTQ organizations after the reversal of the Obama school transgender mandate.

Florida Republicans divided on bill to ban sterilizing transgender surgeries for kids

Florida has at least two active ‘transgender clinics’ for minors.

Coach: Allowing ‘transgender’ males on female teams will ‘destroy sports’

[…] seeking to educate people on the roots of transgenderism, but also, as Blade tells me, to “encourage our sport leadership all over the world from the top down to the community level to reconsider a policy that’s going to destroy sports.” Kay, a columnist for The National Post, describes how transgender ideology has alarmingly grown so much, even so far as to reach the ears of children. She says that the media, education world, and governments have been pushing “an indoctrination program” rooted in Marxism. Blade states that radical LGBT activists pushing transgenderism are not themselves gender-confused but are “actually Marxists […]

University of Minnesota mulls expelling students for not using transgender pronouns

[…] or her “preferred” pronouns could become a fireable or expulsion-worthy offense at the University of Minnesota, according to proposed guidelines currently under consideration. The administrative policy document, titled “Equity and Access: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Names and Pronouns,” claims that individuals’ understanding of their own gender “may include female, male, transgender, genderqueer, genderfluid, gender nonconforming, Two Spirit, intersex, nonbinary, and many others.” It further claims that gender identity “cannot be observed” and “may shift over time,” and that “the only way a person can know an individual’s gender identity is when they tell you.” In fact, sex is rooted in […]

Largest transgender survey ever in U.S. reveals high rates of sexual assault, suicide, HIV, prostitution

The National Center for Transgender Equality's study points to a number of troubling trends resulting from this lifestyle.

Arizona Senate votes to ban transgender surgeries for kids amid international reckoning

Republican state Sen. Tyler Pace killed an earlier version that would have also banned transgender drugs for kids.

Indiana House votes to ban males who identify as ‘transgender’ from girls’ sports

Republicans in over a dozen states have already filed bills this year to prohibit attempts to redefine biological sex and to protect kids from transgender drugs and surgeries.

Transgender movement is experimenting on children…the results are horrifying

Children have become the guinea pigs in transgender experiments as many pretend that for the first time in recorded human history, thousands upon thousands of children are born into the wrong bodies.

Judge orders military to accept ‘transgender’ recruits, defying Trump

The military must accept transgender recruits beginning on January 1, 2018.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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