Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Will Predominantly Catholic Poland Be Coerced Or Tricked Into Getting Into The Russian-Ukraine War? The Globalists And Fake News Are "Praying" For Such A Deadly Scenario!

 Our Lady of Fatima, Please, Please, Please pray and intercede for us!!!

The globalists want Catholic Poland to become the newest pawn in their attempt to poke the Russian Bear with a sharp stick, potentially setting off a chain of events that may lead to a nuclear conflagration not seen since the beginning of human history.

There was a "glimpse", however, when the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945.  Ever since then, the world has been inching toward another nuclear exchange, but this time the bombs, missiles and rockets will not be limited to one country; the entire world could become uninhabitable with the living envying the dead...

See this article from "The Good Citizen" here: Poland Is Playing A Dangerous Game - The Good Citizen (substack.com)

Will Poland fall for this diabolical coercion?  Will they be tricked into a deadly involvement with no way out?  Will they have the will to resist the demonic forces unleashed and emboldened by the enemies of Christ and the human race??

What the God-fearing are currently witnessing, especially in our country, are those fools more than willing to create a new one-world-order, Masonic type religion, made in the image and likeness of man, devoid of dogma and moral absolutes, regardless of the cost to accomplish that end.  To them, the end always justifies the means...

I said that the demonic forces are emboldened, by what exactly?

There are many factors... Could one of those factors be that these wicked and evil lunatics have an ally in the current bishop of Rome, Bergoglio??

If there are those who think I'm being too harsh, too critical of Bergoglio, simply see and hear his actions and words since his ascent to the Chair of St. Peter in 2013, and judge for yourself...

His cozying up to those anti-Christ forces is nothing short of treason -- treason to the Church, to the faithful, and, most importantly to Christ Himself... Am I wrong?  Is there something else going on here that I don't know about?  Is his attack on Tradition justified for some unexplained reason??

But what I do know, instead of being a moral and spiritual beacon that the Church once was, that beacon, for all practical purposes has been severely dulled to the point of being almost completely extinguished.  Think of it this way, if the lighthouse no longer shines her light out to sea, then ships will almost surely face a fatal shipwreck, or at least find it difficult to navigate to the inner harbor of safety and security...

We must all pray for the conversion of Bergoglio back to the Catholic faith...


In conjunction with what is happening in the Ukraine, and the potential involvement of Poland, I have embedded the following video tying in Poland, Ukraine, Fatima, and the (little known??) apparitions that occurred in Poland -- and the Ukraine!   

(4304) Explaining the Faith - Ukraine, Russia, Fatima: What Is Heaven Telling Us? - YouTube.

Pray for strength and honor!  And for peace!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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