Friday, February 25, 2022

Traitors And War -- And Fatima...

  Treason can lead to war.

Well, it finally happened: the design of the warmongering traitors has been put in motion and the neo-libs and the neo-cons are jumping for joy...

So, what country is being sacrificed this time?  Ukraine.

Where it will end no one knows, but Putin has strongly indicated that if NATO and or the U.S. dares to enter the war and come to Ukraine's defense, there just might be a nuclear exchange.  If that happens, the domino effect could very well spell the end of mankind as we know it.

That is not hyperbole, but a shot of reality that a dumbed down American populace just can't seem to grasp, or don't want to grasp, so long as they have a full tank of gas and twelve-pack of Bud, they're all set for the weekend, and that's what really matters, right?

The problem is, it might turn out that the living will envy the dead, that is, once the nukes start flying...

Can such a conflagration actually happen -- to us?  


You see, when it comes to nuclear weapons, once a missile is launched, it cannot be called back.  It is set in stone to aim for a specific target, and barring any interception, it will most likely reach that target...


Over one-hundred-years ago, 1917 to be exact, the Mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, appeared to three peasant children and nearly 60,000 believers and non-believers alike in Fatima, Portugal.

Her message was "simple" -- she demanded that Russia be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, otherwise, Russia would continue to spread her errors.  (I put the word simple in air quotes, because that consecration -- specifically naming Russia, was never done by any of the succeeding popes from that day to this.)

I think it is important to recognize that it is not only Russia spreading her errors, but also the European nations as well as our own beloved country...

It is important to note that She appeared at the tail end of World War I; she warned that if the consecration of Russia was not done, there would be an even greater conflagration -- World War II.  She said that many good men would die, and many nations would be annihilated.  That was before the widespread development of nuclear weapons...

Wars and rumors of wars continue to this very day, as Russia has now invaded the Ukraine, whether justified or not.


In addition to the real possibility of a nuclear holocaust, the fraud in the White House, Biden, cares little for the economic hardships he has fostered on the working class, especially when one has to fill up his gas tank...

The traitors who are holding our country hostage, are Marxist/socialist; they have nearly destroyed our economy and our future, especially the future of our children and grandchildren and saddled us and them with debt; a debt that will be almost impossible to pay down.

And guess who holds much of our debt?  Communist Red China headed by that brutal dictator, Xi.  How can we threaten the Reds, when all they have to do is to call in our treasury bonds?  As it is, we pay hundreds of billions of dollars in interest alone!  

One more question: who do you think holds the majority of our debt?  Would anyone believe me if I told you it was the Federal Reserve?


They create a fiat currency out of thin air -- no gold or silver to back it! --, then we -- you and I -- have to pay them massive interest on money borrowed... What a con game!  But this has been going on since 1913... By the way, the "fed" is not an agency of the federal government; it is a private organization controlling every aspect of our economy through the manipulation of interest rates and the printing of greenbacks, non-stop, twenty-four-hours a day!


 Our "elected" representatives are anti-American rogues doing their dead-level best to enrich their wallets and their buddies in the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about way back in 1961.  The rest is history; a history we are doomed to repeat if we don't return to the good God that made us -- and, if we don't fulfill the second great Commandment: to love our neighbor, whether we like him or not...

Our Lady of Fatima, please pray for us!

Pray for strength and honor, too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun, and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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