Thursday, February 10, 2022

Our Beloved Nation Is Truly Under Attack -- From The Occupiers Of Our Own Government!

 I feel sick to my stomach in writing this, but I, and anyone worth his salt, must tell the truth, especially in an age of relativism and indifferentism, and worse; the betrayal of our country by the very ones that are supposed to direct the ship-of-state to the ultimate goal of any true government, guiding its citizens to the Beatific Vision of our good God...

But sadly, that ultimate goal is not the case at all...

I can prove this with an overabundance of evidence, but suffice to say, that the two articles I will use will make the point should, at least, give pause to reflect on the current state of affairs of those who are running and ruining our nation.

The first article: What the Next American Civil War May Look Like.

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