Friday, February 11, 2022

The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown Down! We Must Recognize And Call Out Heresy When We See And Hear It. We Have No Choice!

  The time for silence and being "nice" is over.

Are we the Church militant, or are we slothful sheep following the Judas goat over the cliff into the abyss of hell? 

If anyone dares to deny the in-your-face heresies being preached "from the housetops" by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his heretical henchmen, then you are part of the monstrous apostacy that has taken over the new-world-order "Catholic" church.

In recent days, it has become painfully apparent that the hierarchy of the novus order church are radically opposed to the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church and want to establish a false church made in the image and likeness of the devil, not our good God!

If anyone needs proof of the diabolical infiltration of what passes for the Catholic church, then look no further... Francis (Bergoglio) has appointed one heretic after another to oversee the so-called synod on synodality, as well as other important positions that are tasked to enforce the Magisterium's teachings.

In reality, these hierarchs are emboldened to preach that those Magisterial teachings need to be changed; to be brought up to the spirit of the age, including, but not limited to sexual morality, or better stated, sexual immorality!

One of the key ramifications of heresy is the loss of souls, in addition to massive scandal and confusion that the heretic espouses, and, in many cases, is believed by the gullible, especially those poorly catechized in their faith...

Watch and listen closely to the following video by Dr. Taylor Marshall and judge for yourself the demonic that you will not be able to deny... Francis appoints a Heretic over Synod on Synodality: Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast - YouTube.

What we are dealing with are anti-Christs, pure and simple... They come in many forms to deceive, scatter and destroy the flock of Jesus...  Sure, it seems that they have the upper hand presently, but in the end our Lady's Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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