Friday, February 4, 2022

"Invincible Ignorance," Culpable Ignorance, Or Planned Evil?

  Never a day goes by without hearing or reading some balderdash emanating from the mouth of the leftist Demonrats, this is especially true of Biden and his cronies who hate America and distort whatever is left of the truth...

I will give just two examples to make my point...  

Here is the first: Biden Tells Members of Congress: ‘I Pray That We Follow What Jesus Taught Us’...

If you can stomach it, here is the entire article from President Biden Tells Members of Congress: ‘I Pray That We Follow What Jesus Taught Us’ | CNSNews.

We cannot fool ourselves into thinking that Biden's "faith" is a true reflection of what our Lord taught while He walked the earth and what He left to the Church, to be the guardian of His deposit of faith consisting of Scripture and Tradition.

Just the opposite is true, as we know that one cannot claim to be Catholic, while at the same time fully supporting the killing of the pre-born as well as embracing another sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, that of homosexuality (sodomy)...

Unfortunately, this poor soul (Biden) is in "good company," as we see the most powerful woman in the country, the Speaker of the House, Pelosi, who, by the way, describes herself as a "devout Catholic," and who also aggressively supports the genocide of the pre-born.

These scandals are allowed by the church -- at least what passes for the Catholic Church -- as if there is some invisible force entering into the intellects of the hierarchy, directing error and evil instead of upholding the perennial teachings of the church they are supposed to represent.  I say "allowed" because true shepherds of the flock would not condone the giving of the Holy Eucharist to those politicians who have the blood of dead babies on their hands.  In fact, if they would do their job, they would publicly ex-communicate these murderers.  But they don't.  They don't even admonish their barbarism.  In essence, they -- the so-called shepherds -- are perpetuating the continuing massacre of our tiny, pre-born brothers and sisters...

Let me be clear: I am talking about the new-world-order (novus ordo) church, with Bergoglio at its head, a church that had long ago sold its soul to the enemies of Christ, and not the traditional Latin Mass communities, growing leaps and bounds, and who uphold the dogmas and doctrines of the Church without compromise...

Of course, stupidity and lying are not restricted to apostate Catholics, not at all, but also to those non-Catholics such as Senator Schumer of New York... Here is one example of deceit as well as race-baiting, a tactic frequently used by this anti-Christ: Fact Check: Chuck Schumer Erases Thurgood Marshall from the History Books.

See if you can stomach this one from Check: Chuck Schumer Erases Thurgood Marshall from the History Books (

CLAIM: Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) said: “Until 1981, this powerful body, the Supreme Court, was all white men.”

VERDICT: FALSE. Justice Thurgood Marshall, a black man, served on the court from 1967 until 1991!

So, why the outright lie?

As I wrote a few sentences ago, he is radical race-baiter in the vein of "Rev." (Al) Sharpton and "Rev." (Jesse) Jackson.  Think about it, all are hardened of heart and radical supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born.  (Especially confusing, is the fact that both "reverends" are black, and the overwhelming majority of the babies killed in the heinous procedure are black!  In fact, in New York City -- that den of iniquity -- upwards of 40-50 percent of all abortions performed are on black babies.)

"Invincible ignorance," culpable ignorance, or planned evil?

I think the answer is obvious: such miscreants plan their evil; it is not happenstance.  It is intended to divide and conquer; to cause dissention among the American populace; between black, white, Asian, Hispanic and any of the other melting-pot races that make up our great country... 

What a demonic crew...

We all have to pray for the conversion of these cold-hearted souls, and pray to for the strength and honor it will take to overcome the evil that men do...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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