Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Three Government Entities Determined To Destroy Our Second Amendment Rights...

 Is this a conspiracy theory?

No, but it is a conspiracy!

Make no mistake, our Second Amendment rights are being viciously attacked on a daily basis.  And, if the Marxists are successful in destroying our ability to defend ourselves, we will all become slaves to the anti-Christ globalist elites... 

This is not an exaggeration or a "tin-foil-hat" statement, but rather a statement of facts that can be borne out by simply reading the history of those nations that disarmed their citizenry, then gradually, and, in some cases, immediately imposed their iron will on a once-free people.

What did that lead to?  

Take a look at the old Soviet Union, or Red China, Nazi Germany, and now, look at Australia, and some European nation-states, such as the UK, who exert enormous pressure denying the rights of their citizens by imposing draconian mandates, eliminating the peoples' choice to make their own medical decisions.  Is this done for the commonweal, or is this done because they can do it, regardless of the cries for redress of grievances and the denial of human rights, guaranteed by the Natural Law?   And once the populace is disarmed, then the skies the limit, in other words, there is no limit to unlawful dictates emanating from the tyrants-in-charge...

But wait!  You say that in those U.S. states still forcing their citizens -- including little children -- to wear face diapers, or getting the filthy, deadly jab, they still have the Second Amendment.  


So then why are they not defending themselves against these tyrants and their illegal, un-Constitutional acts?

Sadly, there are two elements to consider to the "simple" answer...

One, incessant brainwashing by the communist media, and two, manhood, or lack of it... 

So, I ask, when are the men going to rise up?  When are the heads of the families going to rise up?  Why have they let their local, state, and federal government entities push them around and get away with so many infractions of their human rights under the Natural Law?


I am astonished how easily men and women are submitting to these communist control freaks, it's downright scary... 

In the face of all of this, who are the culprits trying to squash our Second Amendment rights?

First and foremost, the White House and the installed puppet, Biden, and under his direction -- or those pulling his strings, then there is the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and, in an indirect way, the so-called Department of Homeland Security (DHS)... 

The ATF is an outdated, radical bureaucracy intent in doing the bidding of the current, fraudulent occupant of the Oval Office.  It seems that the "ground pounders" in the ATF are either powerless to stand up to their bosses and the illegal attacks on law abiding citizens, or are ideologically in tune with their masters and hate -- yes hate -- America and our hard-fought freedoms, freedoms bestowed upon us by our good God, especially our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness enshrined in our Constitution...

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS -- what a misnomer!) headed by another puppet, A. Mayorkas, unable or unwilling to fulfill his duties as stipulated in the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America... This criminal is allowing hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of illegal, (criminal) aliens to enter our southern border with little consequence to him or his agency, but grave consequences to the American public.... 

But he doesn't care, neither does the ATF, and neither does Biden, the thief-in-charge, care about the well-being of the good citizens of his own country but cares more about increasing his wealth by weakening and the selling out of our country to the communist regime in Red China.

They are all traitors!

However, no matter what they carry out against us, they will never succeed, in fact they will fail miserably because, in the long run, good will triumph over evil, and the Satan himself will have his demonic head crushed by the heel of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ, our Lord...  

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion of these miscreants -- and stand fast for the Second Amendment, without which, we will certainly lose whatever is left of our rights and freedoms.  We cannot let that happen...

And pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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