Wednesday, May 31, 2023

"Happy" Memorial Day? Another Barbecue? Some Burgers, Hot Dogs And Potato Salad?

 I don't mean to throw cold water on Memorial Day picnics, or backyard barbecues, but I do think that it is important to at least remember what this special Day is all about.

Maybe some look at it as just another day off from work, surely, there's nothing wrong with that...


Before I go any further, I have to clarify that I don't believe in "my country right or wrong," regardless of the circumstances... That would be obscene! 

However, there are those in our beloved country who feel exactly, "my country right or wrong," and the evidence to prove it is now in the history books as well as the newest, ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine's poking of the powerful Russian Bear could push the world to the brink of a potential nuclear disaster -- with the help of their "friends", NATO, the U.S. and the military industrial complex making tons of blood money with each passing day...

For me, I would have to go back 56 years to "my war": Vietnam and remember the 58,000-plus brothers -- and yes, sisters (nurses) that gave their all as can be seen on The Wall in D.C...

As a former U.S. Air Force Security Police NCO (Staff Sergeant) I recognize and attest to the fact that one-hundred-eleven of my brother police were killed in action (KIA) during that protracted war.

It is also a fact that there were many wars before and after Vietnam and whether those wars were "popular" or not, the fact remains that the G.I.s that fought in those wars should be honored and thanked for their service to our country, and also thanked for those countries and peoples they liberated.

War itself is a punishment for grievous sins committed against God Almighty and the rejection of the social reign of Christ as King of individual souls -- and nations!

In other words, Christ or chaos and until those souls and entire nations recognize their Creator as their true King, nothing will change.

We must recognize the ultimate and horrific sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross for our salvation, and, at the same time recognize the ultimate sacrifice of our troops who purchased our (God-given) freedoms with their very lifeblood.  If we don't, then history will continue to repeat itself until we destroy, not only our country, but also our souls and failed in our quest to answer the basic question: why were we bornTo know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?

  There are ominous signs that the 2024 presidential election may not take place!  Or if it does, it will be a slam dunk for the Demonrats, and Trump, DeSantis, Scott, Taylor Marshall, or anyone else on the right will find themselves out in the cold November air...

Why am I hypothesizing that such a -- potential -- event would or could take place?  

What are some of the ominous signs?

How about a "state of national emergency," or how about another "pandemic," or how about a cyber-attack attributed to Red Communist China and used as a pretext for World War III -- and an end to mankind as we know it?

Or, how about the fact that some of our major law enforcement agencies -- DOJ, FBI, DHS, etc. -- are so corrupt and biased that even if the enemies of America are staring these traitors right in the face, they will either ignore those facts, or dismiss them as right-wing conspiracy theories from the tin-foil-hat "nut jobs"?

Come to think of it, those agencies I just mentioned are the enemies of the American electorate!

Some recent movements give credulity to my claim that the 2024 election may not take place, or be so purposely mismanaged, that the Republican candidate, no matter how strong a showing, wouldn't stand a snow-ball's chance in hell of winning the Oval Office... 

Here are a couple of stories that insinuate that sinister forces are at work, that will create "a disruptive event"...

First, see this first short video from  (1641) Get Ready! Senators Given Satellite Phones for “Disruptive Event” That Will Take Out Communications - YouTube.

Is this why at least 50 senators have now been issued satellite phones -- at our expense??

The next story is from thegatewaypundit.comReport Confirms Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a "Disruptive Event" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger.

What is going on here? 

How will this (planned) "disruptive event" manifest itself? 

What about the cell phones of the average American Joe?  Will our phones be knocked out or disrupted to such an extent to render them useless?

One more thing to consider...

Why have so many federal government agencies purchased so many weapons -- including automatic weapons, read: machineguns -- and ammunition over the last couple of years? 

Who are they preparing to fight?  

Pray for strength and honor -- we will shortly need plenty of it!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, May 22, 2023

"...That Whosoever Killeth You Will Think That He Doth A Service To God." (St. John Chapter 15 And 16...)

 Can you imagine?  Someone wanting to kill you or me and they think that doing so is doing God's work??!!  

What kind of lunacy is that??

Where did that notion come from??

Some deranged nut case??

A drunkard??

Not hardly...

Those words as reported by St. John (Chapter 15 and 16, King James Version) are from the very mouth of our Lord!  

He was warning the Apostles that the time would come when ..."They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doth a service to God.  And these things will they do to you, because they have not known the Father, nor Me. ..." 

What all this boils down to, is that the enemies of truth surround us, and anyone who dares to point out the truth to those in the grip of the evil one, are immediately castigated and condemned as "judgmental" or much worse, all the way up to having our lives snuffed out, as Christ pointed out to His Disciples.

How many are ready for this??

This is not tin-foil hat stuff, not a conspiracy, but a truth revealed by our Savior for the sake of His Elect and what they (we) might -- or will face -- in the very near future, that is, if things continue to evolve as we see happening on a daily basis, not only in our own country, but also in the world at large...

Most, however, are being distracted by all the inconsequential things to take our minds off the four last things: death, judgment, Heaven or hell?

The secular humanists are very adept at distraction!  

The fact remains -- the truth, that is -- is that we will all face the Justice of our good God at our Particular Judgment -- but He wants us to spend eternity with Him, not against Him.  

When you come right down to it, it's our choice to love God and love our neighbor.  There really is no other alternative...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, May 19, 2023

A "Perfect" Example Of Christ Or Chaos (And The Rejection Of The Natural Law).

 I'll keep this one short...

Please watch and listen to the following short video (about three-and-a-half minutes) and you will see for yourself why the title of my article is apropos. 

(1553) Cardona Asked By Houchin If Women Athletes Undressing In Front Of Lia Thomas Is 'Sexual Harassment' - YouTube.

Let me say that the majority of Biden's cabinet secretaries are apostate "Catholics," and, because of their apostacy, they almost automatically reject, not only their precious Catholic faith, but also, as a consequence of that rejection, the Natural Law -- and God-given common sense.  

The rejection of the former damns their souls and the rejection of the latter makes them look like fools in the eyes of anyone with a grain of grey matter still left in their brains...

So, in closing, we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears those traitors (Biden's handlers) who are occupying the Oval Office and the obvious chain reaction of evil and wickedness of the males and females serving their master, Biden...

We must all pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these servants of Satan and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Absolute Obedience To The Pope In All Things? No! But Absolute Obedience To Christ In All Things!

 When you come right down to it, it's really simple to follow; we obey all licit directives from the Pope when it concerns faith and morals.  Why?  Because he is the teacher and pastor of all Christians.

But!  When a pope -- or any clergy for that matter -- strays off the beaten path, then we don't have to obey that which is contrary to the Deposit of Faith -- especially when it comes to the Natural Law and God-given common sense.

Unfortunately, since Bergoglio ascended the throne of St. Peter in 2013, it has become a real chore to sift through his errors, heresies and scandals to see what we must obey and what not to obey...

Of course, we must resist Bergoglio to the face -- as St. Paul did to St. Peter because of the scandal he caused concerning the new converts to Christianity!

Let me be clear, it is not easy for any practicing Catholic to have to take sides, if you will, when it comes to obeying or not obeying the supreme pontiff because of his errant actions and/or words.  It seems almost un-Catholic to do so.  

But resistance must be undertaken, not only for the sake of our souls, but also for the sake of the pope himself -- to correct and admonish him for the sake of his soul! 

We should do no less.  In reality, our Lord has commanded us to pray for our enemies, and if the pope is now an enemy, as it appears he is, then we must pray for his conversion, but not for his evil or wicked intentions that are contrary to the Catholic faith...

Having said that, where are the "good" bishops and cardinals to lend support to faithful Catholics?  Why haven't we heard more, or at least something from those whom we respect for their supposed orthodoxy in following the Church's teaching on faith, morals and the Natural Law? 

Why aren't they resisting Bergoglio -- to the face?  

I can count on one hand, the number of bishops who have spoken up about the errors and scandals of Bergoglio, but much more must be done to help the faithful in the pews as well as the Pope to get back on track, lest he slip into the infernal abyss... 

Please watch the following, short video from

Fr. Altman BLASTS Church leadership for abandoning faithful Catholics (

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Francis Is ‘Destroying The foundations Of Faith And Morals’...

 Is the title of my article an attack on Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome?

Will someone say that I'm showing disrespect for the Vicar of Christ (a title that Bergoglio has rejected!)? 

And does my title also indicate that I feel that he, Bergoglio, is an anti-pope serving the father of lies and death, Satan, rather than Christ, his true Master?

I will answer those questions by showing that many prominent, well educated in the affairs and teachings of the Magisterium, are recognizing the debacle of the current pontificate since 2013 when Bergoglio (Francis) ascended to the throne of St. Peter -- the Rock upon which Christ our Lord established and built His Church...

It is also apparent that the extreme crises that prevails in the novus ordo church is, without a doubt, the worst since the Arian heresy of the Fourth and early Fifth Centuries.

And why is it that the "good" bishops and cardinals have taken little action to correct such an errant pope?  

One possible answer might be the fact that Bergoglio has appointed -- and promoted -- a majority of the current college of cardinals!  So, who is going to bite the hand that feeds them?  A quid pro quo situation, no doubt...

Remember too, that several years ago -- it has been about four or five years now -- four faithful cardinals of the church, including Cardinal Burke, wrote a Dubia and sent it to Bergoglio seeking clarification of his writings and statements that contradicted perennial church teachings of the last 2,000 years. 

That Dubia was never answered -- there was dead silence from Bergoglio.  

It should be noted that two of those four cardinals have gone to their Particular Judgment -- and, I hope, their reward... Perhaps now they know the answers of their once-dire concerns while they were on earth?

It should also be noted that the Pope is supposed to be the custodian and protector of the Deposit of Faith, not an innovator.  But the words and actions of Bergoglio prove just the opposite.  Hence, the errors, heresies and scandals of the past ten years of Bergoglio's reign have confused those less educated in matters of faith and morals and led those potential converts to abandon their intention to enter the church.   (This is in addition to the continuing mass exodus of novus ordo Catholics who have left the church from the timeframe of the revolution of the late 1960s to the present day.)

What I have written so far is not just my opinion... The following article digs into the real problems and concerns of faithful Catholics who love the Church and the Papacy -- as I do. (That is why I pray for the conversion of Francis, but not for any of his evil and wicked intentions that undermine the true Catholic Church.) 

From an article by renowned Catholic Professor, Dr. Josef Seifert, rebuking the cardinals of the church...

Renowned Catholic philosopher warns Pope Francis is 'destroying the foundations of faith and morals' - LifeSite (

Here is an excerpt from the article: "The Austrian professor specifically criticized the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” often referred to as the Abu Dhabi document, which Francis signed together with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar. The document states that “[t]he pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.”

Some may find this difficult reading, but the truth shall set us free!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

One Tiny Victory Amid A Massive War Against The Catholic Faith...

  Yesterday, I posted this: The Federal Government Is The Enemy Of The People. Their Hate And Bigotry Are Especially Directed At Catholics, More Specifically, Traditional Latin Rite Catholics...

Imbedded in my article was this story from detailing the efforts of the Biden regime to force a Catholic hospital (St. Francis, in Oklahoma) to snuff out a sanctuary candle that had been burning for decades, posing no threat of fire or other safety concerns, yet the current regime was, again, showing their hate for the Blessed Sacrament and real, practicing Catholics: Biden admin orders Catholic hospital to snuff out sanctuary candle or lose all federal funding - LifeSite (

In a follow-up article from, the federal monstrosity under Biden and his handlers, relented and backed down from their illicit demand to extinguish that sanctuary candle... See the article here: Biden admin backs down on trying to force Catholic hospital to extinguish sanctuary candle - LifeSite (

Here is the second paragraph of that article: "Earlier today, vice president and senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Lori Windham announced that “the government has seen the light and has abandoned its attempt to force an Oklahoma hospital to blow out a small candle or stop serving elderly, disabled, and low-income patients.” 

This is, of course, a good development!  However, I wouldn't start celebrating anytime soon, as the followers of Satan -- the father of lies and death -- will never stop their war against the angelic powers -- and God Himself!  

How can this be, especially when this war being waged is composed of those "chosen people" -- Catholics?  

The answer is almost too simple: those "Catholics" have apostatized from their precious faith and, for all practical purposes, have renounced their Baptismal vows to reject Satan and his minions in favor of power and position in this life, and to hell with the consequences they will face in the next, that's how...

So, one tiny victory amid a massive war against the Catholic faith...

Always pray for the conversion of the current godless regime occupying the Oval Office, and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, May 5, 2023

The Federal Government Is The Enemy Of The People. Their Hate And Bigotry Are Especially Directed At Catholics, More Specifically, Traditional Latin Rite Catholics...

  I can only imagine that the Founding Fathers of our nation must be spinning in their graves!

If they could speak to us today, would they admit that the great American experiment has failed, or at least is in its death throes? 

The central federal government has become a living, breathing, multi-tentacled monster whose thirst for control and dominance over its citizenry simply cannot be satisfied until all submit to the illegal, immoral, un-natural dictates of the Biden regime and their hirelings...

The disregard for the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth and Tenth Amendments to the Bill of Rights as enumerated in the Constitution is absolutely stunning!  

Chief among all the amendments under attack is the Second: the right of the people to keep and bear arms...

This Amendment is hated and despised by the Marxists in control of the Oval Office as well as the various cabinet secretaries, most of whom, I might add, are apostate Catholics, as is Biden -- the self-professed "devout Catholic." 

Why?  Because these oppressors know that an armed citizen can -- and will -- fight to defend life, family, property -- and their right to worship our good God, that's why.

But the question begs: why are practicing, traditionally oriented Catholics being singled out for persecution?

And that's what it is: persecution!

Could it be that they know that that element of society will never deny Christ, our Lord, and will fight, to the end, their rights guaranteed under the First Amendment -- and the Natural Law, no matter what?   The treasonous regime knows that those faithful to our Lord are the last stumbling block in their efforts to turn our nation into another Communist dictatorship run by an oligarchy of Christ-haters...

If anyone thinks that what I have written here is all hyperbole, think again...

I'll now provide an example of the hate and bigotry -- and threats -- directed at Catholic institutions, including, but not limited to, hospitals that, unfortunately, accept federal funding...

Here is an article from that illustrates the lunacy of the hard left now in control of our government...

Biden admin orders Catholic hospital to snuff out sanctuary candle or lose all federal funding - LifeSite (

Here is the second paragraph of that article: "The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) demanded that Saint Francis Health System in Oklahoma extinguish two candles – a small sanctuary candle that has burned since 1960 and another that has burned without problem for 15 years at another Saint Francis hospital."

(The CMS is under the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  That entity is run by a character by the name of Xavier Becerra, an apostate Catholic and radical supporter of abortion and other perversities, such as endorsing the sodomite agenda.  Keep in mind too, that the abortion "industry" had a "banner year" in the continued killing and slaughter of the pre-born in 2022!  See my article here: The Number Of Pre-Born Babies Slaughtered In Abortion Increased In 2022! Planned Parenthood ALONE Killed 374,155 Babies! The U.S. Total: 930,160 Murders!  And you thought that the overturning of Roe would bring an abrupt end to this massacre?  Far from it...)

It has recently come to light that the rogue "Department of Justice," with the corrupt FBI leading the way, has been spying and infiltrating Catholic Masses and dioceses to get snitches and traitors to inform on their traditional Catholic neighbors -- for what sinister purposes, exactly?

Is it to lump us together with those concerned parents at school board meetings who are labeled potential "domestic terrorists" because of some non-existent radical ideology, at least as it is seen from the point of view of a malignant, anti-American federal bureaucracy?   

Is that what this is all about: Americans who love their country and are God-fearing, being the number one "threat" to peace and security to our homeland?  While, at the same time, these federal miscreants are allowing real predators and terror cells to enter our country by the hundreds of thousands -- and millions! -- without being properly vetted at our porous, southern border?

I can only classify such malfeasance -- or should I say design? -- as treason! 

Treasure and exercise your Second Amendment!

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...