Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tom Schimp, A Good Catholic And My Friend, R.I.P....

  Early yesterday morning (the 28th), my friend -- and artist! -- Tom Schimp passed away.  

He received the Holy Viaticum as well as the Apostolic Blessing!  

What a holy way to die!  May we all be so fortunate!

He now joins his wife, Vickie, who passed away several years ago...

Tom was a talented artist in his own right, in fact, he made this painting for me knowing that I was a Vietnam veteran...

(To see a larger image, click on the photo.)

(The Unknown Soldier While He Yet Lives, Vietnam 1967-68.)

Mr. Tom suffered much toward the end of his life on earth but wearing the Brown Scapular and having received our Lord the night before his death, I think we can be confident that he will enter the Heavenly Beatitude in short order!

R.I.P., Tom...

Please pray for Tom... And for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Wildly Corrupt, Incoherent Apostate "Catholic," Biden, Agrees To Steal More Taxpayer's Money For? CLIMATE REPARATIONS TO THIRD-WORLD HELLHOLES!

  Did that headline sufficiently sink in??

The American public are suckers!

Why is this Marxist still in office?

Let me explain something...

Biden has gotten away with murder, literally!

He is the champion, the leader, in the slaughter of pre-born babies as well as supporting the sodomites to such an extent, that he will soon sign a bill to make sodomite "marriage" forever imbedded(?) in federal "law"... (Notice I put the word law in quotes because any law that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void, regardless of how official it may sound or be.  Simply read what the great Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine, as well as St. Thomas Acquinas have to say regarding the tenets of what constitutes a just law and what constitutes an unjust law.  The former should be obeyed, but the latter is not to be obeyed regardless of the consequences!) 

See this article from cnsnews.com...

Biden Agrees to Pay Climate Reparations, But World's Biggest Polluter, China, Won't Have to Pay | CNSNews.

Just a couple of things about this lunacy: First, the fiat dollar keeps flying off the government presses, further reducing its purchasing power, and two, Biden (and all "presidents" for that matter) are free and easy with our money!  One last thing concerning this stupidity: under these reparations, a good portion, if not all, of those monies will be going directly into the pockets of the corrupt war/drug lords who continue to run their countries into the ground, further exacerbating the miserable conditions their oppressed citizens live under... 

Now ask yourself: why is Biden and other self-described "devout Catholics" getting away with this madness?  Why are they still sacrilegiously receiving the Holy Eucharist?  And why is this important on how they live their lives, whether in the public or private sector? 

These apostate "Catholics" are getting away with these mortal sins because of a weak -- and complicit -- novus ordo hierarchy who refuse to ex-communicate these bad actors.  Why?  Because many of them are in the hip pocket of the Demonrat party as well as these imposters being sodomites (and communists?) themselves.  A proven fact, not an opinion! 

It's the old adage: as the church goes, so goes society... We are seeing that in spades, aren't we...

Climate reparations, yeah, right...

We get what we deserve for our spiritual sloth and our failure to give to God the things that are God's... Right now, it seems that Caesar is in complete control of secular realm as well as corrupt, apostate Rome... 

God, please have mercy on us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Old "Stone Age" -- "Rigid" -- Catholicism Versus Modernist, Liberal, Freemasonic, Sodomite, Traitors Of The Novus Ordo, New Age "Catholic" "Church" -- And Let Us Not Forget The COMMUNISTS!...

  Which would you choose?

This is really a no-brainer for any Catholic with a rightly formed conscience...

Before I go any further, I would like to post some of the canons that pertain to the responsibilities, duties and rights of the faithful... (I will put emphasis where I feel it is necessary to highlight pertinent sections.) 

Can. 212 §1 Christ’s faithful, conscious of their own responsibility, are bound to show Christian obedience to what the sacred Pastors, who represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith and prescribe as rulers of the Church.

[But not a false obedience; that is a vice, not a virtue.]

§2 Christ’s faithful are at liberty to make known their needs, especially their spiritual needs, and their wishes to the Pastors of the Church.

§3 They have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ’s faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors and take into account both the common good and the dignity of individuals.

Can. 213 Christ’s faithful have the right to be assisted by their Pastors from the spiritual riches of the Church, especially by the word of God and the sacraments.

Can. 214 Christ’s faithful have the right to worship God according to the provisions of their own rite approved by the lawful Pastors of the Church; they also have the right to follow their own form of spiritual life, provided it is in accord with Church teaching.

And here is the all-important canon 211:

Can. 211 All Christ’s faithful have the obligation and the right to strive so that the divine message of salvation may more and more reach all people of all times and all places.

If we look at the gist of what these canons provide, it shows that the lay faithful -- and the hierarchy -- have the job of fulfilling the primary role and purpose of the Church: the spreading of the Faith for the salvation of souls!  

That also means making known some of the "hard sayings" of the Faith, such as the dogma that outside the Church there is no salvation!   

Look what happened when Our Lord told His disciples that they had to eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have (spiritual) life in their souls... Chapter Six of St. John tells the whole story... 

How many "Catholics" have walked away over the last 60 years or so???

The figure is in the millions -- in the millions!

Why is that?  What has happened?

If the shepherds were doing their job of guiding the flock to Christ, then this would not have happened.  The "great" apostacy would not have happened.  The protestantized liturgy would not have happened, that is, the novus ordo concoction devised by a so-called Archbishop by the name of Bugnini and promulgated by a very weak Pope Paul VI...  

What has happened is that there has been a massive infiltration of some very bad actors of the demonic nature, working for the father of lies, Satan.  This is not my opinion, but a proven fact.

What Archbishop Sheen warned us about has come to fruition in spades!  There is a false church that mimics the Catholic Church, but it is not Catholic in any way, shape or form.  It is devoid of the sublime, spiritual goodness and truth that Our Lord proclaimed to those who would listen, but He didn't force His teachings and commandments on anyone, lest they lose their ability to use their God-given free will... 

Our Lord cautioned us to know them by their fruits, and the fruits of the current cabal occupying Rome come from a poison tree...

I leave the reader with this question: can a communist validly receive the sacrament of Holy Orders and become a Catholic priest??

The answer should be obvious...

We are now living through at least the third and fourth generation of communists wearing the Roman collar... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pure Planned Evil To Depopulate The Earth: Young, "Healthy" People Continue To Die Suddenly...

  Have you heard?

Young, "healthy" people are dropping dead on the playing field, in their sleep or at their jobs...

Cause of death: UNKNOWN CAUSE

That is the new category of those who die unexpectedly.  

It's not just athletes -- which should tell you something right off the bat -- but also young doctors, nurses, students, professionals, including news broadcasters dying right on camera... the list goes on and on...

If anyone thinks that this is not planned, you are sadly mistaken!

Why is this happening??

If we go back about a year-and-a-half, you can figure it out for yourselves.  If you can't, then I will tell you: it was -- and is -- the rushed -- "at warp speed"! -- so-called vaccine quickly developed to combat, what some have labeled, covid-19.  

In reality, the "vaccine" does not protect anyone from getting infected from anything, let alone some "virus" that's been around since dirt, but is now labeled "covid-19", instead, has caused millions of folks to become debilitated and hundreds of thousands to die.  

The figures for America are frightening enough, but if you look at the statistics for the world, you will see that the plan to eliminate billions of humans from the earth is well under way.  

It has been estimated that somewhere between three and five billion people have received at least one jab, some two, as well as getting at least one "booster" shot... 

If the above figures are anywhere near true, then planet earth is in dire need of accepting Christ's sacrifice on the Cross before it is too late.  If those affected continue to resist His selfless grace, then His JUSTICE will prevail, and it isn't going to be pretty!  Many nations will be annihilated -- and not necessarily from a nuclear war, but from the ongoing plan from the demonic haters of life -- and Christ -- by sticking the arms of our little ones, yes, our little ones, with the filthy jab!

Let's face it, John Q. Public has been completely brainwashed into thinking -- and believing -- that their unelected "authorities," i.e., your family doctor or other healthcare practitioners at the local, state and especially at the federal level, know what they are talking about and know what's best for you and me, and have so convinced people that if they don't get the "vaccine", and wear a face diaper, they will get sick and die. 

I would urge everyone to watch the following video at World Premiere: Died Suddenly – Stew Peters.

I must warn those who may be faint of heart that what you are about to see and hear may be a bit too much to bear, but the truth shall set you free!

(If the above link does not work, please go to www.stewpeters.com and try some other links and videos on his website related to those who have died suddenly.)

It is also apparent that those who have evil in their hearts have become so emboldened that they no longer try to hide their diabolical intention to reduce the population of the earth to less than one billion!

We are dealing with those demons who willingly work for the father of lies, Satan.  They must be defeated at all costs!  If we have received the sacrament of Confirmation, then we have been confirmed and enlisted in the army as loyal soldiers of Christ.  It is time to put our Confirmation to into action and fight for our families, our country and, most importantly, our good God! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 22, 1963: (Catholic) President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated In Dallas, Texas...

 In 1959, three "rock'n roll" era performers were killed in a small plane crash in bad weather in Iowa: Richie Valens, Buddy Holly and the "Big Bopper," Jiles Perry "J.P." Richardson Jr.  There were no survivors... 

In 1971, the musician, Don McLean, sang the hit song: American Pie... In the song, the words: "the day the music died", referred to the deaths of those above listed rockers.  

Approximately four years later, on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was killed on the streets of Dallas, Texas, in a massive plot, involving numerous bad actors...  His untimely death shocked not only U.S., but also the world's populace...

Was that the day America died?

Literally tons of books and articles have been written with numerous conspiracy theories that have persisted over the last 59 years.  

One thing is for certain: Lee Harvey Oswald was a scapegoat.  Did he fire the shots the killed Kennedy and wound Gov. Connally?  In my opinion, it is very doubtful...

And his assassination was way too convenient: dead men tell no tales...

The corrupt, Johnson, took the reins of government during the tumult of the mid- and late-sixties.  And though he won the presidency in 1964, he did not run for re-election in 1968, thank goodness...

President Kennedy was a Catholic -- the first to be elected to the presidency.  However, he wasn't the first to be nominated for that high office...

"Al Smith, Governor of New York, was a candidate for President of the United States in the 1928 election. His run was notable in that he was the first Catholic nominee of a major party, he opposed Prohibition, and he enjoyed broad appeal among women, who had won the right of suffrage in 1920."

Whatever anyone might think of Kennedy's morals, or lack thereof, he was the President of the United States, his life was cut short by evil forces that -- to this day -- abound, maybe even more so, considering what is presently occupying the White House along with his cabal of treasonous rats...

I have a question: will any of the mainstream media -- or even the "alternative media" -- write about or even remember the killing of Kennedy?  Or will it be just another day of reporting on stolen elections and drag queen story hour at your local library???

As a Catholic, I wonder if anyone still prays for the soul of President Kennedy???

My wife and I will include him in our Rosary tonight, that's the least we can do -- commemorating the day America died...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Reflection On Veteran's Day: Letters From Vietnam...

  Back in 2006, there was a movie entitled: Letters From Iwo Jima, directed and co-produced by the actor Clint Eastwood.

Here is a short synopsis from Wikipedia: "The film portrays the Battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of the Japanese soldiers and is a companion piece to Eastwood's Flags of Our Fathers, which depicts the same battle from the American viewpoint; the two films were shot back to back."

It would be an understatement for me to say that the movie was tough to watch as any realistic war movie should be.  War is truly hell on earth, and is a punishment for the grievous sins committed by a fallen mankind and is devoid of the second great Commandment: to Love Thy Neighbor... 

As most know, the majority of the Japanese soldiers died in battle, many committed suicide, and some were taken as POWs by the Marines, who themselves suffered tremendous casualties, with nearly 7,000 dead and wounded in the five-week battle...

As you can see, I titled my article: A Reflection On Veteran's Day: Letters From Vietnam...

I can speak from personal experience of just how important it was to get letters from home ("the world").  Also important was sending letters from Vietnam to the folks waiting and praying for their sons, fathers, uncles, cousins, friends, etc., to know that they were "all right." 

It played on my mind if I didn't get a letter from home for a couple of weeks or more.  Sure, it took time for a letter to get home and just as much time, or more, for a letter to reach me, so everything depended on how often someone would take the time to sit down and write, it was as simple as that.   In some cases, a G.I. might get a letter every day from his wife, fiancé, girlfriend; that's right, every day!  And some, much less frequently.  And there were cases where the G.I. would get a heartbreaking letter -- known as a "Dear John" letter -- which indicated that a relationship was over, done, kaput.  Regardless of the circumstances, in my mind, it was a heartless thing to do to a G.I. in a war zone... On the flip side, there were G.I.s who did the dirty thing to their lady love back in the States.  When the cat's away, the mice will play, but that shouldn't be the case. 

Actually, it is quite amazing how the system for sending and receiving mail was so efficient considering my letters had to travel 12,000 miles via air and ground!  Plus, there was even an opportunity to make a phone call using the MARS station operated by HAM radio geeks who communicated with other HAM-based specialists in the U.S. who would then run a "phone patch" to the home number.  Everything would occur on a first come, first serve basis, and since the chances of getting into the MARS station were slim, I decided to depend on the written word...

What follows are fictional letters written by my brothers-in-arms as well as a letter that I wrote (I can only vaguely remember what I probably did say in such a letter).

As a caveat, I will say that one of the letters that I will present could not be finished because the writer was killed (KIA).  The severely wounded (WIA) could not correspond for weeks or months or never.  In those cases, the families of those KIA or wounded, would be notified by either the military authorities or the Red Cross back home.  So very, very sad...

I will also indicate by brackets what really happened but did not put those incidents in the respective letters in order to spare the already anxious and nervous folks back home additional anxiety.  And there was plenty to see and hear on the infamous "6 o'clock news," especially when the liar and traitor Walter Cronkite shot off his big mouth every day of the week...

As a side note, I will tell you that I have forgiven Cronkite as I did Jane Fonda for supporting the North Vietnamese Army propaganda arm of the Communists.  It took 50 years -- 50 years! -- to forgive those traitors, but I finally did forgive them...

I do remember hearing about my cousin, now an elderly DDS, who, at the time of my Vietnam tour, was a Captain in the reserves, but never served overseas, decided to mention the battles and deaths of G.I.s while my folks were present.  I heard that he realized his stupid error and apologized for his major goof... My parents, as you can imagine, didn't need nor want to hear the gory details of the ongoing war in Southeast Asia with their son in harm's way...

I will now present three letters: one from me (Sergeant of Air Force Security Police.  Note, I didn't make Staff Sergeant until I was transferred from Tuy Hoa to spend the second half of my tour in Cam Ranh Bay), one from an Army soldier and one from a Marine...

Note also that my job was much different than the Army or Marines out in the field, as my task was to defend the perimeter of the two air bases that I was assigned to during my one-year tour of duty...

Here is my first letter to my folks back home in New Jersey, just before I turned 21-years-old...

... December 16, 1967

Dear Mom and Dad,

I arrived in-country -- at Cam Ranh Bay -- the other day and everything is okay.  I flew from Cam Ranh Bay via a big C-130 troop carrier and arrived at about 10:30 pm at Tuy Hoa.  The tarmac was incredibly noisy and smelly from the engines and exhaust of the planes and maintenance equipment.

[When I disembarked from the C-130, the first thing I saw were bright, glowing tracer rounds being fired from 50-caliber heavy machine guns from the Army base several miles to our south.  I watched those tracers travel over 1,000 yards and ricochet off the rocks and boulders.  The idea was to harass the VC as they traveled at night along well-established trails...  I asked myself: what did I get myself into?????  This was the real war, and I was now part of it, for better or worse!]

Over the last several days, I was given extra weapons training along with some of the other police before they assigned us to the day or night flight.  As it turned out, I got the night flight duty and that's okay with me...

I'm starting to get settled in now; I have my barracks assignment, and, most importantly, I know where the chow hall is!!  Food isn't too bad, but it's not your great cooking!  When the cooks serve liver and onions, most of the guys pass it by, but I take as much as I want!  The eggs are powdered, but I don't mind that... I cover it with black pepper and salt as you know I always do...

So far all is quiet...

While on duty, I keep my eyes and ears open, especially during the wee hours of the night and wait for daybreak.  Every so often the supervisor brings coffee around, but it's only lukewarm by the time it gets to me, but since I'm not a big coffee drinker, I don't mind...

Here at Tuy Hoa we have pretty modern bathrooms and barracks, not bad considering...

[I didn't tell my folks that surrounding the barracks were plywood walls filled with sand nearly three feet thick to prevent any shrapnel from mortars and rockets from penetrating the walls of the barracks.] 

Here's something that will make you smile... Me and my buddy, Chuck, from California, have been "recruited" by our good Irish priest, Fr. Mohan, to set up the altar and serve Mass!  What timing, as we'll serve the Christmas Mass.  Of course, by the time you get this letter Christmas and New Year's will be over with, but time flies here, and I'll be home for next Christmas -- for sure!

[Actually, time doesn't fly, especially when the stuff hit the fan and enemy activity was all around, as it was during the 1968 Tet Offensive that began in January.  Minutes seemed like hours as the threat of a ground attack was always a present danger... As I saw the Offensive unfold right before my eyes, and the mayhem associated with it, I kept my mouth (my pen) shut, because the leftist media did their usual treasonous propaganda blasting one-sided reports of the battles being fought all throughout the Four Corps areas of Vietnam.]

I'll close for now so I can get this letter in the mail.  [I was never one for really long letters] Hope you and Dad are well, give my regards to Rich [my brother] and say hello to Paul Stewart [my neighbor].  By the way, G.I.s have free air mail! 

Take care and keep praying... Love, your son, Gene. 

As I indicated earlier, what I just wrote was from memory or what I probably wrote.  But you get the idea...

The next letter was from an Army trooper from the 173rd Airborne regiment stationed about three miles south of the Tuy Hoa air base... These guys were either dropped into battle zones or were helicoptered into sometimes "hot LZs" (landing zones taking enemy fire).  I had great respect for these troopers as well as for the 101st Airborne -- the famous Screaming Eagles -- who, by the way, made Tuy Hoa their first homebase back in 1966, about a year-and-a-half before I arrived in Tuy Hoa...

Here is the letter from 19-year-old Corporal James Jackson to his folks back in Atlanta, Ga...

...February 5, 1968

[Note: by this time the 1968 Tet Offensive was in full swing... The enemy was getting their rear-ends kicked back to the stone age, but that's not what was reported by the anti-American Marxist media "news" anchors back in the States.]

Hi Mom and Dad,

I wanted to get a quick letter off to you because I'll be out in the field for a couple of days, maybe even a week or more.  That's all I can tell you right now, you know, for security reasons.  But I have a great bunch of guys I can depend on, so don't worry...

[When the Airborne troops go on a mission out in the field, they can suffer heavy casualties, that is, if they come under fire from snipers, mortars and 122s (rockets) not to mention being outnumbered on some occasions.  James doesn't mention this and for obvious reasons...]

Things have gotten a little dicey around II Corps, as the VC made a move to hit some of the Air Force bases and some of our firebases out in the boondocks.  We were called in to help a South Korean outpost that needed some reinforcement and kick the VC to kingdom come...

[The 1968 Tet Offensive was an all-out attempt by the VC and the NVA (North Vietnamese regular Army) to send a military -- and political -- message to the U.S. and its allies as well as to the folks back home showing the "futility" of the war.  Over time, it worked.  But militarily, the enemy got badly beaten.  Again, this was not reported back in the States, just the opposite.]

I think I forgot to tell you and dad that the air force base just north of us has some of the best food and stuff for sale in their commissary.  Those Air Force guys have it pretty good, but they also have some great pilots that give us ground pounders out in the field much needed strafing to clear out the bad guys.  When I hear those jet fighters overhead, I know we're in good hands.  Our choppers are a big help too, as they bring in supplies and take out the wounded.  I have been told that when a G.I. gets wounded and is taken out of the field by a chopper, his recovery is pretty darn quick.  I take my hat off to those "dust off" chopper pilots... 

[What James didn't write, is that some of those brave jet and helicopter pilots were shot down trying to save the troops on the ground.  Some were killed or wounded outright, and some were taken as POWs, suffered severe torture and depravation with some dying in VC and NVA prisoner of war camps.]

Please tell Maria not to worry and to keep thinking of me... I will try to get a letter off to her in a few days.  My time is pretty limited so I can only write when I'm back at the base...

Love, James...

The last letter is from a Marine: Sergeant Phil McGuire to his parents in Pocatello, Idaho...]   

...February 25, 1968

[At this point in time, the Marine base at Khe Sanh was under siege and remained so for at least 77 days... There were about 5,500-6,000 Marines and allied forces occupying the base that was, in effect, surrounded by an estimated 20,000-30,000 plus NVA and VC troops.  Initially, the only way for supplies to be brought to the besieged base was by Air Force C-130s.  In addition to re-supplying the base, the wounded were also extracted from the combat base via the C-130s, many coming under indirect or direct enemy fire with some planes destroyed and crews, themselves, killed or wounded.  Much has been documented and written about the Marines under siege at Khe Sanh, and here we have 21-year-old Sgt. Phil McGuire's -- unfinished -- letter...]

Dear Mom and Dad,

I will have to keep this one [letter] short, as the VC are kicking up a fuss and keeping us awake at night, with the shelling...

[At this point in time, the Marines were getting almost non-stop shelling from the enemy's artillery, in some cases, only a couple of hundred yards from the wire (perimeter).  Add to this deadly harassment, were periodic attempts at penetrating the Marine perimeter with most of those attempts being crushed and the bad guys suffering heavy loses, but also with Marine casualties as well.]   

Forgive the mud spots on the letter... It has been raining and some mud decided to make its home on my writing pad...

[Life in the trenches was miserable with mud, ankle deep water due to the Monsoons, trash, constant ear-splitting noise from the big guns -- both theirs and the Marine's -- little to no sleep for days on end...]

For the time being, we grunts have mostly C-rations with only an occasional hot meal.   Everyone would try to get the first pick of "turkey and fruit cocktail" being the best, and "ham and lima beans" just about the worst I have ever eaten.  A whole universe away from your wonderful cooking, mom...

[Hot meals were few and far between.  Cs and some coffee once in a while were all that grunts could look forward to.]

I hear that one of those Air Force C-130s are supposed to make an ammo drop and pick up some of our wounded, either today or tomorrow...

I had to stop writing today (the 25th) and I'll pick it up again as soon as I can...

[Later in the day on the 25th, NVA artillery hit the ammo dump on base, exploding every type of ammo, grenades and artillery rounds stored in the "protected" bunker, sending armor piercing shrapnel flying in all directions... Sadly, nearly 10 Marines were either killed or wounded, Sgt. Phil McGuire was among the dead.  He was never able to finish his letter to his mom and dad... His parents would be presented the Purple Heart posthumously as did another 250 parents of Marines and close to 2,000 Purple Hearts were presented to those who survived the siege of Khe Sanh.]     

A Reflection On Veteran's Day: Letters From Vietnam...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




Friday, November 11, 2022

Brian D. Kelly, R.I.P.... (My Own Personal Theologian!)

  On November 9, 2022, my friend -- and my own personal theologian -- Brian D. Kelly, passed away at his home in Fitzwilliam/Richmond, New Hampshire.

Below I post the "Member Advisory" from the Friends of Saint Benedict Center that chronicles Brian's evolution from his youth to his many accomplishments as a Soldier of Christ and devotee of our Lord's dear Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But first, I just want to write about a few of my interactions with Brian over the course of twenty-two, well-spent years, while we (my wife, Kathy, our son and I) attended the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire.

During that time, we learned so much about our precious Faith, especially the dogmas of the Catholic faith that one has to come into the Church -- become a Catholic -- in order to obtain the Heavenly Beatitude.  No ifs, ands, or buts, period.

From time to time, I would question Brian about issues in the church and he would graciously help to clear up in my mind any confusion that the evil one loves to inject into those who hold the true faith of Christ, our Lord. 

Brian was also very tolerant of my amateurish attempts at writing articles for the semi-monthly Mancipia newsletter issued by the Center, of which, Brian was the chief editor.

One of our discussions was the modernist infiltration of the Church, making a mockery of some of Her perennial teachings, especially the sacred liturgy that produced Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years...

As Brian's health was failing, my family included him in our daily Rosary... That will continue, but from this point on, we will also pray to him! 

Now, I will post the letter from the Friends... 

Friday, November 11, 2022FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: C. J. Doylefriendsofthesbc@gmail.com

The Friends of Saint Benedict Center today are mourning the loss of one of the longtime Members of the Third Order of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Brian D. Kelly of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.Brian died at home on November 9th, after a protracted period of declining health. He was 70 years old. His tertiary name was Brother Michael, MICM, Tert.Brian practiced the First Saturdays Devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and had received all the sacraments just four days prior to his death.

The Irish American son of pious Catholic parents, Brian was born and raised in West Orange, New Jersey, where he attended parochial school. He graduated from Essex Catholic High School in Newark, which was administered by the Christian Brothers of Ireland.After attending junior college in California, Brian, impelled by the influence of his devout mother, traveled to New England to seek out the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Saint Benedict Center. He would spend the remaining 49 years of life at the Saint Benedict Center, first as a student, and later as a teacher, catechist, writer, editor and lecturer.Under the tutelage of Brother Francis Maluf, MICM, Brian studied philosophy, theology and New Testament Greek and Latin. He would go on to spend a year studying at the Angelicum in Rome.

For many years, Brian served the Center's apostolate as Editor of their magazine, From The Housetops, their newsletter, Mancipia, and their website, Catholicism.org. He was also a contributing columnist to all three.From 1999 to 2005, Brian was was editor-in-chief of Loreto Publications. He was a regular speaker at the Saint Joseph Forum in Indiana, and also lectured at the Saint Benedict Center Conferences in New Hampshire.Brian Kelly was an old and dear friend, a fervent and apostolic Catholic, an erudite scholar, a gifted writer, a devoted husband to his wife Gwendolyn, and a humble and forbearing Christian gentleman. He will be sorely missed.

The Friends of Saint Benedict Center wish to extend our heartfelt condolences, on the occasion of their grievous loss, to Gwen Kelly, to Brian's sister, Mary Sue, and to the rest of Brian's family.Brian will be waked on Monday, November 14th, at the Cournoyer Funeral Home at 33 River Street, in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, from 2pm to 6pm.A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at Saint Stanislaus Parish in Winchester, New Hampshire, at 10am on Tuesday, November 15th.Burial will be at the Saint Benedict Center in Richmond.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Your servants and handmaids departed the full remission of their sins, that, through our devout prayers, they may obtain the pardon, which they have always desired, Who live and reign, world without end. Amen.  Collect of the the First Mass on All Souls Day from the Roman Missal of Saint Pius V

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Prayers for the Bystanders at the Grave from the Roman Ritual of Saint Pius V

It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they might be loosed from sins. — 2 Maccabees 12:4


R.I.P., my friend and teacher...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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