Friday, November 11, 2022

Brian D. Kelly, R.I.P.... (My Own Personal Theologian!)

  On November 9, 2022, my friend -- and my own personal theologian -- Brian D. Kelly, passed away at his home in Fitzwilliam/Richmond, New Hampshire.

Below I post the "Member Advisory" from the Friends of Saint Benedict Center that chronicles Brian's evolution from his youth to his many accomplishments as a Soldier of Christ and devotee of our Lord's dear Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But first, I just want to write about a few of my interactions with Brian over the course of twenty-two, well-spent years, while we (my wife, Kathy, our son and I) attended the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire.

During that time, we learned so much about our precious Faith, especially the dogmas of the Catholic faith that one has to come into the Church -- become a Catholic -- in order to obtain the Heavenly Beatitude.  No ifs, ands, or buts, period.

From time to time, I would question Brian about issues in the church and he would graciously help to clear up in my mind any confusion that the evil one loves to inject into those who hold the true faith of Christ, our Lord. 

Brian was also very tolerant of my amateurish attempts at writing articles for the semi-monthly Mancipia newsletter issued by the Center, of which, Brian was the chief editor.

One of our discussions was the modernist infiltration of the Church, making a mockery of some of Her perennial teachings, especially the sacred liturgy that produced Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years...

As Brian's health was failing, my family included him in our daily Rosary... That will continue, but from this point on, we will also pray to him! 

Now, I will post the letter from the Friends... 

Friday, November 11, 2022FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: C. J.

The Friends of Saint Benedict Center today are mourning the loss of one of the longtime Members of the Third Order of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Brian D. Kelly of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.Brian died at home on November 9th, after a protracted period of declining health. He was 70 years old. His tertiary name was Brother Michael, MICM, Tert.Brian practiced the First Saturdays Devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and had received all the sacraments just four days prior to his death.

The Irish American son of pious Catholic parents, Brian was born and raised in West Orange, New Jersey, where he attended parochial school. He graduated from Essex Catholic High School in Newark, which was administered by the Christian Brothers of Ireland.After attending junior college in California, Brian, impelled by the influence of his devout mother, traveled to New England to seek out the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Saint Benedict Center. He would spend the remaining 49 years of life at the Saint Benedict Center, first as a student, and later as a teacher, catechist, writer, editor and lecturer.Under the tutelage of Brother Francis Maluf, MICM, Brian studied philosophy, theology and New Testament Greek and Latin. He would go on to spend a year studying at the Angelicum in Rome.

For many years, Brian served the Center's apostolate as Editor of their magazine, From The Housetops, their newsletter, Mancipia, and their website, He was also a contributing columnist to all three.From 1999 to 2005, Brian was was editor-in-chief of Loreto Publications. He was a regular speaker at the Saint Joseph Forum in Indiana, and also lectured at the Saint Benedict Center Conferences in New Hampshire.Brian Kelly was an old and dear friend, a fervent and apostolic Catholic, an erudite scholar, a gifted writer, a devoted husband to his wife Gwendolyn, and a humble and forbearing Christian gentleman. He will be sorely missed.

The Friends of Saint Benedict Center wish to extend our heartfelt condolences, on the occasion of their grievous loss, to Gwen Kelly, to Brian's sister, Mary Sue, and to the rest of Brian's family.Brian will be waked on Monday, November 14th, at the Cournoyer Funeral Home at 33 River Street, in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, from 2pm to 6pm.A Requiem Mass will be celebrated at Saint Stanislaus Parish in Winchester, New Hampshire, at 10am on Tuesday, November 15th.Burial will be at the Saint Benedict Center in Richmond.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Your servants and handmaids departed the full remission of their sins, that, through our devout prayers, they may obtain the pardon, which they have always desired, Who live and reign, world without end. Amen.  Collect of the the First Mass on All Souls Day from the Roman Missal of Saint Pius V

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Prayers for the Bystanders at the Grave from the Roman Ritual of Saint Pius V

It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they might be loosed from sins. — 2 Maccabees 12:4


R.I.P., my friend and teacher...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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