Monday, November 7, 2022

The Absolute Abomination -- Madness! -- Of The Novus Ordo "Catholic" "Church"...

 With all the lunacy and heresy emanating from the current regime in the Vatican, you would think that the attack on church teachings and Christ Himself, couldn't get any worse or sick, but I was wrong...

I have two videos for you to watch... They are not easy to watch or listen to, but the truth shall set us free!

The first, comes from Dr. Taylor Marshall and reveals the sick, demented mockery of the consecration of the Holy Eucharist at Mass.

First, as a caveat, I must state that I do not recognize the male dressed up in priestly garb as a priest of Christ!  Just because he wears the Roman collar, does not make him a validly ordained priest, but if he is, in fact, validly ordained, he should be defrocked and sent to a monastery for the rest of his natural life to do "hard" penance in a tiny cell!   

And second, there is no way on the face of this earth that the "consecration" performed in the video was a valid consecration, no way!

Then there is his bishop... How did the bishop let him get away with this bizarre spectacle?  I wonder, too, if the bishop is one of those attackers of the TLM, yet tolerates letting Satan into the sanctuary to mock Christ?

 (1098) DJ Priest Desecrates the Holy Mass - Dr. Taylor Marshall Podcast - YouTube.

As I wrote that video was difficult to watch...

The second video is presented by Dr. Stine of

You will see and hear the so-called pope, Bergoglio, regurgitating the horrendous errors of the French Revolution concerning the "rights of man," as opposed to the rights of God Almighty and our obligation to live according to His rights and precepts, not those of the secularists and haters of Christ, nor is there any call to repentance or conversion.  How very despicable and sad...

(1098) The Church Has Become A "Marketplace Of Heresies," Warns A Good Bishop - YouTube.

As always, you must make up your own mind about the abomination of desolation that infects the novus ordo "church"... 

I would urge anyone who attends the novus ordo, to listen very carefully to what is being preached from the pulpit, very carefully, in order to discern if authentic Church teaching is being taught, or some new gospel message is slowly brainwashing the parishioners and their precious children... 

Remember St. Paul's admonishment that if anyone preaches a new or different gospel other than what you have been taught either by our word or our epistle, let him be anathema

And finally, I would urge all those who attend the novus odor to seek out a TLM and cling to it for dear, spiritual life!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these bad actors pretending to be Catholic clergy...

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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