Thursday, November 10, 2022

So, The "Red Wave" Or "Tsunami" Turned Out To Be A Tiny Ripple...

  Did you all get your hopes up that the election of a bunch of Republicans was going to save us?

As I have written many times, no one politician or political party can save us, whether as a nation or as individuals.  

There is, in fact -- and the God-fearing know this, that there is only One that can and does save us, that is, if we want to be saved: our Lord and SAVIOR, Jesus the Christ!  

I know that I'm preaching to the choir here, but how many of us thought that there was going to be a political "red wave," or "tsunami" that would have shaken up the national landscape, but instead, it seems, dramatically fizzled out?

Having said that, if we look at the races in many of the "blue states," it has become apparent -- again! -- that there were far too many shenanigans (read: fraud!) concerning who casts the votes and where did they actually come from.  Add to this, the lunacy of some Demonrat voters who, get this, reelected a dead man in Pennsylvania! 

What it all boils down to is that we get what we deserve.  Believe it or not, God allows that to happen to His unbelieving, idolatrous, wayward children.  This has been proven time and time again... My wife and I are currently reading the Old Testament and it's stunning to see how many times the "chosen people" spit in the Face of the Lord, then cry to end the chastisement and beg for forgiveness... 

And even more stunning is that our good God does forgive and bless them -- time after time, after time, after time!  

In the New Testament, St. Peter asks our Lord: how many times should we forgive sins?  Seven times?  Our Lord tells St. Peter: seventy times seven!  

I'm no mathematician, but I figure seventy times seven equals 490.  So, does that mean that we sinful creatures can be forgiven 490 times during the course of our lives, then after that we're out of luck to be left to our own devices and slip into perdition?  

No, not at all... It simply means that if we make a good Confession, are sincere, and make a firm purpose of amendment not to commit those sins again, then the priest will grant us absolution.  In other words, as many times that we have the misfortune to fall from grace, we can return -- as the Prodigal son returned to his jubilant Father!

I know I digressed a wee bit here, but the point is, is that we, as a nation, have grievously transgressed the Natural Law, the Commandments, authentic Church teachings and have basically kicked God out of the public sphere, to be replaced by?  That's easy: Satan and his demonic minions who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls...

To be sure, there were some decent, God-fearing, pro-life Republicans elected to the House, or in the chambers of their particular states, but will that be enough to change the damning course of our beloved country?  

I contend that nothing will really change unless and until there is a genuine conversion of heart, mind and soul -- which starts with us -- and beg God Almighty for forgiveness for squandering and destroying His precious gift of the pre-born baby, not to mention other monstrous sins against the Natural Law and common sense... 

Remember, there is only One that can save us...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




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