Thursday, November 3, 2022

Catholic Bishop, Or Treasonous Judas?

  Folks, if anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear needs any more proof that the Catholic faithful have been sold a bill of goods over the last 60 years by those who are supposed to be the successors of the Apostles, then here it is -- in spades!

Look, I know that there are some "good" bishops (and priests) and maybe a cardinal or two, but that number is miniscule compared to what passes for the shepherds who were promoted to the high office of bishop with the charism of leading the flock to Christ, our Lord.  But, in reality, just the opposite is true.  And this reality is now apparent -- if it wasn't before -- since the installation of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio, back in 2013.   

During the Reagan days, there was a policy of "trickledown economics" where the guy on the bottom of the economic ladder would eventually see and experience some of the benefits of a thriving economy.  Well, in the novus ordo "church," that same trickledown scheme is at work, but this time, what is trickling down is the gangrenous, diseased filth of apostacy, heresy, appeasement and compromise that starts from the top and filters down to the "bishops," then, to what is left of the confused, non-believing "faithful" sitting in almost empty pews having embraced the false "values" of the world, e.g., contraception, abortion, sodomy, divorce, and the ever-present, it seems, alphabet soup people... 

Here, I will present two videos, one from, and one from Decrevi Determined to be Catholic... Both cover the same incredible story of a persecuted priest who dared to preach the truth from the pulpit only to be sanctioned by his "bishop"!  But the story doesn't end there... The "bishop" then goes on to -- get ready for this! -- APOLOGIZE -- to the woke barbarians, including those who claim the august handle of Catholic...

Here is the first from Dr. Stine... (1010) Irish Priest Gets Canceled By His Bishop For Teaching The Hard Truths Of Catholicism - YouTube.

And the second... Warning, there is some potentially offensive language in the following!)  

(1010) The Bishop of Kerry apologises to the woke anti-catholic mob on twitter. - YouTube.

Friends, the hard truths of the Catholic Faith are the reasons that "... they walked no more with Him..." (See St. John, Chapter six.) 

We must pray for the defeat of these wimps and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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