Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pure Planned Evil To Depopulate The Earth: Young, "Healthy" People Continue To Die Suddenly...

  Have you heard?

Young, "healthy" people are dropping dead on the playing field, in their sleep or at their jobs...

Cause of death: UNKNOWN CAUSE

That is the new category of those who die unexpectedly.  

It's not just athletes -- which should tell you something right off the bat -- but also young doctors, nurses, students, professionals, including news broadcasters dying right on camera... the list goes on and on...

If anyone thinks that this is not planned, you are sadly mistaken!

Why is this happening??

If we go back about a year-and-a-half, you can figure it out for yourselves.  If you can't, then I will tell you: it was -- and is -- the rushed -- "at warp speed"! -- so-called vaccine quickly developed to combat, what some have labeled, covid-19.  

In reality, the "vaccine" does not protect anyone from getting infected from anything, let alone some "virus" that's been around since dirt, but is now labeled "covid-19", instead, has caused millions of folks to become debilitated and hundreds of thousands to die.  

The figures for America are frightening enough, but if you look at the statistics for the world, you will see that the plan to eliminate billions of humans from the earth is well under way.  

It has been estimated that somewhere between three and five billion people have received at least one jab, some two, as well as getting at least one "booster" shot... 

If the above figures are anywhere near true, then planet earth is in dire need of accepting Christ's sacrifice on the Cross before it is too late.  If those affected continue to resist His selfless grace, then His JUSTICE will prevail, and it isn't going to be pretty!  Many nations will be annihilated -- and not necessarily from a nuclear war, but from the ongoing plan from the demonic haters of life -- and Christ -- by sticking the arms of our little ones, yes, our little ones, with the filthy jab!

Let's face it, John Q. Public has been completely brainwashed into thinking -- and believing -- that their unelected "authorities," i.e., your family doctor or other healthcare practitioners at the local, state and especially at the federal level, know what they are talking about and know what's best for you and me, and have so convinced people that if they don't get the "vaccine", and wear a face diaper, they will get sick and die. 

I would urge everyone to watch the following video at World Premiere: Died Suddenly – Stew Peters.

I must warn those who may be faint of heart that what you are about to see and hear may be a bit too much to bear, but the truth shall set you free!

(If the above link does not work, please go to and try some other links and videos on his website related to those who have died suddenly.)

It is also apparent that those who have evil in their hearts have become so emboldened that they no longer try to hide their diabolical intention to reduce the population of the earth to less than one billion!

We are dealing with those demons who willingly work for the father of lies, Satan.  They must be defeated at all costs!  If we have received the sacrament of Confirmation, then we have been confirmed and enlisted in the army as loyal soldiers of Christ.  It is time to put our Confirmation to into action and fight for our families, our country and, most importantly, our good God! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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