Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Wildly Corrupt, Incoherent Apostate "Catholic," Biden, Agrees To Steal More Taxpayer's Money For? CLIMATE REPARATIONS TO THIRD-WORLD HELLHOLES!

  Did that headline sufficiently sink in??

The American public are suckers!

Why is this Marxist still in office?

Let me explain something...

Biden has gotten away with murder, literally!

He is the champion, the leader, in the slaughter of pre-born babies as well as supporting the sodomites to such an extent, that he will soon sign a bill to make sodomite "marriage" forever imbedded(?) in federal "law"... (Notice I put the word law in quotes because any law that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void, regardless of how official it may sound or be.  Simply read what the great Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine, as well as St. Thomas Acquinas have to say regarding the tenets of what constitutes a just law and what constitutes an unjust law.  The former should be obeyed, but the latter is not to be obeyed regardless of the consequences!) 

See this article from cnsnews.com...

Biden Agrees to Pay Climate Reparations, But World's Biggest Polluter, China, Won't Have to Pay | CNSNews.

Just a couple of things about this lunacy: First, the fiat dollar keeps flying off the government presses, further reducing its purchasing power, and two, Biden (and all "presidents" for that matter) are free and easy with our money!  One last thing concerning this stupidity: under these reparations, a good portion, if not all, of those monies will be going directly into the pockets of the corrupt war/drug lords who continue to run their countries into the ground, further exacerbating the miserable conditions their oppressed citizens live under... 

Now ask yourself: why is Biden and other self-described "devout Catholics" getting away with this madness?  Why are they still sacrilegiously receiving the Holy Eucharist?  And why is this important on how they live their lives, whether in the public or private sector? 

These apostate "Catholics" are getting away with these mortal sins because of a weak -- and complicit -- novus ordo hierarchy who refuse to ex-communicate these bad actors.  Why?  Because many of them are in the hip pocket of the Demonrat party as well as these imposters being sodomites (and communists?) themselves.  A proven fact, not an opinion! 

It's the old adage: as the church goes, so goes society... We are seeing that in spades, aren't we...

Climate reparations, yeah, right...

We get what we deserve for our spiritual sloth and our failure to give to God the things that are God's... Right now, it seems that Caesar is in complete control of secular realm as well as corrupt, apostate Rome... 

God, please have mercy on us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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