Friday, June 30, 2023

Does The Pope Have The Authority (Power, He Has) To Limit Or Prohibit The Traditional Latin Mass Of The Ages???

 The short answer is no!  The pope does not have the authority to limit or prohibit the traditional Latin Mass of the ages...

He does have power -- a lot of (unbridled) power, but to use it to stamp out the TLM is an abuse of the power of the papacy.

Let us remember something essential: the pope is to be the guardian and protector of Tradition and the Deposit of Faith -- including the sacred liturgy -- and not an innovator! 

Those unfortunate souls -- not properly educated in their Catholic faith -- think that everything that the pope speaks about or writes, must be taken as gospel and followed to the letter, are dead wrong!  Such nonsense can and, in some cases, does lead to idolatry, pope-worship.

Such antics should be labeled as false obedience! 

For instance, how many realize that Bergoglio (pope Francis) changed the Our Father?  He actually chopped off the ending: but deliver us from evil...

I'm not kidding! 

Some time ago, while driving in my car, I was listening to a "Catholic" program on the radio...

As I continued to listen, the Our Father began... to my horror, when it came to: but deliver us from evil, those reciting the very prayer that our Lord taught the disciples, was not said.  It abruptly ended!  

At first, I thought it was an electronic glitch, but no, those reciting the prayer stopped dead in their tracks and failed to finish the prayer first mouthed by our Savior, 2,000 years ago!  

I was aghast!

Who in their right mind would follow such heresy?  Such lunacy?

This is just one horrible example of the abuse of power that Francis has used to destroy whatever is left of sacred Tradition in the novus ordo "church"... 

Sadly, there are many more examples that can be pointed to since 2013, when Bergoglio was installed as pope...

This brings me to the Traditional Latin Mass and the un-Catholic bishops that have taken the pope's lead in strangling the TLM in many dioceses across the U.S. and overseas as well...

Please read the following article from and written by Bishop Athanasius Schneider: The Prohibition of the Traditional Latin Mass is an Abuse of Ecclesiastical Power - OnePeterFive.

Of course, many novus ordo Catholics will immediately label the good bishop as being in schism, or disobedient to the pope. 

Not so!

Always keep in mind that the pope is a key proponent of the new world order and the religion of man, this is not an exaggeration, as can be seen by his own proclamations and writings.  In fact, if one reads closely, you will see that his most recent musings reflect, almost to the letter, the infamous Declaration of the Rights of Man -- the manifesto of the French Revolution of 1789-1793 and the accompanying reign of terror that slaughtered hundreds of Catholic clergy and faithful in the most heinous of ways!

So, the pope has the power, but not the authority to stifle and eradicate the TLM, period!  

This man must be resisted to the face!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Communists Are Running -- And Ruining -- Our Country!

  Right now, as I'm writing this, a House committee is questioning John Durham, author of the so-called Durham Report, and the results of that extensive, multi-year investigation into the corrupt "law enforcement" agencies who weaponized their resources to smear and demonize President Trump.  

Over the course of the last couple of days, I have watched and listened to the hard, radical left Demonrats smearing the reputation of Mr. Durham to the point of being sick to my stomach, while the Republicans on that committee have tried to get some of the truth out in the open much to the chagrin of the leftists on that committee...

But I also have to admit that, sadly, the results of that report were extremely disappointing. The bad guys, for the most part, have gotten away with their dastardly, treasonous crimes and will not face any prison time.  In other words, they're walking around scot-free, at least in this life, but I would suspect, not in the next!

After listening to those lying rats schilling for their corrupt buddies in the Oval Office, the FBI and the "Justice Department", as well as the Clintons, it is apparent to me that those stinkers are nothing but anti-American Marxists, hell-bent on destroying what is left of our freedoms and our yearning to hear the truth...

And, if anyone thinks that the upcoming 2024 presidential election cycle will be a fair and honest one, and will solve all our problems, think again... (See my article, Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?)

Will President Trump be treated fair and square?  No.  Why should he be, after seeing and hearing the damning information from those investigators being questioned by the House committee, and the track record of the deep state agitators trying to tear down our Republic, or what's left of it... 

The bottom line: the Durham Report failed in its directive to nail the bad guys and ensure that justice would be done -- it wasn't and won't be, and, unfortunately, you can take that to the bank! 

As I have said many times, we cannot look to any one politician or political party to be our savior... But look with open eyes and open ears to hear the charity calling us to our Lord -- the true Savior of all mankind!  Anything less, and we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can gain freedom -- and eternal salvation -- through our own merits and leave our good God out of the picture!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Will The New "Sodom And Gomorrah" Be Limited To Two Cities, Or Will The Entire Country Face The -- JUST -- Wrath Of God?

  The most recent attacks committed against those good women -- nuns and sisters -- who follow Christ and His most Blessed Mother, was on full display because of the weak and fallen natures of the wealthy and elites who own and operate "sports" teams...

It seems that there is nothing sacred (from an old movie of the same name!), especially when it comes to the Catholic religion.

The sodomite lunatics that parade in some distorted garb of Catholic nuns and sisters have been making the rounds to sports and other facilities, catering to the base, animal nature of sports "fans" and others...

The other day, the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team hosted these pervert "sisters" to a half-empty stadium, while the real story were the thousands of protestors outside praying and showing their support for the reputation of good Catholic nuns and sisters... And, from what I've heard, there were even Protestants protesting with the Catholics!

 Of course, the real targets of those blasphemous "sisters" is the mocking of the Catholic Church, tradition, nuns, the Natural Law -- and Christ Himself!

Now why would Catholic nuns and sisters be the targets of these hate-filled bigots and not Jewish Rabbis or Muslim Imams? 

The answer is painfully obvious: the Catholic Church is the last stumbling block to the takeover of whatever is left of faith and morals in this increasingly secular, humanist, Marxist country -- and world for that matter.  Plus, the bad guys know they could get away with such disgusting displays, with only minimal pushback or condemnation by church hierarchy.  Having said that, some clergy and even a bishop or two, have taken to prayerful action and peaceful demonstrations to counter the diabolical...

But if we took this one step further, it would also be painfully obvious that the Anti-Defamation League would come to the rescue of the Jews, as well as other rights organizations raising holy hell.  In fact, it would be the death-knell for the owners of these multi-hundred-million-dollar franchises...

And, when you come right down to it, it's the bottom line -- the wallet -- that really counts, not justice or the lack of it.  If that is the case, then the miscreants who host these filthy events, are shooting themselves in the foot!  As it is now said: go woke, go broke!

If we look at the bigger picture, the country and the world, are quickly slipping into the fiery abyss, with the sodomite agenda sweeping the landscape and capturing souls.

Satan and his minions are having a field-day, but even he knows that his end will come swiftly... 

The question is, when will this happen??

Our Lord told His Apostles that only the Father knows when the world will end, and the final judgment will come...

In the midst of this madness, we must be determined to keep our souls in a state of sanctifying grace and be willing to suffer at the very least, a white martyrdom for the sake of His Cross.

Always pray for the conversion of sinners and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What Will Happen To An (Unrepentant) Joseph Biden When He Appears Before Christ At His Particular Judgement?

  Let me say right up front that I'm not subjectively judging Biden's immortal soul, but what I can -- and must do; and what we all have to do! -- is to objectively judge a person's words and actions, that is, if we are to properly function in the world in which we live.  

What cannot be denied is that the current installed (not elected!) occupant of the Oval Office is so thoroughly corrupt in so many ways, that it is almost impossible to trace all his illegal quid pro quo transactions over the decades while a senator, vice president and now as "president"...

What is astounding is that he and his crime family have -- so far -- gotten away with money schemes and pay-for-play political influence, death and mayhem, that would make the arch-criminal Al Capone envious of Biden's "success"... 

I said so far... 

As more damning information seems to surface on a daily basis, so much so, that no amount of coverup by the Marxist (Biden) media, can hide the fact of massive crimes spread, it seems, all across the entire Biden family, most especially, his drugged-out, disgraced son, "Hunter"...

So, what does the absolutely corrupt "department of justice" and the FBI do?  Why, they indict President Trump on trumped-up, baseless charges to keep him from running for president in 2024, while ignoring the obvious criminals staring them in the face.

(See my article here Is it Possible That The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle May NOT Take Place?)

Welcome to Amerika!

We are now worse than the most scandal-ridden, third-world, banana republic hellhole, where the idea of true justice no longer exists...

And, after taking all the apparent crimes into consideration, I haven't even touched on Biden's apostacy and sacrilege as a supposed "devout Catholic"... With his -- and other so-called Catholics -- radical support for the killing of the pre-born and the lunacy of pushing the sodomite agenda, the scandal and confusion has caused even the secular humanists to scratch their respective heads!

Think about this: Biden goes to church and receives the Holy Eucharist, while, objectively in a state of grievous (mortal) sin, not once, but time and time again!

St. Paul warns us about being guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ should we eat and drink unworthily!  In fact, he condemns those who do just that!  

But what the heck, one has to believe in the Real Presence in order to fear the anathema attached to the sin of sacrilege, so, it must be that Biden doesn't believe the fact the Christ comes to us in Holy Communion, right?  

I could go on and on, but one thing is for sure: if Biden and his "Catholic" cronies don't repent before they leave this earth, I fear that their Particular Judgment will be one of eternal terror!

The question begs: do they care??

Pray for the conversion of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

And Now: UFOs!

  Well, the anti-human scientists and big pharma ghouls didn't get their way in wiping out billions of the world's population -- however, the long-term effects of the deadly covid "vaccine" may just accomplish their diabolical goal in the long run...

So, now, lo and behold, instead of a new "pandemic," even the mainstream, Marxist media and their marionettes pulling the strings of a dumb-down John Q. Public, are reporting strange things being seen in the skies over the American landscape.

But not only that, apparently, big green "men" -- or should I say, aliens, and I'm not talking about those millions of illegals that have streamed across our porous, southern border, let in by the treasonous rats ruining our country, but those that have supposedly emerged from their otherworldly spacecrafts and frightened the local populace in various parts of the fruited plain! 

Even NASA and the Pentagon are admitting that "something" is going on but have not come right out and said what they're really thinking.

Each day, more reports and "sightings" are making the 6'oclock "news," filling the heads and scaring the heck of those who still wear face diapers and "social distance" when shopping at Walmart...

Not long ago, the former Fox "news" icon, Tucker Carlson, did at least one program on the UFO-alien phenomenon...

If Tucker did stories on this stuff, then it must have some validity to it, right?

And how about those former NASA, Air Force and Navy pilots reporting UFOs while flying in the Shuttle or some of our most sophisticated jet fighters?

Again, it must have some validity to it, they can't all be delusional, but can they be fooled?

Another massive phycological operation, or maybe the "covid" "vaccine" was another MK-ULTRA, mind-altering experiment to cause death, mayhem, confusion and fear?  Come to think of it, that's exactly what it did!  Mission accomplished!

If there are other-worldly aliens visiting planet earth, have they been redeemed by Christ, our Lord?  If not, then they can't have immortal souls destined to be with God.  If that's the case, then they're no better than jungle animals...

One more thought...

When you consider all this craziness, there is either something real or perhaps this is all another major distraction to keep our inquisitive minds occupied with the "non-essentials" -- like more bread and circuses -- instead of concentrating on the four last things

I think we should also keep one thing in mind that the devil is as smart as hell, and right now, he's having a field day with our weakened fallen natures, enticing us to grasp at any straw to give some meaning to our confused lives.  

Maybe I'm being too harsh here, but how many "Christians" have lost their faith and deserted our Lord to find "greener pastures," whether that be with drugs, lust, greed, pride, bizarre cults -- or "aliens," etc...?

Stay tuned!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Did You Forget?? D-Day: June 6, 1944...

 Did you?

If you did, then crack open a history book and read what happened on that fateful day now 79 years ago...

American, Canadian and other allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, and yes, hundreds and even thousands paid the ultimate price for their bravery to liberate the occupied countries in Western Europe.

Sure, Hitler was still "in charge," but not for long...

Yes, he was still killing those who opposed him and those who were "useless eaters," such as old Jews, Catholics, Gypsies and others, not to mention the physically and mentally disabled.

But the more cognitive generals knew that the "1,000-year" Third Reich was quickly coming to an end...

Some of those generals saw the handwriting on the wall and covertly attempted to sue for peace with the allies, mainly, the American and British forces...

But in less than a year, Hitler was history and Europe was, indeed, liberated, save the war-torn section of Germany that was divided between the "free" West and the Soviet Eastern bloc countries under communist domination.  The "Iron Curtain" was erected (then, eventually the Wall) and the post-war airlift efforts were initiated to feed and rescue as many folks as possible out from under Stalin's iron fist... 

The longing to be free led to nearly 200 hundred East Germans to attempt to escape into West Germany, with many suffering death by machine gun fire or re-capture, torture and death. 

It wasn't until 1989 that the Wall was finally demolished, and East and West Germans were able to travel freely between sectors...

There is so much history that was written -- and still being written -- about June 6, 1944, as well war movies that are still being made about the invasion that saved France and all of Europe because of the sacrifice of our troops and longing of peoples to be free, that I haven't even scratched the surface in this little missive...

Remember the cliche that freedom isn't free?  I hope that we never forget that, because if we do, then we will certainly repeat history over and over until we are either enslaved or we destroy ourselves...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Whom Or What Will You Be Voting For In The 2024 Presidential Election, That Is, If The 2024 Presidential Election Actually Takes Place?

  Remember the TV programs: The Twilight Zone, or how about The Outer Limits, or One Step Beyond?

Unless you see the re-runs on YouTube, or Nick at Night, you won't know what I'm talking about...

But, if you are my age or older, then you probably have seen those shows, or at least know of them.  I admit, they didn't exactly inspire mental or spiritual enrichment, but provided some measure of escapism for a half-hour or so for certain age categories.

The stories they presented were either silly or just hard to believe that such could actually happen.  Though One Step Beyond claimed that the event(s) did, in fact, happen.  

Now what do those shows, broadcast in the 1950s and 1960s, have to do with the 2024 presidential elections and the candidates who have announced a run for the highest office in the land? 

Because, as those sometimes-bizarre stories were very hard to swallow, some of what the proposed candidates believe are even more bizarre than the science fiction presented on those shows!

First let me say, that it's not only the candidates, but also what they believe and stand for and what they claim they will implement if they win that office (that is, if the elections are fair and square with no shenanigans when it comes to counting the votes).

Second, it really doesn't matter if the candidate is from a state that is "blue," or "red," -- signifying liberal vs "conservative," what matters is the integrity or lack thereof of the candidates running for office.

To show the absurdity of the legislature of one particular "blue" state, and the lunacy of the hard Left -- and which proposals are now "laws" to the detriment of the citizens of the state of Minnesota -- I present the following...  

(The question begs: will the demonic forces responsible for the passage of these mostly un-natural "laws" spread like wildfire to other states, whether "blue" or "red"?)

I ask: what state is next?

From By June 6, 2023,,, Minnesota Insanity Is the Model of the 'America' Coming to Your State Soon...

(Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional that has been writing about freedom and liberty matters, politics, and history for two decades. He is against all war and aggression, and against the state. He recently finished a collaboration with former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, and was a contributor to her new book, “When China Sneezes” From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Political-Economic Crisis.” Currently, he lives in Montana with his wife and son. Visit his website.

Copyright © Gary D. Barnett)

This is what happens when Christ is kicked out of the public sphere...

  • Established a “fundamental right” to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy;
  • Declared Minnesota a “refuge” for children seeking sex changes;
  • Passed the “Take Pride Act,” which will prohibit nonprofits that serve minors from discriminating based on “gender identity” in hiring practices;
  • Passed protections for women who travel to Minnesota for abortions;
  • Repealed protections for babies who survive abortions;
  • Stripped pregnancy resource centers of state funding;
  • Gutted reporting requirements for abortion facilities;
  • Expanded medical assistance to include abortion (taxpayer-funded abortion);
  • Repealed an informed consent law for abortion;
  • Legalized recreational marijuana use;
  • Increased government spending by 40 percent;
  • Raised the gas tax by indexing it to inflation;
  • Created a new delivery fee on all retail orders over $100;
  • Increased sales taxes and fees for vehicle purchases and registration;
  • Passed a metro-wide sales tax increase;
  • Enacted automatic voter registration;
  • Passed pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds;
  • Joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact;
  • Funded a study on ranked-choice voting;
  • Passed a bill to provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants;
  • Passed a bill to provide health care to illegal immigrants;
  • Restored the right to vote to violent felons who are on probation;
  • Created a commission to design a new state flag;
  • Replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day;
  • Declared Juneteenth a state holiday;
  • Raised the threshold for a political party to attain or maintain “major party” status from 5 percent to 8 percent beginning in the 2024 general election;
  • Passed a bill to require Minnesota’s electricity grid to be 100% carbon-free by 2040;
  • Banned so-called “conversion therapy;”
  • Passed two gun control bills, including a red-flag law and universal background checks;
  • Provided free college at state institutions to students in families with income under $80,000;
  • Passed a bill to provide free lunch and breakfast to all Minnesota students regardless of family income;
  • Increased spending on K-12 education by 10.2 percent;
  • Banned Native American mascots;
  • Raised fees for fishing, boating, and visiting state parks;
  • Created a hate speech database;
  • Banned no-knock warrants;
  • Created a program that will allow inmates who complete certain programming to serve just half of their prison sentences;
  • Created a state-run paid leave program that will raise taxes on employers and employees;
  • Established a new legal avenue for prosecutors to seek lower sentences;
  • Funded a new Office of Restorative Practices that will propose alternatives to incarceration for juveniles who commit serious crimes;
  • Commissioned a study on abolishing cash bail;
  • Created a new public database that will assign climate scores to large businesses;
  • Capped rebate checks at $260 per filer, with income limits, and down from the $1,000 initially proposed by Gov. Tim Walz.

Can you imagine one of these nut cases responsible for these gross laws running -- and winning! -- the Oval Office in 2024?  

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these anti-Christs and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapuan and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle... 

Gene DeLalla


Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...