Thursday, November 30, 2023

"He [Her Husband] Always Cherished You Very Much"...

 Yesterday, November 29, 2023, I received a short "thank you" card/letter in our mailbox.  The card was from the wife of a dear friend and brother Vietnam veteran who passed away quite recently.

This good, decent and brilliant Catholic man served in Vietnam around the same time of my tour of duty.  (I do believe, however, that he served two tours as opposed to my one.)

Before his passing, I sent my friend an e-mail asking him to keep me in his prayers because of all of my upcoming scans and lab work to see if there were any new health issues or recurrence of my spindle cell sarcoma cancer.

His reply was to the point: "Sure, sure!" 

And although I sent him another e-mail with an article from one of his oft-quoted "mentors," I received no response. 

By that time, his health was failing rapidly as the news from the "prayer list" indicated, but we hoped for the best -- and for a miracle...

(As an aside, my CT scan came back negative (okay!) and my blood work also looked good.  In addition, the issue with the prostate seems to be stable with no unusual findings according to the urologist!  I still have stage two chronic kidney disease, but I'm holding my own, thank Heaven!)

We will continue to pray for the repose of his mighty and glorious soul and hope that he is now with our Lord and His most Blessed Mother -- and for strength and consolation for his dear wife and children...

God bless and keep you, Robert...

I will always cherish you!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A Fight For Life And Liberty: The State Of California Attacks A Woman’s Right To Choose Life...

  Now, before I get into this sad story, let me first say that the attorney general of the state of California, is a gent by the name of Rob Bonta.  He is of Pilipino decent and most probably a Catholic, as was his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who now heads Biden's Department of Health and Human Services... 

The reason why I bring up the religion of these folks, is to point out that the worst enemies of our dear Lord are, by far and away, apostate Catholics!

The radical proponents of the slaughter of the pre-born, blast -- from the housetops! -- their mantra -- a woman's right to choose, so called.  But!  When a woman wants to choose life, instead of tearing her pre-born baby apart, or chemically dissolve the precious little life developing inside her, then those very same forces of evil will use all their power and influence to keep her from choosing life, instead of death!

In the following story, the woman actually started taking an abortion pill, but then reversed course and wanted to bring her pregnancy to fruition -- and life...

You will see that the attorney general of California, is trying to prevent her from reversing the effects of the "pill," and thus being able to bring her baby into the world!


So, here from and sponsored by Heartbeat International, comes this amazing story!  

A Fight for Life and Liberty: the State of California Attacks a Woman’s Right to Choose Life (

Here is the first paragraph of this article...

"In the heart of California, a battle for life, liberty, and the pursuit of truth is unfolding. California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s lawsuit against Heartbeat International is not just a legal skirmish; it’s a clash of ideologies that threatens the very fabric of our values."

There is a brief seven-minute video of the story of Kayla and Serenity.

I guess I'll leave it up to anyone reading this missive to decide for yourself how the "great" apostacy has infiltrated the novus ordo church, and see the continuing rotten fruits of that apostacy...

At the beginning of my article, I wrote that this is a sad story, but it is also a story of hope -- and life!

As always, we have to pray for these modernist monsters -- for their conversion -- and for the defeat of their diabolical agenda!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Truth About JFK’s Assassination...

 The following article emanates from  The Truth About JFK’s Assassination - LewRockwell

I will let the article speak for itself...

--- November 22 was the sixtieth anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination. It was obvious in 1963 that the “official” story that a ‘lone nut,“ Lee Harvey Oswald, had gunned down the president was a lie.

Here is what the great Murray Rothbard wrote about the assassination in 1992, in a review of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK:

“The most fascinating thing about JFK, as exciting and well-done as it is, is not the movie itself but the hysterical attempt to marginalize, if not to suppress it. How many movies can you remember where the entire Establishment, in serried ranks, from left (The Nation) through Center to Right, joined together as one in a frantic orgy of calumny and denunciation. Time and Newsweek actually doing so before the movie came out? Apparently, so fearful was the Establishment that the Oliver Stone movie might prove convincing that the public had to be thoroughly inoculated in advance. It was a remarkable performance by the media, and it demonstrates, as nothing else, the enormous and growing gap between Respectable Media opinion and what the public Knows in its Heart.

You would think from the shock of the Respectable Media, that Stone’s JFK was totally outlandish, off-the-wall, monstrous and fanciful in its accusations against the American power structure. And you would think that historical films never engaged in dramatic license, as if such solemnly hailed garbage as Wilson and Sunrise at Campobello had been models of scholarly precision. Hey, come off it guys!

Despite the fuss and feathers, to veteran Kennedy Assassination buffs, there was nothing new in JFK. What Stone does is to summarize admirably the best of a veritable industry of assassination revisionism – of literally scores of books, articles, tapes, annual conventions, and archival research. Stone himself is quite knowledgeable in the area, as shown by his devastating answer in the Washington Post, to the smears of the last surviving Warren Commission member, Gerald Ford, and the old Commission hack, David W. Belin. Despite the smears in the press, there was nothing outlandish in the movie. Interestingly enough, JFK has been lambasted much more furiously than was the first revisionist movie, Don Freed’s Executive Action (1973), an exciting film with Robert Ryan and Will Geer, which actually did go way beyond the evidence, and beyond plausibility, by trying to make an H.L. Hunt figure the main conspirator.

The evidence is now overwhelming that the orthodox Warren legend, that Oswald did it and did it alone, is pure fabrication. It now seems clear that Kennedy died in a classic military triangulation hit, that, as Parkland Memorial autopsy pathologist Dr. Charles Crenshaw has very recently affirmed, the fatal shots were fired from in front, from the grassy knoll, and that the conspirators were, at the very least, the right-wing of the CIA, joined by its long-time associates and employees, the Mafia. It is less well established that President Johnson himself was in on the original hit, though he obviously conducted the coordinated cover-up, but certainly his involvement is highly plausible.

The last-ditch defenders of the Warren view cannot refute the details, so they always fall back on generalized vaporings, such as: “How could all the government be in on it?” But since Watergate, we have all become familiar with the basic fact: only a few key people need be in on the original crime, while lots of high and low government officials can be in on the subsequent cover-up, which can always be justified as “patriotic,” on “national security” grounds, or simply because the president ordered it. The fact that the highest levels of the U.S. government are all-too capable of lying to the public, should have been clear since Watergate and Iran-Contra. The final fallback argument, getting less plausible all the time is: if the Warren case isn’t true, why hasn’t the truth come out by this time? The fact is, however, that the truth has largely come out, in the assassination industry, from books – some of them best-sellers – by Mark Lane, David Lifton, Peter Dale ScottJim Marrs, and many others, but the Respectable Media pay no attention. With that sort of mindset, that stubborn refusal to face reality, no truth can ever come out. And yet, despite this blackout, because books, local TV and radio, magazine articles, supermarket tabloids, etc. can’t be suppressed – but only ignored – by the Respectable Media, we have the remarkable result that the great majority of the public, in all the polls, strongly disbelieve the Warren legend. Hence, the frantic attempts of the Establishment to suppress as gripping and convincing a film as Stone’s JFK.

Conservatives, as well as centrists, are smearing JFK because Stone is a notorious leftist. Well, so what? It is not simply that the ideology of the teller has no logical bearing on the truth of the tale. The case is stronger than that. For in a day when the Moderate Left to Moderate Right constitute an increasingly monolithic Establishment, with only nuanced variations among them, we can only get the truth from people outside the Establishment, either on the far right or far left, or even from the highly non-respectable supermarket tabloids. And it is no accident that it is an open secret that the heroic “Deep Throat” figure in JFK is Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who is certainly no leftist. And one of the outstanding Revisionist writers is the long-time libertarian Carl Oglesby.

One particularly welcome aspect of JFK, by the way, is its making Jim Garrison the central heroic figure. Garrison, one of the most viciously smeared figures in modern political history, was simply a district attorney trying to do his job in the most important criminal case of our time. Kevin Costner’s expressionless style fits in well with the Garrison role, and Tommy Lee Jones is outstanding as the evil CIA-businessman conspirator Clay Shaw.

All in all, a fine movie, for the history as well as the cinematics. There are some minor problems. It is unfortunate that the founding Kennedy Revisionist, Mark Lane, felt that he had to leave the movie-making early, with the result that the film does not bring out the crucial testimony of Cuban ex-CIA agent Marita Lorenz, who has identified right-wing CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Bill Buckley’s pal and control in the CIA, as paymaster for the assassination. (See the brilliant new book by Lane, Plausible Denial.) According to Lane, heat from the CIA during the filming led Stone to underplay the CIA’s role by spreading the blame a little too thickly to the rest of the Johnson administration.

As the case for revisionism piles up, there is evidence that some of the more sophisticated members of the Establishment are preparing to jettison the Warren legend, and fall back on an explanation less threatening than blaming E. Howard Hunt or the CIA: that is to lay blame solely on the Mafia, specifically on Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, and Jimmy Hoffa, none of whom are around to debate the issue. A convincing attack on the Mafia-only thesis was leveled by Carl Oglesby in his Afterward to Jim Garrison’s book of a few years back (which formed one of the bases for JFK) On the Trail of the Assassins. The Mafia simply did not have the resources, for example, to change the route or call off military or Secret Service protection.

Many conservatives and libertarians will surely be irritated by one theme of the film: the old-fashioned view of Kennedy as the shining young prince of Camelot, the great hero about to redeem America who was chopped down in his prime by dark reactionary forces. That sort of attitude has long been discredited by a very different kind of Revisionism – as tales have come out about the sleazy Kennedy brothers, Judith Exner, Sam Giancana, Marilyn Monroe, et al. Well, OK, but look at it this way: a president was murdered, for heaven’s sake, and good, bad, or indifferent, it is surely vital to get to the bottom of the conspiracy, and bring the villains to justice, if only at the bar of history. Let the chips fall where they may.

One happy result of the film was the conclusive Stoneian argument: if everything is on the up and up, why not open up all the secret government files on the assassination? It looks as if the pressure for opening will win out, but once again, phony “national security” will prevail, so we won’t get the really incriminating stuff. And some of the crucial material is long gone, e.g., the famed Kennedy brain, which mysteriously never made it into the National Archives.” See this.

“If the CIA was involved, the obvious next question is why? Why did they want JFK eliminated? The best answer has been provided by Professor Jim Douglass in his book JFK and the Unspeakable. In brief, JFK didn’t trust the CIA and planned to dismantle it. For that reason, the CIA got rid of him before he could do it.

I interviewed Douglass over a decade ago, and here are some of the things he told me:

“Now, Jim, you were close to Thomas Merton, influenced by Thomas Merton, and part of this title comes from Merton. Would you explain that to us?

DOUGLASS: Yes, Lew. Thomas Merton wrote a book called Raids on the Unspeakable, a series of essays. He talked about the unspeakable as a kind of power and a kind of reality that went almost beyond the power of speech. It was suggested for him by the nuclear arms race, by the Vietnam War, and by the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Malcolm and Martin and RFK. It was a kind of evil where we don’t want to go. That might be one way of coming up with what he meant by the unspeakable.

ROCKWELL: Well, Jim Douglass, thank goodness you have gone where maybe others have feared to go. And all the people that I’ve talked to – and I’ve read, myself, a good amount of Kennedy revisionism, but I was extremely impressed by all you’ve done. And the people I’ve talked to who are the real experts tell me this is the best book and the most important book ever written on the Kennedy assassination. So not only do you go over why, clearly, this was a conspiracy, it just wasn’t a typical lone nut who appears from time to time in American history and is of great use to the power elite, but you show us why he was killed, why this is so important, and why we should all be concerned about it, not simply a historical event we can forget about, but why it continues to have impact on the nature of American society, of the wars that the government fights, what’s happening in terms of the police state here at home, and why it affects every person here today listening to this show.

DOUGLASS: Yes, I really appreciate your emphasizing the whys, because all I hoped to do was to tell the story of the why. I, of course, included the plot, but the only reason I did that was to fill in the picture. My point is not, and I did not write an analysis of the Kennedy assassination. It was to tell the story of JFK, and of all of us, for that matter. It was representing everyone in this country and, because of the nature of the conflict, in some sense, everybody in the world. We’re talking about weapons that could destroy the world. And that story, and of his turning – I use that word advisedly. It comes from the Hebrew Scriptures – his turning away from that kind of destructive power, towards peace, that’s the ‘why’ of his assassination.

ROCKWELL: You know, we hear, for example, about his speech where he said he was going to undo the CIA as an organization. Was that part of it, I mean, in terms of what the CIA did then, what it does today, what the Pentagon does, the Military-Industrial Complex?

DOUGLASS: He underwent a break with the CIA relatively early in his administration at the Bay of Pigs because he understood – he was not a stupid man. He was a very shrewd person. (Laughing) And he understood that he was being manipulated and set up at the Bay of Pigs so that he would have to call in the U.S. troops to win against Castro, and the CIA lied to him to set him up, they lied about the conditions of the uprisings that they told him were going to occur in Cuba and all this kind of thing. And the whole Bay of Pigs invasion had been organized during the Eisenhower administration. But when Kennedy realized afterwards the extent to which he had been lied and set up, he said, I want to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind. And he very deliberately did take steps to impair the CIA from doing that in the future. He fired the man in charge, Allen Dulles, who had been the cold warrior up to that point, and fired his main subordinates who had set him up in the Bay of Pigs. And then, of course, after his assassination, who does Lyndon Johnson, his successor, appoint for the so-called Warren Commission as the major influence within it, but Allen Dulles. He should have been considered, rightly, as the main suspect in the assassination rather than appointed to investigate it. That’s the fox investigating the murder in the hen house.

ROCKWELL: Can you look at the Kennedy assassination as a coup d’etat?

DOUGLASS: Yes. But it’s a very subtle coup d’etat in that the propaganda is so enormous and the transition is done so fluidly into an administration under Lyndon Johnson, that is reversing all of Kennedy’s main decisions. That happens with so little disruption. I mean, Kennedy’s main advisors don’t all surrender and say this is a coup d’etat or anything like that. Everybody sort of surrenders. This is Cold War thinking. This is the mission to the Powers That Be, if you want to put it in biblical terms. And so, although it is, in fact, a coup d’etat in terms of the power – and the way Kennedy was moving, he had become so isolated, and even his closest – well, most of his closest advisers were so subordinate to the Powers That Be that it was not seen as anything like that.

ROCKWELL: Did Robert Kennedy see it as a murder by the Powers That Be, and is that why he himself was murdered?

DOUGLASS: Yes, he did. But he could not, as one individual – even though he was attorney general of the United States, he could not see a way to do anything in the extreme isolation that he and his brother together had been before the assassination. But now it was Robert Kennedy alone. He, on the very day of the assassination, within an hour, he was suspecting – well, within minutes – (Laughing) – he was suspecting it was the CIA. And he actually confronted people in the CIA that afternoon, asking them about their role in the assassination. But this was all kept very much under the visibility of anyone. And he did not come out with that view. He said to his friends that he would wait until he became president himself. That was a very tragic and fatal decision. He needed to speak up long before that. And, of course, he was never given that opportunity. And he was assassinated 15 minutes after he took the turn by winning the California primary toward becoming president of the United States.”

Isn’t it time the cover-up ended? Let’s do everything we can to release the missing documents and then get rid of the evil, war-mongering CIA. But let’s not stop there. Let’s get rid of the NSA, the FBI and the other agencies that are terrorizing and spying on the American people.”

Let’s do everything we can to make the government release all the documents in the National Archives about the JFK assassination—and un-redacted too—so we can learn the truth about what happened November 22, 1963.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

End of article...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

I'm A Little Late... Have We Forgotten: Nov. 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas And The PLANNED And EXECUTED Assassination Of John F. Kennedy, The First Catholic President?

  Do we even care anymore?

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the terrible news of Kennedy's assassination, do you? 

The planners and executioners of the murder of J.F.K. are still being debated and written about...

But why?  

If the all the facts were revealed and those responsible for his dastardly death -- that changed the course of America forever -- were, in fact, brought to justice and the case closed, then why is there still doubt and disbelief of the still-prevailing government narrative of what happened on that incredible day in American history? 

Numerous tomes and thousands of articles by researchers still have not filled in all the gaps.  But!  As time passes by, much more information slowly leaks out and corroborates -- that brings into focus -- just who and what entity was responsible for taking J.F.K. from the American landscape.

There are many avenues to explore here, and I can provide many -- recent! -- articles that have shed even more light on the traitors who took the life of the first Catholic president, and a simple search will provide ample reading materials on the subject...

Note: J.F.K. was not the first Catholic to run for the highest office in the land, no, it was Al Smith, back in 1928 who gave it a run...

At that time, a Catholic politician running for the nomination of their party was looked upon as a threat -- yes, a threat! -- by those anti-Catholics, including -- get ready for this: the Ku Klux Klan! 

Of course, the myth perpetrated at that time by the leftist, liberal -- Protestant -- wing of the Democrat Party, was that any Catholic president would have his policies dictated by Rome and the Pope...

Sadly, President Kennedy made it clear to the Protestants in a speech, before he became president, that he would not let his Catholic faith (Rome) influence his actions in the Oval Office.

How can any Catholic deny divinely revealed truths, and its tenet, the Natural, Moral Law when formulating domestic and foreign policies??? 

Yet we see this in today's politicians, especially in the Biden "administration," with many of his cabinet members being self-professed, "devout Catholics," while at the same time, being adherents to the radical pro-abortion and pro-sodomite agendas! 

Another "hidden" fact, is that the K.K.K. targeted, not only black Americans, but also Catholics!   It is also a "hidden" fact that the K.K.K. was founded, funded and organized by treasonous, Godless Democrats!  

In still another factoid, is that there were at least several senators and congressmen that were members or former members of the notorious K.K.K.  In fact, one of the mentors of the lunatic Hilary Clinton, was none other than Sen. Robert Byrd -- a former "grand wizard" of the K.K.K.  She heaped tons of praise upon Byrd at his funeral ceremony back in the day, knowing, but conveniently overlooking his ugly past.



Will we ever know the complete truth about who and what entities were responsible for the murder of John F. Kennedy?  Perhaps after all the players are dead and buried -- many already are! -- then and only then, might we have total access to the facts of the heinous crime.  I fear, however, that many documents will continue to be classified "top secret" for decades to come, or maybe not?

How about including President Kennedy in your prayers today...

We, in the DeLalla household, do!

Pray for our country, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, November 24, 2023

Connecticut Archbishop Who Removed Priest For Opposing COVID Mandates Endorses Female Deacons...

 Buckle-up your seatbelts and get ready to control your righteous anger at this full-blown modernist who cannot figure out why Catholic churches are closing, and why Catholics are leaving the novus ordo "church" in droves to join "more welcoming" Protestant denominations...

(I wonder if one of the reasons for the dwindling Catholic population in the state of Connecticut -- and in many novus ordo "churches" -- is that "Catholic" women are using contraception -- and abortion? -- and purposely limiting the number of children they bring into the world?

If this is true, and it has been proven over and over again, to be true, then their "marriage" is a blasphemy in the sight of God and our dear Lord and makes a mockery of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony!)

Here is an article/interview from, written by Andreas


Watch the eight-minute interview, if you can stomach it, that is!

Here are a couple of tidbits to whet your curiosity about the new archbishop of Hartford, Ct...

By the way, I really feel for the souls who will be impacted by the lunacy of this modernist cleric...

"In an interview published Monday with local news station WTNH News8, Coyne was asked if he saw “a larger role for women in the Church in the future.”

“I do,” he replied. “Women’s ordination, at this point, in terms of the diaconate, is kind of being discussed,” he said. “In terms of the priesthood, it’s not open for discussion. We’ve been told it’s ‘case closed.’ But hopefully, there will be some opportunity down the road [to] ordain or name some deaconesses.”

(My emphasis.)

And this... 

"Last year, when Coyne was still Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, he dismissed a priest who refused to comply with a mask mandate and COVID-19 testing requirements for unvaccinated priests."

Coyne removed Father Peter Williams of Holy Family Parish due to “serious disobedience and disrespect shown to the office of the bishop.” 

Sound familiar?

"Disobey" a modernist and your career is in the toilet!

And lastly, this piece of radical dissent from church teaching...

"He later accepted to speak at a pro-LGBT conference hosted by dissident ["] Father ["] James Martin, S.J., who openly supports homosexual “marriage” and adoption and refers to God as female. In 2021, Coyne signed a letter urging the U.S. bishops’ conference to shut down discussions about denying Holy Communion to lawmakers who facilitate abortion."

(I inserted the brackets!  If anyone wants to recognize Martin as a real priest, feel free, I don't.)

Pray for the defeat of these modernists -- and pray for the poor souls of Hartford, Ct...  And as always, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Migeul Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Saint Cecilia, Virgin And Martyr (Third Century -- 200's A.D.)...

  From (Saint Cecilia (

Saint Cecilia

November 22nd — Feast Day

Liturgical Color: Red

Patron Saint of Music and Musicians

The first Eucharistic Prayer (Roman Canon) is primarily a liturgical text. It was originally written by Pope St. Gregory and has huge significance historically.

(The names of the saints present in the Roman Canon include Saint Cecilia who lived in the third century. Cecilia’ s name was present but do not know quite why she was included.)

Cecilia was probably martyred by slashes across her neck after attempts to boil her to death failed. She was buried near the papal crypt in St. Callixtus’ catacombs. Eventually, Cecilia’s body was transferred in the early 800s from the catacombs to her own basilica. During restoration of the Basilica in 1598, Cecilia’ s body was revealed, and it was found that she did not decay. Before she was to be fully exposed to the outside air which would cause her skin to fall apart, an artist carefully recorded what he saw of her remains. He’s created a sculpture of Saint Cecilia that is renowned for its beauty and mystery. The statue was made of white marble to reflect her purity. Her face and hair are covered by a cloth, inviting one to ponder her mystery. Her neck shows the cuts she sustained. The sculptor’s personal testimony is embedded in the floor near his work: “Behold the body of the Most Holy Virgin, Cecilia, whom I myself saw lying uncorrupt in her tomb. I have in this marble expressed for thee the same saint in the very same posture and body.” 

(My emphasis.) 

She is the patron saint of music and musicians, and her feast day is November 22nd.

Pray to Saint Cecilia

Saint Cecilia, you died an early death, preserving your virginity and choosing Christ over all others. Be an example to all youth of the true goal of their lives. Help them to seek God first and the good and holy pleasures of life only after Him.


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Faithful Catholics, Can You Ignore Pure Evil For The Sake Of "Church Unity"???

  In my state, I am required to wear a seat belt when driving.  But I don't have to be told by law enforcement or intimidated into wearing a seat belt because common sense tells me I should wear a seat belt.

So now, I am telling anyone who reads this missive to buckle up -- to face the pure evil emanating from the (non)-Catholic Vatican under the regime of Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome! 

If you haven't already come to the conclusion that the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter is attempting to stomp out any vestige of Catholicism from the church -- and the world -- then you are deceiving yourself...

Sorry for being blunt, but the time has long passed to pretend that we must accept the evil tenets of the (man-made) "synodal church" for the sake of "church unity" at all costs...

By the way, how can there be unity with evil?

How can we claim to love God and our neighbor while, at the same time, follow a heretical Judas goat over the cliff to certain physical -- and, most importantly -- to spiritual death? 


Without writing a book here, I'll post this one article/video to help those "on the fence," to see and hear what is happening and what is instore for practicing Catholics in the U.S. and around the world.

As an example, I would suggest that what has happened to faithful Catholics in Red Communist China may be a hint as to what will happen here in the not-too-distant future if we don't resist and fight for our good God and His holy Church!

Here, from and written by Emily Mangiaracina:

Liz Yore tells Steve Bannon: Pope Francis' goal is ‘to destroy the Catholic Church’ - LifeSite (

Here is the first paragraph: "Attorney Liz Yore declared on Saturday that Pope Francis is trying to “destroy the Catholic Church,” citing the sacking of Bishop Joseph Strickland, the targeting of traditional Catholics, and the betrayal of Chinese Catholics as steps towards this goal."

Pray for strength and honor -- we will need same now more than ever if this horrific, diabolical agenda is implemented...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, November 17, 2023

The Bigger The Culture Of Death Creatures Are, The Harder They Will Fall -- Into Hell, That Is, If They Don't Repent!

 I'm talking specifically about apostate "Catholics" and those entrenched in the illicit Biden "administration"...

A "good" example is the current Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, a supposed Catholic, working to undermine federal law, not to mention the Fifth Commandment against killing (murdering) innocent life in the womb of her "mother".

I find it amazing that the majority of Biden's cabinet are "Catholic," yet their words and actions are those of unhinged barbarians more than willing to slaughter the pre-born: a heinous crime against humanity

And while they may be on the church's registry as baptized Catholics, they have, for all practical purposes, renounced their vow to reject Satan and all his pomps and works, and have embraced the demon for power and position in this life...

Further, I have always said that the worst enemies of Christ are apostate Catholics.  Why?  Because they have been given the gift of faith, and to those who have been given much, much will be expected in return.  In effect, they squander and reject that precious gift!

The scourge of abortion (contraception and homosexuality) has taken on the traits of a tsunami since Biden was installed in the Oval Office... 

The following article is from and written by Matt Lamb: 27 GOP senators demand Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin rescind abortion travel fund - LifeSite (

Here is the first paragraph: "Twenty-seven Republican senators demanded Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin drop his abortion travel fund that assists military members in traveling to states to kill their preborn babies."  

(My emphasis.) 


The spiritual and mental sickness of these monsters knows no bounds...

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how these traitors to God and country, sleep at night!

When will this end, Lord, when???

We must pray for our enemies: for their defeat and for their conversion...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Did The Irish "Mafia" Help Get Bishop Strickland Removed???


What's that all about???

Is there, in fact, an Irish connection -- Irish priests -- that influenced Francis to get Bishop Strickland removed -- thrown out! -- from his diocese in Tyler, Texas???

Were the reports of Bishop Strickland criticizing Francis' undermining the sacred Deposit of Faith simply a cover for a more sinister plot???

Nothing coming from the novus ordo "church" would surprise me one tiny bit...

See my article: The Forces Of Hell Unleashed: There Is NO DEPOSIT OF FAITH, You "Stupid" Bishop Strickland!!

Such diabolical nonsense has uncovered the true agenda of these monstrous modernists who continue to attack the real, true, 2,000-year-old Deposit of Faith!

What agenda???

To "homogenize" and make the Catholic faith just one of many "religions" that tolerate the bizarre, the un-natural -- and idol worshipping pagans -- devoid of the sanctifying grace of our dear Lord, Christ -- outside of Whom, no one can attain eternal salvation!

I have just seen and heard a new angle to Bishop Strickland's removal from his diocese, an angle that frankly hadn't entered my mind, but the explanation makes perfect sense.

Let's just say that there could very well be a motive of revenge by some disgruntled priests -- and laity for that matter -- and did they communicate their "grievances" (lies?) to the hierarchy behind the back of the good Bishop??? 

Here is a video and commentary from an Irish Catholic gent who regularly reports on the shenanigans going on in what was once a Catholic country...  (I can only suspect that St. Patrick is spinning in his grave!)

 (4933) ☘️ Liberal Irish lobby win the day in getting Bishop Strickland Removed. - YouTube

Don't discount the very real possibility of the hypothesis put forth in the video... Obviously, you must judge for yourself...

Please continue to pray for Bishop Joseph Strickland and for the defeat of the satanic modernists who have infiltrated the novus ordo "church"!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  



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