Sunday, November 26, 2023

I'm A Little Late... Have We Forgotten: Nov. 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas And The PLANNED And EXECUTED Assassination Of John F. Kennedy, The First Catholic President?

  Do we even care anymore?

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the terrible news of Kennedy's assassination, do you? 

The planners and executioners of the murder of J.F.K. are still being debated and written about...

But why?  

If the all the facts were revealed and those responsible for his dastardly death -- that changed the course of America forever -- were, in fact, brought to justice and the case closed, then why is there still doubt and disbelief of the still-prevailing government narrative of what happened on that incredible day in American history? 

Numerous tomes and thousands of articles by researchers still have not filled in all the gaps.  But!  As time passes by, much more information slowly leaks out and corroborates -- that brings into focus -- just who and what entity was responsible for taking J.F.K. from the American landscape.

There are many avenues to explore here, and I can provide many -- recent! -- articles that have shed even more light on the traitors who took the life of the first Catholic president, and a simple search will provide ample reading materials on the subject...

Note: J.F.K. was not the first Catholic to run for the highest office in the land, no, it was Al Smith, back in 1928 who gave it a run...

At that time, a Catholic politician running for the nomination of their party was looked upon as a threat -- yes, a threat! -- by those anti-Catholics, including -- get ready for this: the Ku Klux Klan! 

Of course, the myth perpetrated at that time by the leftist, liberal -- Protestant -- wing of the Democrat Party, was that any Catholic president would have his policies dictated by Rome and the Pope...

Sadly, President Kennedy made it clear to the Protestants in a speech, before he became president, that he would not let his Catholic faith (Rome) influence his actions in the Oval Office.

How can any Catholic deny divinely revealed truths, and its tenet, the Natural, Moral Law when formulating domestic and foreign policies??? 

Yet we see this in today's politicians, especially in the Biden "administration," with many of his cabinet members being self-professed, "devout Catholics," while at the same time, being adherents to the radical pro-abortion and pro-sodomite agendas! 

Another "hidden" fact, is that the K.K.K. targeted, not only black Americans, but also Catholics!   It is also a "hidden" fact that the K.K.K. was founded, funded and organized by treasonous, Godless Democrats!  

In still another factoid, is that there were at least several senators and congressmen that were members or former members of the notorious K.K.K.  In fact, one of the mentors of the lunatic Hilary Clinton, was none other than Sen. Robert Byrd -- a former "grand wizard" of the K.K.K.  She heaped tons of praise upon Byrd at his funeral ceremony back in the day, knowing, but conveniently overlooking his ugly past.



Will we ever know the complete truth about who and what entities were responsible for the murder of John F. Kennedy?  Perhaps after all the players are dead and buried -- many already are! -- then and only then, might we have total access to the facts of the heinous crime.  I fear, however, that many documents will continue to be classified "top secret" for decades to come, or maybe not?

How about including President Kennedy in your prayers today...

We, in the DeLalla household, do!

Pray for our country, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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