Friday, November 24, 2023

Connecticut Archbishop Who Removed Priest For Opposing COVID Mandates Endorses Female Deacons...

 Buckle-up your seatbelts and get ready to control your righteous anger at this full-blown modernist who cannot figure out why Catholic churches are closing, and why Catholics are leaving the novus ordo "church" in droves to join "more welcoming" Protestant denominations...

(I wonder if one of the reasons for the dwindling Catholic population in the state of Connecticut -- and in many novus ordo "churches" -- is that "Catholic" women are using contraception -- and abortion? -- and purposely limiting the number of children they bring into the world?

If this is true, and it has been proven over and over again, to be true, then their "marriage" is a blasphemy in the sight of God and our dear Lord and makes a mockery of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony!)

Here is an article/interview from, written by Andreas


Watch the eight-minute interview, if you can stomach it, that is!

Here are a couple of tidbits to whet your curiosity about the new archbishop of Hartford, Ct...

By the way, I really feel for the souls who will be impacted by the lunacy of this modernist cleric...

"In an interview published Monday with local news station WTNH News8, Coyne was asked if he saw “a larger role for women in the Church in the future.”

“I do,” he replied. “Women’s ordination, at this point, in terms of the diaconate, is kind of being discussed,” he said. “In terms of the priesthood, it’s not open for discussion. We’ve been told it’s ‘case closed.’ But hopefully, there will be some opportunity down the road [to] ordain or name some deaconesses.”

(My emphasis.)

And this... 

"Last year, when Coyne was still Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, he dismissed a priest who refused to comply with a mask mandate and COVID-19 testing requirements for unvaccinated priests."

Coyne removed Father Peter Williams of Holy Family Parish due to “serious disobedience and disrespect shown to the office of the bishop.” 

Sound familiar?

"Disobey" a modernist and your career is in the toilet!

And lastly, this piece of radical dissent from church teaching...

"He later accepted to speak at a pro-LGBT conference hosted by dissident ["] Father ["] James Martin, S.J., who openly supports homosexual “marriage” and adoption and refers to God as female. In 2021, Coyne signed a letter urging the U.S. bishops’ conference to shut down discussions about denying Holy Communion to lawmakers who facilitate abortion."

(I inserted the brackets!  If anyone wants to recognize Martin as a real priest, feel free, I don't.)

Pray for the defeat of these modernists -- and pray for the poor souls of Hartford, Ct...  And as always, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Migeul Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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