Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Abuse Or Kill A Dog, And You Can Go To Jail -- And Rightly So -- But Tear Apart A Tiny Human Baby In The Womb And It's Legal In Most (Damned!) States -- Like Ohio!

 Think about that...

Mistreat or kill a dog and you can end up in jail, but if you live in one of the states in the U.S. where it is "legal" to tear apart a tiny human baby in the womb -- all the way up to birth -- such as in the damned state of Ohio, there is no jail time, no fines, no repercussions, no nothing!

How can we ask God's blessing on our nation, when we kill His most precious gift -- the gift of life of a pre-born baby?

How can He bless pure evil barbarism all in the name of the "right" of a woman to control her own body, when, in fact, it is not her own body to do with as she pleases, but the temple of the Holy Ghost???

Yesterday, November 7, 2023, was election day in many parts of the country...

In the state of Ohio, a ballot measure passed that assures that non-existent right to "legally" kill a baby up to birth, is now enshrined in the Ohio constitution!

There are many problems with the newly protected "right" to kill a pre-born baby, first and foremost is the fact that "law" is, by nature, null and void because it violates and contradicts the Natural, Moral Law, not to mention the Commandment of God almighty not to kill (murder) an innocent! 

Below is an article on the, written by Jim Hoft:

(Marjorie Taylor Greene Weighs In on GOP's Complete Trainwreck Performance in General Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft) and incorporates Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green's statement on the wimp Republican Party...

From the article: 

"...Republicans refuse to fight hard against the evil lies of the democrats who claim “abortion is women’s healthcare and a right.”

It is NOT!

Abortion is murder.

It kills another human being, the most innocent of all.

Healthcare saves lives.

Abortion kills lives.

A baby in its mother’s womb is not a parasite like democrats say, a baby is God’s beautiful creation and God does not make mistakes and has a plan for every single one of us.

Abortion does not solve a woman’s problem, but having an abortion will leave you scarred for life and regretfully questioning “what if?” for the rest of your life.

Motherhood is the most wonderful blessing and most incredible journey of a woman’s life. Being a mother is something to be proud of, delight in, and yearn for.

Abortion is not birth control but democrats have normalized it so much that it has become so.

Over 63 million people have been murdered in the past 50 years from abortions.

Abortion is genocide and none of their screams are heard when each of them are slaughtered in their mother’s wombs.

These precious little ones cannot fight, cannot defend themselves, cannot flee the abortionists’ weapons of choice that they use to brutally murder them.

Calling this ongoing genocide “healthcare” is an abomination and political lie that democrats use in order to manipulate women to vote for them and continue the child sacrifices that enable democrats to maintain power.

There is nothing more evil.

Republicans must stop being afraid to stand up to democrat's disgusting lies about abortion.

When Republicans boldly speak the truth and present solutions to help women in crisis into motherhood then we will win on this issue."


End of statement...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for a total and complete end to the most heinous crime against humanity: abortion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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