Thursday, November 9, 2023

Do You Need Any More Proof Of The Complete Takeover Of The Novus Ordo "Church" By The Purveyors Of Sodomy And The Intentional Destruction Of The Catholic Faith????

 Rome has officially apostatized from the Catholic Faith...

The "head" of what passes for the Catholic Church has finally let the cat out of the bag regarding the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

I have two articles that will show -- conclusively! -- that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio -- also known as pope Francis -- has caved (or was he the architect?) of the newest and final episode of the lunacy of the infiltrators and their successful plan implemented many decades ago to destroy the true church teachings on human sexuality...

In fact, I could post numerous articles that corroborates what Catholic media outlets are reporting; by guess who?  The secular, leftist, Marxist, Catholic-Church-hating mainstream "news" sources.

The feeding frenzy has reached a fever pitch!

I'm sure that there are celebrations in the back rooms of the globalist elites and corporate giants thinking -- wrongly! -- that they have seen the gates of hell prevail against the true Catholic Church.

Here are just two articles that will describe the latest (and last?) attack on common sense and the Natural and Moral Law.

All I ask is that you judge for yourself, then see if you can still clamor for "church unity" -- at all costs!

The first article is from and written by Michael Haynes...

Pope Francis says ‘trans’ people can be godparents, homosexual ‘parents’ can have children baptized - LifeSite (

The second article is from Archbishop Vigano...

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s intention is to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend God - LifeSite (

Brace yourself -- and try not to get sick to your stomach!

As I indicated earlier, there are many other articles from secular sources that have been reporting on this filth over the last week or so, during and after the so-called synod on synodality, or, as one Catholic blogger phases it, the synod of sin!  

I urge all to pray for strength and honor to defeat these monsters, as Traditional orders, priests and TLM communities continue to come under attack by the hellish modernists...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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