Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Forces Of Hell Unleashed: There Is NO DEPOSIT OF FAITH, You "Stupid" Bishop Strickland!!

 Do you need any more proof of a false church, disguised as the Catholic Church?

Well, here it is...

From lifesitenews.com, and written by Emily Mangiaracina... Comes this zinger: Terry Barber reveals US nuncio Cardinal Pierre told Bishop Strickland ‘there is no deposit of faith’

Embedded in this article is a seven-minute video of the good Bishop Strickland proclaiming the sacrifice and love of our good Lord!

This mess is absolutely disgusting, and I contend, that anyone -- and I don't care what his status or rank is in the novus ordo "church" -- if he denies the Apostolic Deposit of Faith (Scripture and Tradition), he is not Catholic, period!  

Here is the first paragraph from the article: "Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio revealed on Sunday that Pope Francis’ apostolic nuncio to the United States, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, told Bishop Joseph Strickland three years ago that “there is no deposit of faith.”

Please read this short article, but I must warn you, you have to be honest with yourself and make the decision to separate yourself from these false shepherds who are nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing!

Remember our Lord's admonishment: By their fruits you will know them... 

Remember, too, that He said that twice to make that sink in the thick heads of those easily swayed by the modernists heretics and deceivers who proclaim "church unity" at all costs, will stop at nothing to get a soul into hell for all eternity!   

Please continue to pray for Bishop Strickland and for strength and honor -- for yourselves!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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