Thursday, November 16, 2023

Did The Irish "Mafia" Help Get Bishop Strickland Removed???


What's that all about???

Is there, in fact, an Irish connection -- Irish priests -- that influenced Francis to get Bishop Strickland removed -- thrown out! -- from his diocese in Tyler, Texas???

Were the reports of Bishop Strickland criticizing Francis' undermining the sacred Deposit of Faith simply a cover for a more sinister plot???

Nothing coming from the novus ordo "church" would surprise me one tiny bit...

See my article: The Forces Of Hell Unleashed: There Is NO DEPOSIT OF FAITH, You "Stupid" Bishop Strickland!!

Such diabolical nonsense has uncovered the true agenda of these monstrous modernists who continue to attack the real, true, 2,000-year-old Deposit of Faith!

What agenda???

To "homogenize" and make the Catholic faith just one of many "religions" that tolerate the bizarre, the un-natural -- and idol worshipping pagans -- devoid of the sanctifying grace of our dear Lord, Christ -- outside of Whom, no one can attain eternal salvation!

I have just seen and heard a new angle to Bishop Strickland's removal from his diocese, an angle that frankly hadn't entered my mind, but the explanation makes perfect sense.

Let's just say that there could very well be a motive of revenge by some disgruntled priests -- and laity for that matter -- and did they communicate their "grievances" (lies?) to the hierarchy behind the back of the good Bishop??? 

Here is a video and commentary from an Irish Catholic gent who regularly reports on the shenanigans going on in what was once a Catholic country...  (I can only suspect that St. Patrick is spinning in his grave!)

 (4933) ☘️ Liberal Irish lobby win the day in getting Bishop Strickland Removed. - YouTube

Don't discount the very real possibility of the hypothesis put forth in the video... Obviously, you must judge for yourself...

Please continue to pray for Bishop Joseph Strickland and for the defeat of the satanic modernists who have infiltrated the novus ordo "church"!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  



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