Monday, October 30, 2023

Jihad ("Holy" War) -- Against Free Speech!

 In this short article, I will point out just how shallow and empty the so-called free speech "warriors" are with their constant rhetoric on how important the First Amendment is, except when it comes to anyone who questions the accepted narrative regardless of what that narrative is.

In the case of the death and mayhem (one-sided war) that is currently taking place on the Gaza Strip, it has become apparent that if you or I attempt to point out the inhumane treatment that the IDF is inflicting on the Palestinians -- many of whom are Christians! -- we then risk being labeled as antisemitic or worse, such as being supporters of Hamas, Hezbollah or the PLO!

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth...

And that's the rub.  In attempting to speak the truth as to what is going on and how it came to be in the first place in that tortured land of the "Strip," the conservative talking heads, whether on FOX or on satellite radio, will immediately castigate anyone that points out another side of the story.

To help me show this hypocrisy, please read the following article posted on, and written by Ben Bartee:  

The Neocon Jihad Against Free Speech Goes Full-Tilt - LewRockwell.

It is stunning to read -- and listen -- to these war-mongering lunatics pushing for censorship because someone differs from what the final result of attacking one nation after another all to "protect" the demonic, unlimited abortion for any reason, "state" of Israel.  And the cost of that protection could very well be World War III, only this time, if the nuclear missiles are launched and bombs are dropped, it would surely be the end of humankind as we know it...

In the following video you will hear the fmr. U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley rant like a maniac to fight to the death -- that's our son's death! -- for the sake of our "ally," Israel, at all costs!  And she wants to be president of the U.S.??

Remember, these nuts all preach "free speech," but not for me -- or you?

As an aside, the A.P. just reported that there were 1,400 Israelis killed by the invasion of the bad guys, yet there are -- to date -- over 8,000, mostly civilian, Palestinians killed by the IDF!

The A.P. is also reporting this: 

An Israeli ministry, in a ‘concept paper,’ proposes transferring Gaza civilians to Egypt’s Sinai.

If this is allowed to happen, then Israel will gobble up all of the Gaza Strip and displace those remaining 2,300,000 Palestinians!  Was this the plan all along???

Judge for yourself...

Pray for the Palestinian Christians dying at the hands of the brutal, godless IDF!
And pray too, for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  


Sunday, October 29, 2023

US Fighter Jets Deployed After Civilian Aircraft Violates Restricted Airspace Near Biden’s Delaware Home!

 From the, and written by Cristina Laila...

US Fighter Jets Deployed After Civilian Aircraft Violates Restricted Airspace Near Biden's Delaware Home | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila.

I repeat the title again -- for a specific reason: US Fighter Jets Deployed After Civilian Aircraft Violates Restricted Airspace Near Biden’s Delaware Home!

And what is that reason??

To ask the $64,000 question: if the fighter jets were scrambled because a tiny plane entered "restricted air space" near Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home, where were those fighter jets on "9/11" when rogue, huge jet airliners were "highjacked" and slammed into the twin towers and the Pentagon???

Were they ordered to stand down and let that planned massacre happen??

Please visit my Power Through Truth blogsite and search for all my "9/11" articles and consider the information that I present, that our "9/11" was planned and the death and mayhem of nearly 3,000 innocent Americans was orchestrated by evil, wicked and corrupt government entities.  

But why?

The answer is almost too "simple": in order to impose additional massive control by the elitist, Marxists over a brainwashed populace that believes everything they see and hear on the 6 o'clock "news," leading to the near-total destruction of our God-given rights!

And now, we saw Israel's "9/11" unfold right before our eyes!!!  

And what happens?  (See my "Conservative" Israel Firsters...

Wake up America and smell the evil!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Saturday, October 28, 2023

"Conservative" Israel Firsters...

 I'm confused... (I guess I'm confused about a lot of things these days!)

I thought that being a conservative meant certain things, like conserving the traditions of life and family; of being a God-fearing Christian; "enduring" free speech and not being afraid of hearing points of view that differ with ours, putting America first, etc., etc...

Am I wrong here??

Well, it seems that anyone who dares to criticize Israel or who doesn't swear allegiance to that rogue "state," is automatically labeled as "antisemitic" or much worse, especially if one vocalizes their dissent from the standard narrative... 

There are, unfortunately, far too many so-called "conservatives" who put another country or state, ahead of the interests and well-being of our own nation.  In this case, the "state" of Israel, and our politicians outrageous military support of the IDF forces and their attempt to crush what's left of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by brute force.

The recent incursion of Hamas and Hezbollah fighters -- terrorists, as they have been called -- into Israel, using gliders and showering Israeli territory with numerous rockets and mortars, has led to a massive invasion of the Gaza Strip by the IDF...

Also, the fact that the coming invasion was unknown(?), even by the most sophisticated and advanced intelligence services as well as Mossad, plus one of the most advanced radar warning systems (such as our NORAD), dropped the ball and allowed the bad guys a six- or seven-hour window to do their thing before responding????   

(See my articles: Israel's "9/11," Part Two: Was The IDF Ordered To Stand Down (for 7 Hours!)? Was This An Intelligence Failure, Or A Planned "9/11" Event?? And this: Israel's "9/11": The Other Side Of The Story...)

As an aside, it may be of interest to know that many Palestinians are Christian, attempting to live out their lives in peace, and work the land that they have occupied for centuries before the illicit "state of Israel" was concocted by corrupt political forces giving secular, atheistic Jews a new "homeland" back in 1948...

As most know, Israel is always mentioned as our "greatest ally" in the Middle East!  



I suggest that anyone reading my missive, please ask the surviving sailors of the USS Liberty that was brutally strafed (and torpedoed) back in 1967 by Israeli air force fighter jets, killing 34 and seriously wounding another 170 in that unprovoked attack! 

Those who did survive were told by the powers that be in Washington, D.C. to keep their mouths shut, or else!

This is not an exaggeration!   

Israel, our ally??

I wonder too, just how many know that the U.S. gives -- gives, with no strings attached -- over $2,000,000,000 bucks every single year to Israel for their military forces! 

All I ask, is to do just a tiny bit of research and discover for yourself the reality of the treasonous, Israel first, so-called "conservatives" and the almost complete denial of the right of freedom of speech to anyone who differs from the bought-and-paid-for narrative... 

(See this from the Black Conservative: (10) EP. 3148 I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE THAT FEELS THIS WAY. - Black Conservative Patriot Community (

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Prayer To Saint Jude -- Cousin Of Our Lord And Patron Saint Of Hopeless Causes...

  Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus,

I place myself into your hands at this difficult time.
Help me to know that I am not alone.
Please pray for me, asking God to send me comfort for my sorrows,
bravery for my fears, and healing for my suffering.
Ask our loving God to strengthen my faith
and give me the courage to accept His Will for my life.
Thank you, St. Jude, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you. Amen.

Thank you, Saint Jude, for being one of the many Saints that I have invoked to intercede for me in my battle with a very aggressive form of cancer (due to Agent Orange) from the time I was in Vietnam...  The CT scan that I had on October 21, 2023, shows NO signs of a recurrence of that deadly disease!  My next CT scan will be during the month of October 2024!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Unholy Alliance Between George Soros And Pope Francis! (Article From 2017!)

 The excerpts of this article post is from 2017.  I can assure anyone reading this missive, it is much worse now... We are seeing the fruits of this evil and wicked alliance, and its fulfillment, in the ongoing "synod on synodality."  A monstrous attempt to change, alter -- and destroy? -- the Catholic Church and its 2,000-year mission: the salvation of souls, and turn this divine institution into a secular, humanist "democracy," espousing the tenets of the French Revolution: "liberty, equality, and fraternity"!  

But no Christ!

The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, has written bizarre and scandalous encyclicals concerning those who forsook their Matrimonial vows, the sodomite agenda, as well as the so-called "climate change" and "global warming" scams, falling into the trap of the Zeitgeist, currying the favor of the ultra-liberal wing of apostate "Catholic" Marxists. 

The article is written by George Neumayr and posted at  The Unholy Alliance Between George Soros and Pope Francis - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

Here are the first four paragraphs of the article:

"The election of a liberal Jesuit to the papacy thrilled Democrats in the United States, whose unholy alliance with the Catholic left goes back many decades. Barack Obama, one of the pope’s most prominent supporters, has long been a beneficiary of that alliance. The faculty at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., ranked as one of the top donors to his campaign.

In a grim irony, Obama, whose presidency substantially eroded religious freedom in America, rose to power not in spite of the Catholic Church but because of it. The archdiocese of Chicago helped bankroll his radicalism in the 1980s. As he recounts in his memoirs, he began his work as a community organizer in the rectory rooms of Holy Rosary parish on Chicago’s South Side. The Alinskyite organization for which he worked — the Developing Communities Project — received tens of thousands of dollars from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Obama was close to the late Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. A proponent of the “Seamless Garment” movement within the Catholic Church in the 1980s, a movement that downplayed abortion and emphasized political liberalism, Bernardin was drawn to the socialism and relativism of the liberal elite. He was so “gay-friendly” that he requested that the “Windy City Gay Chorus” perform at his funeral. He embodied Obama’s conception of a “good” bishop and one can see in his admixture of left-wing politics and relativistic nonjudgmental theology a foreshadowing of the rise of Pope Francis.

Cardinal Bernardin put pressure on his priests to work with Obama and even paid for Obama’s plane fare out to a 1980 training session in Los Angeles organized by Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation. The conference was held at a Catholic college in Southern California, Mount St. Mary’s, which has long been associated with Alinsky’s group."

(This article is excerpted from George Neumayr’s new book, The Political Pope.)

Please, open your eyes and see the rotten fruits of the current demonic regime occupying the Vatican!

Pray for the defeat of these monsters, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Israel's "9/11," Part Two: Was The IDF Ordered To Stand Down (for 7 Hours!)? Was This An Intelligence Failure, Or A Planned "9/11" Event??

  Does this scenario sound familiar??

Was this an intelligence failure or outright treason??

Here are some articles to ponder...

Add to this, a story written by Dave Lindorff of This Cant Be Happening!    From Israel’s War Crime: Collective Punishment of Two Million in Gaza for Hamas Atrocities in Israel Incursion

And this: Monday, October 9, 2023

Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

And now, information has surfaced that the IDF was ordered to stand down for seven hours before responding to the attack/invasion of the various "terrorist" forces!

Please watch and listen to this report from detailing the "stand down" of the IDF... Sunday Emergency Broadcast: Israel False Flag Confirmed as Iran Warns of Further Escalation Ahead of Gaza Ground War (

Watch as much as you can... You'll suffer through the ads and commercials, but it is worthwhile in order to get some truth from alternate sources, not just the usual "conservative" media, forget about the treasonous mainstream media!

As I have said many times, all things are connected, and the plan is to bring down our nation and be subject to the international globalists who hate our God-given freedoms -- and God Himself!!

Israel is just a useful idiot, a pawn in this diabolical plan...

One more thing... Something you'll never hear being reported by any media, liberal or "conservative" is that many Palestinians are CHRISTIANS!  All those who support Israel -- at any price! -- please let that sink in.  But who cares, right? 

Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pope Francis: Convert To The Catholic Faith And Stop Spreading Errors, Heresies, Scandal And Confusion!

  What is going on in the novus ordo church?  

I thought the chief reason and mission of the Catholic Church was the salvation of souls, everything else is supposed to be secondary, period.

But you would never know that when the Bishop or Rome, Bergoglio, signals to the world that "climate change" and "global warming" are an existential threat to mankind and the survival of the earth if we don't adopt the radical agenda of such organizations such as the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the U.N. agenda, 2030, and other such anti-human, anti-Christ demonic proposals and initiatives being pushed by those who have abandoned their God for the god of Satan and his minions.

It is these very same organizations and initiatives that call for abortion and contraception to be made available world-wide for all females for any reason.

Is Pope Francis ignorant of this??  

And now, the so-called "synod on synodality," which officially started on October 4, has already produced some very scary proposals that should put the fear of the Lord into every faithful Catholic who loves Tradition and the perennial teachings of the Church over the last 2,000 years!

One of the most egregious and monstrous tenets of this new "religion," is the okay to bless sodomite couples!  This is a direct affront to God almighty and the teachings laid down in the Bible and held by all faithful clergy and laity concerning the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Unfortunately, this abomination has been on-going in the (schismatic!) German "Catholic" church for some time, with little or no condemnation from Rome.

The Catholic Church, once looked upon as a moral and spiritual beacon, for Catholics and non-Catholics alike -- especially when it came to the Moral and Natural Law -- has been darkened and almost completely ignored in order to curry favor with the Zeitgeist, instead of the other way around!  

The surrender of the novus ordo "church" to that very same Zeitgeist, has been made manifest in the bizarre words and actions of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, especially when jet-setting from point A to point B...

Not only that, but also in his recent encyclicals concerning the planet and the radical agenda fostered by the hard left (Marxist) lunatics who want to depopulate the earth to a more "manageable" 1/2 billion human beings!  

I could list a hundred articles and videos that corroborate such deadly nonsense... Suffice to say, all one has to do is to search "Pope Francis" and see for yourself the dramatic shift from the mission of the church to save souls, to "saving" the trees and whales, and calling for a one-world governance to enforce the state policies that would, for all practical purposes, impose a form of slavery on those who would be forced to serve the elites...

In addition to this craziness, is the continued attack by Bergoglio on Tradition, traditional orders and the traditional Latin Mass communities, describing us as "rigid," and much worse...

Who is this man dressed up as the Pope?

What spirit is he following?  

If not the Holy Ghost, then what spirit is it??

When Pope Francis goes to his Particular Judgment, who will fill the shoes of the fisherman, then??

The very prospect of a "Francis Two," is too frightening to contemplate...

Pray for a quick return of sanity to those being held hostage in the novus ordo "church"... And pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Israel's "9/11": The Other Side Of The Story...

  War is hell...

War is a punishment for grievous sins committed against God almighty!

Rarely, if ever, are there "just wars"...

Even if a war is "just," it still results in death and mayhem on a massive scale...

Innocent non-combatants suffer along with the military forces tasked to protect their homeland...

As I'm writing this missive, there is currently an on-going, spreading war between the Israelis and the various entities that have been classified as terrorists, from Hamas, the PLO and other groups, attacking Israel's territory from several different directions all at once.

Let us not forget that there is also an on-going mess of a war between Ukraine and Russian forces for control of certain disputed territories as well as a perceived threat of Ukraine joining the so-called NATO alliance.  

Keep in mind that both nations and states within those nations, have nuclear weapons, which, so far, have not been used on the battlefield.  However, it would take only one "tactical" nuclear weapon in the form an artillery shell fired from a Howitzer cannon or a tank to start a chain reaction of a nuclear Armageddon and the potential wholesale destruction of mankind as we know it...

I fear that Israel -- who, in fact -- has a nuclear arsenal, may use same if they feel that they are being completely surrounded by their enemies with no way out, except by the sea.  At this point, I don't believe that is an option for the political and military powers that are in charge of repelling an aggression from without.

We can see the day-by-day horrendous destruction and death, both in the Ukraine mess and Middle East disaster...

It seems to me that most if not all of the reports coming from both wars are almost completely one-sided!  In other words, the inability to report both sides of what is really going on and the cause for the wars leaves a gap in whatever truth is being fed to us by the biased media!

And that is the key: dare anyone report on what actually caused an invasion or attack on one country by another, in the first place, is usually met with cries of "conspiracy nuts," or, in the case of an Arab/Israeli war, "antisemitism" or much worse!

The fact remains that as I recently wrote: Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

"...Israel's intelligence agencies and the Mossad were completely caught off guard and had no idea that rocket attacks were going to be launched and ground forces were on the verge of invading Israel's territory???


If anyone believes this, I have a bridge for sale...

...And anyone who dares to express even one iota -- one letter, one sentence -- of a different narrative is quickly labeled as antisemitic and a supporter of the "bad guys" who invaded Israel's territory!"

Add to this, a story written by Dave Lindorff of This Cant Be Happening!                                and posted on Israel’s War Crime: Collective Punishment of Two Million in Gaza for Hamas Atrocities in Israel Incursion

Please read this article... I'm sure you will be forced to consider the long-term effects of the actions of the rogue state of Israel against their Palestinian neighbors.   Israel is not the innocent victim as they are being portrayed in the leftist media, not by a long shot... 

Pray for an end to all wars!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 



Monday, October 9, 2023

Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

  I'm not making this up!  

That's how Israel has described the "unprovoked" attacks on their territory by those "dirty dogs," Hamas, the PLO and with the help of Iran.

Does the event of our "9/11" ring a bell?

Remember that dastardly "unprovoked attack" on our American way of life back on September 11, 2001, by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters taking over several airliners and flying them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with incredible precision -- as described by many former pilots including combat veterans -- after taking a few flying lessons in little Cessnas down in Florida!

Keep in mind that our own "intelligence" agencies, NORAD and 7/24 alert jet fighters were completely taken out of the picture after the military reported off-course airliners were reported up the chain of command to their civilian superiors in-charge of giving the order to take out those rogue aircraft! 

Was this incompetence or outright treason?

Also keep in mind that military war games were conducting scenarios of airliners smashing into high-rise buildings (in New York?) on that very day or the day before "9/11"!

I could go on and on... I have written my views -- and facts -- of what "9/11" was all about and who was ultimately responsible for sacrificing nearly 3,000 American lives -- for???

Remember too that "9/11" had been described as a "Second Pearl Harbor"... 

Who remembers that it was the (senior) President Bush who called for a new-world-order.  I contend that his son, George W., successfully carried that diabolical plan to its fulfillment right under the nose and eyes of the dumbed-down, brainwashed American public...

And part of that success has been the revolution carried out against the Catholic Church since the demonic, Second Vatican Council that ushered in radical changes to the sacred liturgy as well as the watering down of Tradition and the perennial teachings of the Church's magisterium of the last 2,000 years, especially the near denial of the Dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation...

What has that to do with our "9/11" and now Israel's acknowledged "9/11"? 

The weakness and near destruction of Tradition being fostered on the novus ordo church by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, has led to the apostacy not seen since the Arien heresy of the Fourth Century.

The Church, once looked upon as a beacon of moral and spiritual truth, is no longer the case, instead it (the novus ordo) has become something unrecognizable to faithful clergy and laity, being much more Protestant than Catholic and submitting the church to the spirit of the age, rather than the other way around!   

"Climate change," "global warming," "social justice," along with the "blessing" of sodomite couples, has become the mantra of the extreme Left and the hierarchy of the Bergoglio regime that has held the Vatican hostage for the last 10 years...

Abortion -- the killing of the pre-born, has been put on the back burner, when it should be shouted from the housetops as the number one "issue" that should be front and center on the world stage... 

The voice of the church has been nearly completely silenced and its main function as the channel for sanctifying grace and the salvation of mankind is no longer its primary goal.  It has, for all practical purposes, abandoned the command of Christ to preach, baptize and convert all nations!

In reality, why should anyone or any nation listen -- to what passes for the Catholic Church -- has to say??

I have digressed a bit, but all things and events are connected in some way, shape or form, and the weakness of the novus ordo church and its relation to the world is no longer relevant, it just makes for good headlines once in a while...


Let me see if I understand this... Israel's intelligence agencies and the Mossad were completely caught off guard and had no idea that rocket attacks were going to be launched and ground forces were on the verge of invading Israel's territory???


If anyone believes this, I have a bridge for sale...

As an aside, how many know that Israel is the most radical of all nations when it comes to the killing of the pre-born?  That's right, there are no restrictions when it comes to abortion: just about any age female for any reason given is okay -- and government funded!!

But what have we seen since this "unprovoked attack" on Israel?  All the "Christian" Zionists have come out of the woodwork, which, I'm sad to say, includes the overwhelming majority of our "elected" representatives in the federal Congress and Senate, as well as most of the "conservative" alternative media!!

And anyone who dares to express even one iota -- one letter, one sentence -- of a different narrative is quickly labeled as antisemitic and a supporter of the "bad guys" who invaded Israel's territory! 

Those war-mongering lunatics will -- and are! -- having a field-day and the military industrial complex is salivating at the prospect of selling even more weapons and ammo to our Israeli "allies"... 

These maniacs want to attack Iran!  Don't they know that Iran has Red Communist China and Russia as its allies??

I'll let you put two and two together and see if you come up with four, as I did...

Enough said...

Pray for world peace and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Is Intention Important For The Validity Of Receiving A Sacrament -- Or Validly Taking And Holding An Office??

  If two baptized Catholics get married in the Church, one can presume that both the man and the woman had the intention of fulfilling the marriage contract: the bringing of children into the world and properly rearing them in the Catholic faith...

But!  If either the man or the woman, secretly, had no intention of having children, for instance, and/or planned to use contraception, or having an "open" marriage, then that marriage would be null and void from the outset.

In other words, that impediment would mean that there was no valid marriage to begin with! 

Can the same be said for a man that enters the priesthood, and hence, over time, be elevated to a bishopric -- or even the papacy?  

Intention is all important...

Presently, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, is right smack in the middle of some monstrous thing called the "synod on synodality," and is using that platform for some of the most idiotic, scandalous and confusing nonsense regarding sins of the flesh, an increased role of females in the church, and the absolute stupidity of so-called "climate change" and "global warming," the pushing for a one-world "authority" to monitor and enforce state policies to combat "resistance" to the globalist agenda.

Not to mention the re-writing of Catholic doctrine -- and dogma??

Was this the aim of the man called Francis from the beginning -- that is, before he ascended to the Chair of St. Peter???

If this is the case, and, as more evidence piles up on an almost daily basis, it seems that that is the case.

Meaning, that the anti-Catholic, anti-Christ elements to this man's thinking -- his intentions! -- would make his papacy null and void!

The time is quickly approaching that faithful Catholics, both clergy and laity, will have to wake up and see the rotten fruits of these puppets for the one-world-order lunatics hell-bent on de-populating the earth for their own evil intentions of the lust for power and control.

In their world, God is verboten, and the anti-Christ will be their god! 

Sound harsh?  Not really...

Nearly every single day more articles -- and writings of the pope himself -- leave very little to the imagination.  

Facts are very difficult to refute...

Here are just two articles for consideration; you be the judge -- and yes, we can judge a tree by its poisonous fruits that will surely kill the sanctifying grace in the soul if we swallow the line handed to us!

The first one is from and written by Michael


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sins Of The Flesh: CDC Reveals 10 States With Highest Rates Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases...

  The following article was posted on and written by ELAINE MALLONCDC Reveals 10 States with Highest Rates of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (

(Warning for some readers: this article contains explicit information that may scandalize, so beware!)

I believe it was Pope Saint Pius X who said that sins of the flesh are the number one reason why so many souls fall into hell for all eternity.

I'm going to post this entire article, then I'll make a comment about what the article does not include in the statistics...

"Anyone engaging in sexual activity with someone below the Mason-Dixon line has high odds of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

"Mississippi and Louisiana are the two states with the highest sexually transmitted disease rates, CDC data obtained by the Daily Mail reveals. For every 79 people in Mississippi, one person will be exposed to a sexually transmitted disease. 

 "In Louisiana, 1,160 sexually transmitted disease cases exist per 100,000 people.

"The ten states with the highest sexually transmitted diseases are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, New Mexico, and North Carolina.

"The CDC sees no signs of sexually transmitted diseases slowing, as more than 2.5 million cases were reported in 2021. 

"Between 2020 and 2021, gonorrhea rates increased by more than 4 percent. Meanwhile, syphilis cases skyrocketed by 32 percent. 

"In South Dakota, reports of syphilis went from 41 cases in 2016 to 785 cases in 2021 — a 1,800 percent increase. Many of these cases were reported in tribal lands with limited access to health care.

"Healthcare officials also point to the spike in cases, which results from about half of syphilis and chlamydia patients being asymptomatic.

"According to Leandro Mena, MD, MPH, director of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, solutions to the epidemic are becoming more accessible:

For the first time in decades, we’re seeing promising new STI interventions on the horizon, but these alone will not solve this epidemic. It will take many of us working together to effectively use new and existing tools, to increase access to quality sexual healthcare services for more people, and to encourage ongoing innovation and prioritization of STI prevention and treatment in this country.

"Sex education is mandated in only 38 states and in Washington, DC. A study conducted by the Journal of Marriage and Family found teens who signed abstinence contracts were less likely to engage in safe sex practices such as condoms once they became sexually active. 

“Abstinence pledgers are more likely to receive cultural messages downplaying the effectiveness of condoms and contraceptives as well as to be exposed to the framing of premarital sexual activity as a form of failure,” the report found.

End of article...
Note: those last two paragraphs are lies, in my opinion, and cement my conclusion that the authors of this report are purely hedonistic and belittle any attempt by those young, God-fearing folks that make an abstinence pledge not to engage in premarital relations.
Keep in mind that it was the CDC that produced these data... And, because of that, I contend, the vital statistics presented left out one of the major contributors to this vile, rampaging surge in these devastating diseases: promiscuous homosexuality!   
It is a known fact that many homosexuals have numerous partners in their crime that cries to Heaven for vengeance thereby spreading their filth to others.
These actions show a lack of charity toward their neighbor on many levels, especially not caring whether they infect another sodomite, continuing the vicious cycle of moral and spiritual degeneracy throughout their sphere of influence destroying bodies -- and souls!  
One of the problems we face with the CDC and other government funded organizations is the lack of real solutions, namely, the adherence to the Natural, Moral Law.  Instead, we get more drugs to treat the symptoms rather than the real cause: lack of self-discipline, and, hence, self-control of our inclination to concupiscence!  
Only a real conversion of heart and a firm purpose of amendment to sin no more will solve this soul-killing problem.
Remember, it's Christ or chaos!
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

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