Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sins Of The Flesh: CDC Reveals 10 States With Highest Rates Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases...

  The following article was posted on and written by ELAINE MALLONCDC Reveals 10 States with Highest Rates of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (

(Warning for some readers: this article contains explicit information that may scandalize, so beware!)

I believe it was Pope Saint Pius X who said that sins of the flesh are the number one reason why so many souls fall into hell for all eternity.

I'm going to post this entire article, then I'll make a comment about what the article does not include in the statistics...

"Anyone engaging in sexual activity with someone below the Mason-Dixon line has high odds of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

"Mississippi and Louisiana are the two states with the highest sexually transmitted disease rates, CDC data obtained by the Daily Mail reveals. For every 79 people in Mississippi, one person will be exposed to a sexually transmitted disease. 

 "In Louisiana, 1,160 sexually transmitted disease cases exist per 100,000 people.

"The ten states with the highest sexually transmitted diseases are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, New Mexico, and North Carolina.

"The CDC sees no signs of sexually transmitted diseases slowing, as more than 2.5 million cases were reported in 2021. 

"Between 2020 and 2021, gonorrhea rates increased by more than 4 percent. Meanwhile, syphilis cases skyrocketed by 32 percent. 

"In South Dakota, reports of syphilis went from 41 cases in 2016 to 785 cases in 2021 — a 1,800 percent increase. Many of these cases were reported in tribal lands with limited access to health care.

"Healthcare officials also point to the spike in cases, which results from about half of syphilis and chlamydia patients being asymptomatic.

"According to Leandro Mena, MD, MPH, director of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, solutions to the epidemic are becoming more accessible:

For the first time in decades, we’re seeing promising new STI interventions on the horizon, but these alone will not solve this epidemic. It will take many of us working together to effectively use new and existing tools, to increase access to quality sexual healthcare services for more people, and to encourage ongoing innovation and prioritization of STI prevention and treatment in this country.

"Sex education is mandated in only 38 states and in Washington, DC. A study conducted by the Journal of Marriage and Family found teens who signed abstinence contracts were less likely to engage in safe sex practices such as condoms once they became sexually active. 

“Abstinence pledgers are more likely to receive cultural messages downplaying the effectiveness of condoms and contraceptives as well as to be exposed to the framing of premarital sexual activity as a form of failure,” the report found.

End of article...
Note: those last two paragraphs are lies, in my opinion, and cement my conclusion that the authors of this report are purely hedonistic and belittle any attempt by those young, God-fearing folks that make an abstinence pledge not to engage in premarital relations.
Keep in mind that it was the CDC that produced these data... And, because of that, I contend, the vital statistics presented left out one of the major contributors to this vile, rampaging surge in these devastating diseases: promiscuous homosexuality!   
It is a known fact that many homosexuals have numerous partners in their crime that cries to Heaven for vengeance thereby spreading their filth to others.
These actions show a lack of charity toward their neighbor on many levels, especially not caring whether they infect another sodomite, continuing the vicious cycle of moral and spiritual degeneracy throughout their sphere of influence destroying bodies -- and souls!  
One of the problems we face with the CDC and other government funded organizations is the lack of real solutions, namely, the adherence to the Natural, Moral Law.  Instead, we get more drugs to treat the symptoms rather than the real cause: lack of self-discipline, and, hence, self-control of our inclination to concupiscence!  
Only a real conversion of heart and a firm purpose of amendment to sin no more will solve this soul-killing problem.
Remember, it's Christ or chaos!
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
Gene DeLalla

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