Thursday, October 5, 2023

Is Intention Important For The Validity Of Receiving A Sacrament -- Or Validly Taking And Holding An Office??

  If two baptized Catholics get married in the Church, one can presume that both the man and the woman had the intention of fulfilling the marriage contract: the bringing of children into the world and properly rearing them in the Catholic faith...

But!  If either the man or the woman, secretly, had no intention of having children, for instance, and/or planned to use contraception, or having an "open" marriage, then that marriage would be null and void from the outset.

In other words, that impediment would mean that there was no valid marriage to begin with! 

Can the same be said for a man that enters the priesthood, and hence, over time, be elevated to a bishopric -- or even the papacy?  

Intention is all important...

Presently, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, is right smack in the middle of some monstrous thing called the "synod on synodality," and is using that platform for some of the most idiotic, scandalous and confusing nonsense regarding sins of the flesh, an increased role of females in the church, and the absolute stupidity of so-called "climate change" and "global warming," the pushing for a one-world "authority" to monitor and enforce state policies to combat "resistance" to the globalist agenda.

Not to mention the re-writing of Catholic doctrine -- and dogma??

Was this the aim of the man called Francis from the beginning -- that is, before he ascended to the Chair of St. Peter???

If this is the case, and, as more evidence piles up on an almost daily basis, it seems that that is the case.

Meaning, that the anti-Catholic, anti-Christ elements to this man's thinking -- his intentions! -- would make his papacy null and void!

The time is quickly approaching that faithful Catholics, both clergy and laity, will have to wake up and see the rotten fruits of these puppets for the one-world-order lunatics hell-bent on de-populating the earth for their own evil intentions of the lust for power and control.

In their world, God is verboten, and the anti-Christ will be their god! 

Sound harsh?  Not really...

Nearly every single day more articles -- and writings of the pope himself -- leave very little to the imagination.  

Facts are very difficult to refute...

Here are just two articles for consideration; you be the judge -- and yes, we can judge a tree by its poisonous fruits that will surely kill the sanctifying grace in the soul if we swallow the line handed to us!

The first one is from and written by Michael


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