Saturday, October 28, 2023

"Conservative" Israel Firsters...

 I'm confused... (I guess I'm confused about a lot of things these days!)

I thought that being a conservative meant certain things, like conserving the traditions of life and family; of being a God-fearing Christian; "enduring" free speech and not being afraid of hearing points of view that differ with ours, putting America first, etc., etc...

Am I wrong here??

Well, it seems that anyone who dares to criticize Israel or who doesn't swear allegiance to that rogue "state," is automatically labeled as "antisemitic" or much worse, especially if one vocalizes their dissent from the standard narrative... 

There are, unfortunately, far too many so-called "conservatives" who put another country or state, ahead of the interests and well-being of our own nation.  In this case, the "state" of Israel, and our politicians outrageous military support of the IDF forces and their attempt to crush what's left of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by brute force.

The recent incursion of Hamas and Hezbollah fighters -- terrorists, as they have been called -- into Israel, using gliders and showering Israeli territory with numerous rockets and mortars, has led to a massive invasion of the Gaza Strip by the IDF...

Also, the fact that the coming invasion was unknown(?), even by the most sophisticated and advanced intelligence services as well as Mossad, plus one of the most advanced radar warning systems (such as our NORAD), dropped the ball and allowed the bad guys a six- or seven-hour window to do their thing before responding????   

(See my articles: Israel's "9/11," Part Two: Was The IDF Ordered To Stand Down (for 7 Hours!)? Was This An Intelligence Failure, Or A Planned "9/11" Event?? And this: Israel's "9/11": The Other Side Of The Story...)

As an aside, it may be of interest to know that many Palestinians are Christian, attempting to live out their lives in peace, and work the land that they have occupied for centuries before the illicit "state of Israel" was concocted by corrupt political forces giving secular, atheistic Jews a new "homeland" back in 1948...

As most know, Israel is always mentioned as our "greatest ally" in the Middle East!  



I suggest that anyone reading my missive, please ask the surviving sailors of the USS Liberty that was brutally strafed (and torpedoed) back in 1967 by Israeli air force fighter jets, killing 34 and seriously wounding another 170 in that unprovoked attack! 

Those who did survive were told by the powers that be in Washington, D.C. to keep their mouths shut, or else!

This is not an exaggeration!   

Israel, our ally??

I wonder too, just how many know that the U.S. gives -- gives, with no strings attached -- over $2,000,000,000 bucks every single year to Israel for their military forces! 

All I ask, is to do just a tiny bit of research and discover for yourself the reality of the treasonous, Israel first, so-called "conservatives" and the almost complete denial of the right of freedom of speech to anyone who differs from the bought-and-paid-for narrative... 

(See this from the Black Conservative: (10) EP. 3148 I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE THAT FEELS THIS WAY. - Black Conservative Patriot Community (

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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