Monday, October 16, 2023

Israel's "9/11," Part Two: Was The IDF Ordered To Stand Down (for 7 Hours!)? Was This An Intelligence Failure, Or A Planned "9/11" Event??

  Does this scenario sound familiar??

Was this an intelligence failure or outright treason??

Here are some articles to ponder...

Add to this, a story written by Dave Lindorff of This Cant Be Happening!    From Israel’s War Crime: Collective Punishment of Two Million in Gaza for Hamas Atrocities in Israel Incursion

And this: Monday, October 9, 2023

Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

And now, information has surfaced that the IDF was ordered to stand down for seven hours before responding to the attack/invasion of the various "terrorist" forces!

Please watch and listen to this report from detailing the "stand down" of the IDF... Sunday Emergency Broadcast: Israel False Flag Confirmed as Iran Warns of Further Escalation Ahead of Gaza Ground War (

Watch as much as you can... You'll suffer through the ads and commercials, but it is worthwhile in order to get some truth from alternate sources, not just the usual "conservative" media, forget about the treasonous mainstream media!

As I have said many times, all things are connected, and the plan is to bring down our nation and be subject to the international globalists who hate our God-given freedoms -- and God Himself!!

Israel is just a useful idiot, a pawn in this diabolical plan...

One more thing... Something you'll never hear being reported by any media, liberal or "conservative" is that many Palestinians are CHRISTIANS!  All those who support Israel -- at any price! -- please let that sink in.  But who cares, right? 

Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
Gene DeLalla 

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