Thursday, October 12, 2023

Israel's "9/11": The Other Side Of The Story...

  War is hell...

War is a punishment for grievous sins committed against God almighty!

Rarely, if ever, are there "just wars"...

Even if a war is "just," it still results in death and mayhem on a massive scale...

Innocent non-combatants suffer along with the military forces tasked to protect their homeland...

As I'm writing this missive, there is currently an on-going, spreading war between the Israelis and the various entities that have been classified as terrorists, from Hamas, the PLO and other groups, attacking Israel's territory from several different directions all at once.

Let us not forget that there is also an on-going mess of a war between Ukraine and Russian forces for control of certain disputed territories as well as a perceived threat of Ukraine joining the so-called NATO alliance.  

Keep in mind that both nations and states within those nations, have nuclear weapons, which, so far, have not been used on the battlefield.  However, it would take only one "tactical" nuclear weapon in the form an artillery shell fired from a Howitzer cannon or a tank to start a chain reaction of a nuclear Armageddon and the potential wholesale destruction of mankind as we know it...

I fear that Israel -- who, in fact -- has a nuclear arsenal, may use same if they feel that they are being completely surrounded by their enemies with no way out, except by the sea.  At this point, I don't believe that is an option for the political and military powers that are in charge of repelling an aggression from without.

We can see the day-by-day horrendous destruction and death, both in the Ukraine mess and Middle East disaster...

It seems to me that most if not all of the reports coming from both wars are almost completely one-sided!  In other words, the inability to report both sides of what is really going on and the cause for the wars leaves a gap in whatever truth is being fed to us by the biased media!

And that is the key: dare anyone report on what actually caused an invasion or attack on one country by another, in the first place, is usually met with cries of "conspiracy nuts," or, in the case of an Arab/Israeli war, "antisemitism" or much worse!

The fact remains that as I recently wrote: Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

"...Israel's intelligence agencies and the Mossad were completely caught off guard and had no idea that rocket attacks were going to be launched and ground forces were on the verge of invading Israel's territory???


If anyone believes this, I have a bridge for sale...

...And anyone who dares to express even one iota -- one letter, one sentence -- of a different narrative is quickly labeled as antisemitic and a supporter of the "bad guys" who invaded Israel's territory!"

Add to this, a story written by Dave Lindorff of This Cant Be Happening!                                and posted on Israel’s War Crime: Collective Punishment of Two Million in Gaza for Hamas Atrocities in Israel Incursion

Please read this article... I'm sure you will be forced to consider the long-term effects of the actions of the rogue state of Israel against their Palestinian neighbors.   Israel is not the innocent victim as they are being portrayed in the leftist media, not by a long shot... 

Pray for an end to all wars!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 



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