Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pope Francis: Convert To The Catholic Faith And Stop Spreading Errors, Heresies, Scandal And Confusion!

  What is going on in the novus ordo church?  

I thought the chief reason and mission of the Catholic Church was the salvation of souls, everything else is supposed to be secondary, period.

But you would never know that when the Bishop or Rome, Bergoglio, signals to the world that "climate change" and "global warming" are an existential threat to mankind and the survival of the earth if we don't adopt the radical agenda of such organizations such as the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), the U.N. agenda, 2030, and other such anti-human, anti-Christ demonic proposals and initiatives being pushed by those who have abandoned their God for the god of Satan and his minions.

It is these very same organizations and initiatives that call for abortion and contraception to be made available world-wide for all females for any reason.

Is Pope Francis ignorant of this??  

And now, the so-called "synod on synodality," which officially started on October 4, has already produced some very scary proposals that should put the fear of the Lord into every faithful Catholic who loves Tradition and the perennial teachings of the Church over the last 2,000 years!

One of the most egregious and monstrous tenets of this new "religion," is the okay to bless sodomite couples!  This is a direct affront to God almighty and the teachings laid down in the Bible and held by all faithful clergy and laity concerning the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Unfortunately, this abomination has been on-going in the (schismatic!) German "Catholic" church for some time, with little or no condemnation from Rome.

The Catholic Church, once looked upon as a moral and spiritual beacon, for Catholics and non-Catholics alike -- especially when it came to the Moral and Natural Law -- has been darkened and almost completely ignored in order to curry favor with the Zeitgeist, instead of the other way around!  

The surrender of the novus ordo "church" to that very same Zeitgeist, has been made manifest in the bizarre words and actions of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, especially when jet-setting from point A to point B...

Not only that, but also in his recent encyclicals concerning the planet and the radical agenda fostered by the hard left (Marxist) lunatics who want to depopulate the earth to a more "manageable" 1/2 billion human beings!  

I could list a hundred articles and videos that corroborate such deadly nonsense... Suffice to say, all one has to do is to search "Pope Francis" and see for yourself the dramatic shift from the mission of the church to save souls, to "saving" the trees and whales, and calling for a one-world governance to enforce the state policies that would, for all practical purposes, impose a form of slavery on those who would be forced to serve the elites...

In addition to this craziness, is the continued attack by Bergoglio on Tradition, traditional orders and the traditional Latin Mass communities, describing us as "rigid," and much worse...

Who is this man dressed up as the Pope?

What spirit is he following?  

If not the Holy Ghost, then what spirit is it??

When Pope Francis goes to his Particular Judgment, who will fill the shoes of the fisherman, then??

The very prospect of a "Francis Two," is too frightening to contemplate...

Pray for a quick return of sanity to those being held hostage in the novus ordo "church"... And pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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