Monday, October 9, 2023

Have You Heard? Israel Just Had Their "9/11"!

  I'm not making this up!  

That's how Israel has described the "unprovoked" attacks on their territory by those "dirty dogs," Hamas, the PLO and with the help of Iran.

Does the event of our "9/11" ring a bell?

Remember that dastardly "unprovoked attack" on our American way of life back on September 11, 2001, by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters taking over several airliners and flying them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with incredible precision -- as described by many former pilots including combat veterans -- after taking a few flying lessons in little Cessnas down in Florida!

Keep in mind that our own "intelligence" agencies, NORAD and 7/24 alert jet fighters were completely taken out of the picture after the military reported off-course airliners were reported up the chain of command to their civilian superiors in-charge of giving the order to take out those rogue aircraft! 

Was this incompetence or outright treason?

Also keep in mind that military war games were conducting scenarios of airliners smashing into high-rise buildings (in New York?) on that very day or the day before "9/11"!

I could go on and on... I have written my views -- and facts -- of what "9/11" was all about and who was ultimately responsible for sacrificing nearly 3,000 American lives -- for???

Remember too that "9/11" had been described as a "Second Pearl Harbor"... 

Who remembers that it was the (senior) President Bush who called for a new-world-order.  I contend that his son, George W., successfully carried that diabolical plan to its fulfillment right under the nose and eyes of the dumbed-down, brainwashed American public...

And part of that success has been the revolution carried out against the Catholic Church since the demonic, Second Vatican Council that ushered in radical changes to the sacred liturgy as well as the watering down of Tradition and the perennial teachings of the Church's magisterium of the last 2,000 years, especially the near denial of the Dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation...

What has that to do with our "9/11" and now Israel's acknowledged "9/11"? 

The weakness and near destruction of Tradition being fostered on the novus ordo church by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, has led to the apostacy not seen since the Arien heresy of the Fourth Century.

The Church, once looked upon as a beacon of moral and spiritual truth, is no longer the case, instead it (the novus ordo) has become something unrecognizable to faithful clergy and laity, being much more Protestant than Catholic and submitting the church to the spirit of the age, rather than the other way around!   

"Climate change," "global warming," "social justice," along with the "blessing" of sodomite couples, has become the mantra of the extreme Left and the hierarchy of the Bergoglio regime that has held the Vatican hostage for the last 10 years...

Abortion -- the killing of the pre-born, has been put on the back burner, when it should be shouted from the housetops as the number one "issue" that should be front and center on the world stage... 

The voice of the church has been nearly completely silenced and its main function as the channel for sanctifying grace and the salvation of mankind is no longer its primary goal.  It has, for all practical purposes, abandoned the command of Christ to preach, baptize and convert all nations!

In reality, why should anyone or any nation listen -- to what passes for the Catholic Church -- has to say??

I have digressed a bit, but all things and events are connected in some way, shape or form, and the weakness of the novus ordo church and its relation to the world is no longer relevant, it just makes for good headlines once in a while...


Let me see if I understand this... Israel's intelligence agencies and the Mossad were completely caught off guard and had no idea that rocket attacks were going to be launched and ground forces were on the verge of invading Israel's territory???


If anyone believes this, I have a bridge for sale...

As an aside, how many know that Israel is the most radical of all nations when it comes to the killing of the pre-born?  That's right, there are no restrictions when it comes to abortion: just about any age female for any reason given is okay -- and government funded!!

But what have we seen since this "unprovoked attack" on Israel?  All the "Christian" Zionists have come out of the woodwork, which, I'm sad to say, includes the overwhelming majority of our "elected" representatives in the federal Congress and Senate, as well as most of the "conservative" alternative media!!

And anyone who dares to express even one iota -- one letter, one sentence -- of a different narrative is quickly labeled as antisemitic and a supporter of the "bad guys" who invaded Israel's territory! 

Those war-mongering lunatics will -- and are! -- having a field-day and the military industrial complex is salivating at the prospect of selling even more weapons and ammo to our Israeli "allies"... 

These maniacs want to attack Iran!  Don't they know that Iran has Red Communist China and Russia as its allies??

I'll let you put two and two together and see if you come up with four, as I did...

Enough said...

Pray for world peace and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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