As you can see, I haven't forgotten the man who brought me into the world (with my mother, of course), nearly 77 years ago, a mere one year and eleven months after the end of World War II...
(My now-deceased brother, Richard, was born on Columbus Day, October 12, 1942.)
I remember the area of East Harlem (E. 116th Street, to be exact) and not all that far from New York's "Hell's Kitchen", where my father eventually met and married my mother, in 1941, just after the start of WWII.
What do I remember about that section of East Harlem? Well, for one thing, that's the area that my grandmother and grandfather lived until my granddad passed away in 1956. Both my grandparents were born in the mid 1880s in Italy before emigrating to America...
Every time us youngsters visited them, or they visited us in the Bronx, my grandpa would give us kids a beautiful silver dollar! I wish the dickens I still had that real money safely put away in my "piggy bank". Who knows what they would be worth today??
For those who might know something about East Harlem, it had a good-sized Italian population at the time and with that came the annual Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel... And, yes, I do remember the parades -- and the food! -- honoring the Mother of Our Lord...
I also remember my dad telling us about some of the "gangs" he hung around with and relayed to us that some of his "friends" ended up in prison or "rubbed out" by the mob!
One of the things that saved my dad from the same fate, was the Civilian Conservation Corps, better known as the C.C.C., started under the new Roosevelt administration.
Believe it or not, my father rode horses and was an aid to the captain of a detachment, in either Wyoming or Montana, after all these years I'm not sure which state. I do know that he enjoyed the experience from the way he talked about his adventures, now whether he embellished the stories or not, I don't know. But if he did, so what!!
I'm also not sure how long he served in the C.C.C., but it kept him off those deadly streets of E. Harlem for a while, as well as sending some of his meager earnings back to his mom to help with living expenses, etc. After all, we're talking about the "great" depression era...
Back in the latter part of the 1930s, my dad and some of his buddies formed a singing group called the "Melrahs" -- Harlem spelled backwards! I still have an a cappella recording of my dad -- pretty smooth, pretty cool!
My dad never served in WWII, but he did have some unusual skills that helped in the war effort, at least that's what he told us down through the years. So, in his own way -- he served too!
I guess I could write a book here, but suffice to say, I still pray for my dad, daily, as well as offering my Masses up for the repose of his fatherly soul!
Even though both my dad and my mom are gone, I'm still trying to fulfill the Fourth Commandment to Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother...
I do sincerely hope that someday I'll get to see my dad -- and my mom -- again, after my time is up in this vale of tears.
R.I.P., dad. I love you!
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
But I must warn you that some of the photos embedded in the article can be disturbing -- and, in fact, they should be in order to show the horrors of war -- and any potential threat of a near-future nuclear war as things continue to heat up across this lost world...
Article begins...
"On a bright but cloudy morning on 9 August 1945, a B-29 bomber, named “Bocks Car”, of the US Army Air Force, flew over the Japanese port city of Nagasaki and dropped a highly radioactive Plutonium implosion bomb onto the city, 300 yards from the second largest Roman Catholic cathedral in the Far East, Urakami Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The bombing was personally ordered by US President and Democrat Party leader, Harry Truman.
The story is now partly the subject of a major new film named after the US scientist who led the Atom bomb programme – called the Manhattan Project – namely Dr J Robert Oppenheimer.
It is said that the pilot of Bocks Car, Major Charles Sweeney, an Irish-American, brought up Roman Catholic, had not had a clear view of the initial target, Kokura (now Kitakyushu), and, running out of fuel, headed back over Nagasaki when he spotted the turret of the Cathedral. Concluding that must mean there were people nearby it, he decided to drop the bomb more or less on top of it.[1]
Whether he knew it was a Roman Catholic Cathedral or not is unclear. What is clear is that, ever after, and long after he learned that Urukami Cathedral was Catholic, Sweeney continued to claim that dropping the bomb was necessary and good.
Major (later General) Charles Sweeney USAAF, the Nagasaki bomber pilot
The bomb exploded at 11:02 in the morning and blew most of the Cathedral, most of the city, and most of its inhabitants to smithereens in a blinding flash.
The remains of the city were engulfed in a massive emission, and the consequent dust cloud of toxic radiation caused large numbers of the few that survived the blast to die over the next days, months and even years – some even 20 years later – from acute radiation poisoning.
Bocks Car had dropped what is known in the nuclear trade as a “dirty” bomb, meaning that, upon exploding, it would release a very high emission of poisonous nuclear radiation.
Mushroom cloud over Nagasaki
This was the nuclear bomb that went on giving for years after it was dropped – giving to the people of Nagasaki the horrible after-effects of nuclear radiation that slowly kill victims for years.
The vast majority of the people obliterated and vaporised by this fearsome weapon were civilians, children, women, elderly – almost all of whom had nothing to do with the war save to endure the constant air attacks of Allied bombers and the loss of their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons in the conflict. Children were blasted to tiny pieces of mangled flesh and fractured bone by a huge bomb dropped right on top of them.
The burnt corpse of a child after the bomb at Nagasaki
The US Target Committee, chaired by Brigadier-General Leslie Groves on the appointment of General George C Marshall, then Chief of Staff of the US Army, consisted partly of military officers, and partly of scientists from the Manhattan Project.
They were deeply unqualified to choose targets in Japan for any kind of bomb, let alone an atomic bomb. However, Kyoto was originally on the target list but was taken off by order of US Secretary of State, Henry L Stimson.
According to Edwin Reischauer, a US Army Intelligence officer and Japanologist, “the only person deserving credit for saving Kyoto from destruction is Henry L Stimson, the Secretary of War at the time, who had known and admired Kyoto ever since his honeymoon there several decades earlier.” Stimson had discovered that the historic city of Kyoto was one of the great artistic centres of the world.
But this came about by pure chance. The Target Committee was otherwise unequipped to understand such issues and focussed only on city size and population numbers.
Very little research was needed to discover that the city of Nagasaki was the one city of Japan that was most likely to be friendly to the Western Allies, not only because it was a port city where, even when Japan was closed and isolated, foreigners would still enter and visit, but also because of a vitally important cultural reason.
That vital reason was that the city of Nagasaki was the very epicentre of Japanese Catholicism.
Brigadier-General Leslie Groves surveying a map of Japan to select targets for the atomic bombs
It had become so after the arrival of European missionaries, like St Francis Xavier, in the 16th century. They found the Japanese receptive to Christianity and declared that the Japanese were a naturally religious people. Even famous Samurai (feudal knights) and Daimyo (feudal lords) began to convert to Christianity. So many people converted that the government took fright and began to persecute Christianity in order to stop its spread.
Not only was Nagasaki the centre of Japanese Christianity, but it was the city in which Japanese Catholic martyrs, St Paul Miki (Feast Day 6 February) and his companions, in 1597, had been put to death by crucifixion and piercing by spears during the widespread persecution of Christians under the Tokugawa Shogunate of Tokugawa Ieyasu, Emperor Ogimachi and imperial regent, Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Thereafter, the Christians of Nagasaki were compelled to hide their religious beliefs during a long period of persecution that accompanied the seclusion policy of the Japanese government cutting Japan off from the rest of the world for some 250 years.
These underground Christians were later to be known as Kakure Kirishitan (“hidden Christians”) i.e. Japanese Catholics who went underground at the start of the Edo period in the early 17th century due to persecution.
From the beginning of the isolation of Japan until the re-opening of Japan in the 19th century, these Kakure Kirishitan kept the Catholic faith, cunningly disguising it under a veneer of apparent Buddhism, without a single Catholic priest to provide them with the Sacraments or to catechise their children.
They kept the Faith secretly, making their priestless Masses and services appear like Buddhist services and their statues of the Virgin Mary and the saints appear like Buddhist statues so as to avoid persecution by the authorities.
The Japanese Christian martyrs were crucified by their persecutors and then stabbed in the side with spears, mockingly imitating the manner of Christ’s own death. Monks, friars and religious were executed in their religious robes or habits.
The authorities, whenever they uncovered a secret Christian, would force them to stamp or spit upon the Cross, or upon an image of the Virgin Mary, on pain of death to those who refused. This resulted in many more Japanese Christian martyrs who, after refusing to desecrate Christian symbols, were then executed, often by crucifixion.
When, in 1863, two French priests from the Société des Missions Étrangères, Father Louis Furet and Father Bernard Petitjean, landed in Nagasaki with the intention of building a church honouring the principal martyrs of Japan, they were astonished to discover tens of thousands of Kakure Kirishitan living in Nagasaki, a large number living in Urukami village (the district of Nagasaki where the Cathedral was later built).
A church was finished in 1864 and later became Oura Cathedral dedicated to the Japanese martyrs. Before long, tens of thousands of underground Christians came out of hiding to attend the Masses and services being held in the newly built church in Oura.
Approximately 30,000 secret Christians came out of hiding when religious freedom was re-established in 1873 after the Meiji Restoration. These Kakure Kirishitan were also known as Mukashi Kirishitan (“ancient Christians”).
When news of this reached Blessed Pope Pius IX in Rome, he declared it “the miracle of the Orient.”
Construction of Urakami Cathedral began in 1895, after the long-standing ban on Christianity was lifted.
The missionary clergy purchased, from a village chief, land where the humiliating interrogations of hidden Christians had taken place for two centuries.
When completed in 1925, it was the largest Christian structure in the Asia-Pacific region until the construction of the still larger Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Hong Kong.
It became the Co-Cathedral of Nagasaki together with Oura Cathedral.
Both cathedrals were blown to bits when Bocks Car dropped its deadly pay-load on the unsuspecting capital of Japanese Christianity, the one part of Japan that could reasonably be expected to be most favourable to the Western Allies. Nolan notes these numbers:
Of the approximately 12,000 Christians living in Urakami at the time, 8,500 were killed, including several dozen parishioners and two Catholic priests, who were hearing confessions in the cathedral that morning.
James Nolan, Atomic Doctors: Conscience and Complicity at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age (Harvard University Press, 2020), 115.
The once Christian city of Nagasaki, and its Roman Catholic Cathedral, flattened and smashed to bits by the atomic bomb and the whole area was covered in highly toxic radioactive dust, poisoning survivors, some of whom died even 20 years later.
As the late and world-famous Catholic philosopher at Oxford University, Professor Elizabeth Anscombe, wrote the following when protesting in 1956 at her College giving Truman an honorary degree:
…bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The decision to use them against people was Mr Truman’s. For men to choose to kill the innocent as a means to their ends is always murder, and murder is one of the worst of human actions… In the bombing of these cities, it was certainly decided to kill the innocent as a means to an end. And a very large number of them, all at once, without warning, without the interstices of escape or the chance to take shelter, which existed even in the ‘area bombings’ of the German cities.[2]
By no standard of morality known to man could this horrific war crime ever be justified. The deliberate decision to bomb to smithereens non-combatant children, women and elderly people is always and everywhere a shameful form of mass murder every bit as immoral as mass-murdering Jews and other non-combatant minorities in concentration camps.
Those children, women and elderly had nothing to do with the declaration and prosecution of the war, which was, from the beginning, a decision only of their government and not them. Therefore, deliberately to target these non-combatants was, and is, an obviously immoral war crime.
But to choose Nagasaki as a target for the dropping of an atomic bomb was an act, not only of grave criminality and immorality, but of intense stupidity and strategic folly.
But how many people know the real story of the decision to drop an Atom bomb onto the centre of Japanese Catholicism? Very few, in my experience.
As with the equally immoral bombings of civilians in Germany, the numbers killed are grossly under-stated by Western leaders and historians, chiefly, one suspects, out of an attempt to minimise the shame of what they must know were gravely immoral acts.
The late UK Labour Party member of the British House of Lords, Lord Snow, himself an accomplished scientist and civil servant, set out in the Godkin lectures of 1960, later collected into a book entitled Science and Government, in precise detail, the sorry story of the near-complete failure of the Allied carpet-bombing campaign against Germany during World War II, reaching its peak in 1944.
Dresden obliterated by Allied bombing in 1945
He cites Nobel prizeman, Professor Patrick, Lord Blackett OM, CH, FRS, another member of the British House of Lords and scientific adviser to the British Admiralty during the War, as saying that the carpet-bombing campaign, by attacking civilian rather than military targets, lengthened the war by at least 6, if not 12, months, a persuasive indictment against the strategic bombing campaign.
Lord Snow cites both Lord Blackett and the official naval historian of the War, Captain Stephen Roskill CBE, DSC, FBA, RN (brother of the British judge and member of the UK’s then highest court, the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords, Lord Roskill), as agreeing that the diverting of long-range bombers to bombing German cities instead of protecting the Atlantic convoys very nearly cost the Allies the Battle of the Atlantic and thus the whole war, so foolish a policy was it.
The final proof, if more were needed, was later provided by the post-war survey of the bombing results, entitled The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany 1939-45 compiled by historian Dr Noble Frankland CB, CBE, DFC, and diplomat and historian, Sir Charles Webster KCMG, FBA.
This survey showed that the calculated results of bombing civilian areas were grossly over-estimated, not only by partisan, pro-carpet-bombing advocates, like Churchill’s primary scientific adviser, Professor “the Prof” F A Lindemann, Lord Cherwell, but even by opponents of carpet bombing within the Civil Service, including scientists and permanent civil service department heads like Sir Henry Tizard GCB, AFC, FRS.
Even more embarrassing were the less-than-wholly-approving conclusions of the US Strategic Bombing Survey, commissioned by Secretary Stimson.
In fact, the US survey concluded, in relation to the atomic bombings, that “based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.”[3]
And yet we are repeatedly and persistently told, by apologists for the atomic bombing, that the war would not have ended if the atomic bombs had not been dropped and that they were thus a moral necessity.
This view simply does not accord with the known facts.
In fact, the Imperial Japanese government had already made peace overtures, via the Soviet Union.
Professor Elizabeth Anscombe makes reference to them in her 1956 pamphlet when she writes:
In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference in July, Stalin informed the American and British statesmen that he had received two requests from the Japanese to act as a mediator with a view to ending the war. He had refused.[4]
Stalin, anxious to waste the energies, men and resources of both the Allies and the Japanese, simply refused the peace offers, hoping that the Allies would think the Japanese were being insanely obstinate and that only an invasion of the Japanese mainland would bring them to their senses.
The first experimental atomic bomb was exploded in the desert at Almogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, just in time for the Potsdam Conference which began the very next day.
On the same day, Dr Leo Szilard and 60 other scientists protested the use, without warning, of the atomic bomb in Japan, emphasizing the moral responsibility for such use of weapons of mass destruction.
Although the US government ignored such protests, the Japanese government, on the very next day, 18 July 1945, submitted one of its requests for peace arbitration to the Soviet Union.
Thus, long before the atomic bombs were dropped, the Japanese were already suing for peace.
However, the pilots and their leaders were now already well hardened to the consequences of carpet bombing since they had long been carpet bombing Tokyo and other Japanese cities, just as their colleagues had done to German cities.
The damage suffered by these cities was even more extensive than that caused by the atomic bombs.
In all the carpet-bombings, almost all of those killed were innocent, non-combatant civilians, mostly children, women and the elderly.
The results of the fire-bombing of Tokyo on the night of 9-10 March 1945 with greater damage and loss of life than either atomic bombing
I recently visited Japan with the Burma Campaign Society on a goodwill and reconciliation tour to bring together some of the few remaining survivors of the war.
We were very happy to see 97-year-old former Fusilier, Richard Day, shaking hands with former Japanese infantry sergeant-major, 104-year-old Katsuo Sato, as both had been enemy belligerents at Kohima during the war in Burma. They now greeted each other as reconciled friends.
Our Japanese hosts could not have been more hospitable, friendly, and courteous. It was a pleasure to meet and spend time with them.
At the various press conferences held, I made clear, as a former serving British officer, my moral objections to the Allied atomic and carpet bombing of innocent Japanese non-combatant civilians during that war, particularly Nagasaki, the centre of Japanese Christianity. This became a point of particular interest for the Japanese reporters, and I was questioned about it.
We visited Nagasaki, seeing both the hypocentre of the explosion and the peace park.
A part of Urakami Catholic Cathedral has been erected at the hypocentre to remind all that the bomb was dropped only 300 yards away from that cathedral, which had only been finished 20 years earlier, in 1925.
By an extraordinary coincidence, we met an elderly lady, aged 97, accompanied by her daughter and granddaughters, coming out of a restaurant, who had witnessed, not only one, but both atomic bombs.
Having just seen the bomb at Hiroshima, she escaped to Nagasaki expecting to be safe only to see the second bomb. She was fortunate – she survived both.
But curiously, in this city, once the centre of Japanese Christianity, not a single religious symbol has been allowed to be erected at any of the sites dedicated to the memory of the bombing. Despite repeated enquiry, I was not able to find any proper explanation of it.
My tentative conclusion was that, to avoid any contention about which religious symbols would be appropriate in a city where the Kakure Kirishitan had been persecuted by their Buddhist and Shinto brothers, the authorities must have decided that all religious symbols were to be excluded.
However, as always happens when religious symbols are excluded, this simply meant, and still means, an entirely self-contradictory victory for Atheism and secularism, the very reverse of what should be commemorated at such a tragic site.
Kakure Kirishitan, hidden or underground Christians, holding their services clandestinely to avoid persecution during the times when Christianity was forbidden and prescribed by the Shogunate
Thus, as I mounted the escalators to go up to the peace park, what were the first two memorials that I encountered after entering?
One from the Soviet Union and the other from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic!
Christianity could not be celebrated at the site of this, the most Catholic part of Japan, destroyed by a cruel and brutal atomic bomb, but Communism, a totalitarian ideology of the Soviet Union that had refused the Japanese peace requests which might otherwise have prevented the bombing, was allowed to erect its false and mendacious monuments.
I call upon President Putin of Russia and President Pavel of Czechoslovakia to insist that the Nagasaki city council pull down these deceitful monuments and replace them with Christian monuments from Russia and Czechia to commemorate the fact that the bomb was dropped upon the centre of Japanese Christianity.
And I call upon the governments of the free world, and the United Nations, likewise, to acknowledge the criminal nature of that bombing and to pledge never again to allow such wholesale mass destruction of innocent, non-combatant children, women and elderly people, to take place.
But is this a lesson that mankind is willing to learn or even acknowledge?
There are rules and laws of war designed to protect the innocent, but will belligerent nations respect them?
As war rages in Ukraine and in the Middle East, these questions are as relevant today as they were in 1945. Our failure to admit the crimes that have been committed by our own side will not help resolve the issues but, on the contrary, will only serve to worsen them.
War criminals and terrorists must learn that the truth will come out eventually and that the laws of war are there to be obeyed, not flouted.
And the simple rules of morality in war do not change merely because of the growth of technology.
It is always wrong to target innocent non-combatants, it always has been, and it always will be. The sooner governments remind themselves of this basic principle, the better.
The Feast Day of St Paul Miki, Japanese Christian martyr, is 6 February.
[1] This story was told to me by Ambassador Koji Tsuruoka, the former Japanese Ambassador to Britain who is himself a Catholic. There is some dispute about this claim, but in any case we know that the bomb detonated very close to the cathedral.
[2] Anscombe, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret (1956). Mr Truman’s Degree. Oxford: Oxonian Press.
[3] The United States Bombing Surveys (PDF). Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press. 1987. p. 107. Truman Library: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, July 1, 1946. Truman Papers, President’s Secretary’s File. Atomic Bomb.
James Bogle is a barrister (trial attorney) in practice in Britain for 30 years in constitutional, public and commercial law, a former British cavalry officer, and a writer and historian. He is also a Knight of Malta and was President of the International Una Voce Federation promoting the traditional Roman rite from 2013-2015.
End of article...
Pray that we never have to experience nuclear devastation, where the living would envy the dead...
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
You know, when it comes to treason it doesn't just apply to a spy selling state secrets to the enemies of our nation, it also applies to the elitist tyrants that sit in their cushy offices dictating what law-abiding Americans can put in their bodies in order to live healthier lives...
Apparently, the leftist mantra of "my body, my choice," doesn't apply to the good (Amish) farmers who grow decent, organic foods to sell to their private members and for those members to consume those foods!
The corrupt PA food dictators got their way -- for now, that is, when a judge was convinced by the lies and scare tactics used by those enemies of freedom to choose what someone can, or can not eat.
The attacks on those folks who grow organic food stuffs is nothing new. A brief search will show that organic farmers have actually been "swatted" by the storm troopers of corrupt state and federal departments of justice (a real misnomer!) and food and drug watchdogs, with guns drawn, to destroy food products and totally shut down their ability to sell food to the locals in their community!
Please watch the following short video (less than 4 minutes) and listen to the responses of the folks interviewed and judge for yourself... And by the way, if you think this injustice can't happen in your local community, think again...
Before I post this revealing article, I want to stress that I will put the words father and president in brackets. Why? Because it is painfully obvious that neither are legitimate or valid.
The traitor, hair-sniffing pervert, Biden, because he was installed -- not elected! -- into the Oval Office, and the absolute heretic, pervert, James Martin cannot be a validly ordained priest of the Holy Catholic Church, that's why...
For an obvious example, if two baptized Catholics get married in the Church, one can presume -- that is, when the bans of marriage are announced and nothing negative is revealed -- that they validly received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. But that presumption rests on the belief that there were no impediments to the reception of the sacrament. However, if one of the spouses at the time of the "marriage" is, say for example, a serial killer or a heretic, and that is not revealed or confessed beforehand, then that "marriage" is automatically null and void. Plainly speaking, there was no marriage to begin with!
So, neither can a communist, or a heretic be validly ordained to the priesthood! That is a spiritual impossibility! Remember too, that the former communist recruiter, Bella Dodd (and she revealed that there were others!), got commies and perverts to enter the seminaries and become "priests" to infiltrate and bring down the church from within. What we are seeing today, are the rotten fruits of those communists and perverts that have done -- and continue to do -- their dirty work of destroying dogma and the faith of millions of Catholics, leading them over the cliff by the Judas goats -- the wolves in sheep's clothing -- to certain spiritual death!
How many "priests," "bishops," "cardinals" and "popes," have deviated from the authentic teachings of the Church on faith and morals -- and the dogmas that must be believed if one is to be saved!
Remember Archbishop Sheen's comment on a parallel church that calls itself Catholic??
I will post the entire article here, but not the photograph of these two despicable, smiling, heretics and perverts...
The very first line below, is taken from St. Paul's condemnation of those who eat and drink unworthily, in 1 Corinthians: 11:27,29...
"Joe Biden is a heretic who eats and drinks his own spiritual death every time he unworthily takes Communion, which is all the time.
So, it is unsurprisingOld Joe hosted another well-known heretic, ["Fr."] James Martin, S.J., at the White House last Sunday for St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland, and here was Old Joe allowing them to slither into the White House.
Let’s review the heresies of ["]Fr.["] James Martin, S.J.
Martin looks forward to the day when married gays can kiss at the sign of peace. He tells same-sex attracted people that God made them that way and that “He does not make junk.” He believes there is more than one “sexual orientation.” He says Catholic teaching on homosexuality has not been “received” and, therefore, can change. He says the same thing about contraception.
He says the Church’s teaching on homosexuality must change from “disordered” to “differently ordered.” He says the Church’s teaching on homosexuality is “subhuman.” Martin says we must “reverence” committed, that is to say active, homosexual relationships. He says Catholic adoption agencies must place children with homosexuals or be guilty of “homophobia.” He believes the homosexual desire is among the deepest parts of a human being. One could go on and on.
And all the while, ["]Fr.["] Martin insists that he does not oppose any teachings of the Church. He spreads his heresies wherever he goes, including the White House.
But, you say, he has been welcomed into the Vatican to sit down with the pope. True enough. And he has been appointed to various Vatican committees, including one on communication. It should be pointed out that the Holy Father is not infallible in the guests he invites into his presence.
I think Francis has no real idea of what Martin does and says and is generally up to with regard to normalizing sodomitical relationships. The pope does not read Crisis Magazine. So, who’s to tell him? The various heretics around him? Not likely. They are telling him, “Holy Father, those evil conservatives hate him because he wants to meet gays where they are!” And, “Holy Father, you know, those Trads want them to burn in Hell.” Without a doubt, we hear, to say the least, uncertain trumpets coming from Vatican City these days. Such trumpets sound an awful lot like the wah-wah-wah coming from the mouth of James Martin. No doubt, they know him well in certain Vatican offices.
He wasn’t the only heretic hosted by the Heretic-in-Chief. Jesuit Thomas Reese was there. I don’t know all of his heresies, but I know one of them is his support for contraception, the font of most of the sexual evils for almost a century. He has called for the Church to surrender on the question of homosexuality. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between ["]Fathers["] Reese and Martin.
A passel of Kennedys was there. How far from the tree! John Kennedy was a sinner, as are we all, but he was not a dissenter. Did you know that on that plane ride back to Washington, D.C., after Kennedy had his head blown off, LBJ was not sworn in on a Bible? According to historian Paul Kengor, they swore him in on a big fat Missal, the kind TLM Catholics use to this day. They found it in the plane. It belonged to Jack or Jackie. But you can figure that among the 30 or so Kennedys pictured with Joe, every single one of them dissents from Catholic teaching, and not a one dissents from the sexual revolution.
And so, it makes perfect sense that Old Joe would invite such a ["]priest["] as James Martin to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Joe Biden is in lockstep with a number of Church heresies. Joe believes in abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. He says kids have a human right to have their privates chopped off. Of course, he favors homosexual marriage, adoption, etc. These are old news.
But the new thing is that he wants to institute hate crime laws against Catholics and others who oppose this new sexual dogma. He has initiated a global jihad out of USAID to punish Catholics anywhere in the world who vocally oppose this agenda.
Do not despair. This is marvelous. Why? Because He knows what He is about, and what did He do? He sent us to defend His Church and His creation at a time of maximum danger. This is as good as anything that happened in the second century. Do not miss this remarkable moment where the heretics bask in the sun and we are called upon to defend Holy Mother Church."
Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC. He is the author of several books including, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Crisis Publications). He can be reached at
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
No, this is not a "conspiracy theory," but a fact that can no longer be denied. In fact, the good Bishop Schneider confirms this as a real, continuing threat to the Chair of St. Peter and will not change after the next conclave, to think differently is to be naive!
(LifeSiteNews) — Father Charles Murr is back for this week’s episode of Faith & Reason with Liz Yore and John-Henry Westen, discussing a Catholic event organized at Mar-a-Lago, Harrison Butker’s remarks on a letter he wrote to Cardinal Timothy Dolan about the transgender funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the suppression of the Mission of Divine Mercy, and more.
Westen begins the show discussing a Catholic prayer event for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump he attended at Mar-a-Lago, organized by John Yep of Catholics for Catholics. He notes that speakers at the event included Jim Caviezel, Roger Stone, Michael Knowles, as well as non-Catholics such as Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski.
Speaking to Stone’s remarks at the event, Westen recalls that Stone said he stopped practicing his faith for a time, though when he started again, he called out the Floridian hierarchy for not keeping churches open during COVID. His own bishop told him to stop coming to the Catholic Church after that, and now Stone attends Sunday services at a Protestant church. He still prays the daily Rosary.
Yore observes that if Stone is praying the daily Rosary, he will come back to Mass. Fr. Murr, meanwhile, assures Stone that he and many other Catholics were praying Rosaries for him after he was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Murr also draws attention to Michelangelo’s Last Judgment, saying that St. Dominic can be seen holding the Rosary out to the poor souls in purgatory and lifting them to paradise with it.
“I sure hope that Roger Stone gets back to his Catholic faith,” says the priest. “I would ask him to forgive that bishop for giving him such an unwelcome welcome.”
Yore compares what happened to Stone to Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck, noting that Houck, now a congressional candidate, recently said that we no longer have freedom if the FBI “bangs on your door and threatens your children in an early morning raid,” according to Yore. To Yore, it is time to “stand up and push back.”
Murr also comments on the FBI raids, saying they were done to frighten us into avoiding any contradictions to the status quo.
Yore further observes that former Trump advisor Peter Navarro went to prison this week for contempt of Congress, a charge he is currently appealing. The arrest, the mainstream media noted, was rare for such a charge. The charges were brought against Navarro after he claimed executive privilege when asked to testify before Congress’ January 6 Committee. Navarro never had a chance to defend himself in a criminal trial, Yore notes, and will be in prison for four months for a misdemeanor charge.
Meanwhile, Harrison Butker, a kicker for the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs, appeared on an EWTN podcast and spoke about a letter he wrote to Cdl. Dolan about his dismay over the funeral of transgender activist “Cecilia Gentili” at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Butker said the funeral needed to be addressed before he returns to the cardinal’s podcast, on which he appeared last year. Butker told the outlet that he asked Dolan to make a “strong statement” about the event, that he was upset Dolan didn’t make such a statement, and that someone needed to be “held accountable” and “potentially fired” for the sacrilege.
Yore and Westen discussed Butker’s remarks about Dolan, both noting that Dolan said he received a “solidarity” letter from Butker explaining that he was upset about the funeral. Westen, however, calls out Dolan for an apparent “lie” regarding the letter’s contents, since his account does not seem to match that of Butker, explaining that Dolan “sets himself up” with his remarks and that Butker called him out.
The trio also speak to Butker’s remarks on abortion made during his appearance. Butker said that abortion is a “great atrocity that’s occurring with the massacring of the unborn.” He further opined that the unborn are the greatest victims in our society, that they do not have a voice, and that they cannot fight for themselves.
Yore draws attention to Butker’s use of his celebrity to promote the culture of life and recalls how Butker wore a tie during a visit to President Joe Biden’s White House with the words Vulnerari praesidio – protect the most vulnerable – written on it, referring to the unborn. He also wore a lapel pin in the shape of a 10-week-old infant in utero.
“These are the kinds of things that Catholics can do to send a message,” Yore says. For her, Catholics should follow in the footsteps of celebrities like Butker and Caviezel and not wait for bishops and clergy, but to do pro-life evangelism themselves, with the celebrities giving courage by their example.
Murr reacts to Butker’s remarks on abortion saying that it is not an “atrocity” but a “massacre.” “It’s not a blemish on our society, it’s an indictment that we can do this and be happy with ourselves,” he opines. He recalls that when once visiting a family, their daughter came in just after having an abortion and proceeded to make a ham sandwich as though nothing had happened.
“I remember watching this, and I’m thinking, ‘You can just sit down after an abortion and after killing your child and having a ham sandwich just like nothing,’” Murr laments. “What has happened to our conscience as a as a people? Our consciences individually?”
He also agrees with Yore’s assessment on the clergy regarding abortion, adding that if the bishops were to approach abortion the way they ought, “we would not be where we are.” He adds that unclear clergy on abortion are a scandal, though says that if abortion is a scandal, the fact of clergy being unclear on it is an outrage.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider recently appeared on a podcast discussingFiducia Supplicans and the state of the Church.
Speaking about Fiducia Supplicans, Schneider recalls Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” in which a group of con men fool an emperor into thinking that they clothed him in garments invisible to fools, though the emperor himself realizes the con when a child points out the obvious that everyone else was afraid to point out. For Schneider, the faithful must be like the child in the story and respectfully tell Pope Francis that he is putting his own soul in danger and those of others with the December document.
He also refers to the St. Gallen Mafia in the interview, opining that it would be “logical” for them to stage meetings to plan on the 2013 conclave the way they did, as “the enemy is not sleeping.” Schneider calls on people to organize a “holy” mafia that will pray, do penance and reparation, and make sacrifices to “implore divine intervention” for the Church.
Yore reacts to Schneider’s remarks on the St. Gallen Mafia by advising people to stop being “naïve” to a “St. Gallen Mafia II” that is not “already planning the next conclave,” and that they will not relinquish the Petrine See.
(My emphasis.)
“We have to be absolutely vigilant and demanding of our cardinals in the run up to the the conclave to demand all sorts of things,” she states, including the removal of Ted McCarrick’s former roommate Cardinal Kevin Farrell as papal camerlengo, the man in charge of the papal conclave. She also calls for another Gagnon report to see how many Freemasons there are in the College of Cardinals – something she thinks needs to be known before the next conclave.
“This is a clarion call by Schneider to wake up, stop being naïve, don’t presume that things are going to be fixed in the next conclave,” she asserts. “We need to spiritually arm ourselves, but also to be vocal and to make demands to ensure that what comes next is not worse.”
Murr agrees with Yore, adding that priests must stop being afraid to speak the truth. Christ, he says, will take care of them. “We should speak clearly,” he maintains. “Many of us are not speaking clearly. Many of the clergy are afraid that they’re going to lose everything they have by speaking clearly. It’s time to speak clearly.”
Murr also speaks to Fiducia Supplicans, warning that Rome is doing to lady deacons what it did with irregular couples, in his opinion: playing with language – the women will be deacons but not deacons at the same time.
“Stop the game playing!” he exclaims. Looking to Rome’s approach to defending Fiducia Supplicans, Murr calls it “insulting” that “Rome takes us for such pathetic fools, that we’re really buying this. Nobody’s buying it.”
Murr does not doubt that there are Freemasons in the Curia, responding to the potential objection of “conspiracy theory” that the philosophy of Freemasonry and those running the Church is “the same,” but calls on people to remain in the Church. For him, we still have Christ, Scripture, and the teaching authority of the Church. “Follow that and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,” the priest advises.
“It’s a good time also to do penance,” he concludes. “We’re going into Holy Week. This is a fine week to do penance, to do fasting, to do praying, and also to do some letter writing to your bishops, to your pastors, to Rome, and to the Pope!”