Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Easter Miracle... a short story for children

                   The Easter Miracle, a short story for children..1/6/2018

         The weather was unusually cool for April, April 1st, that is, and this April 1st was not only “April Fools” day, but on this April 1st, it was also Easter Sunday.

         (And wouldn’t you think that Easter Sunday would be a lot more observed and important than “April Fools” day?)

         Audrey, Tammi, and their good playmate-friend, Millie, were getting all dressed up prim and proper by their mothers to attend church services; the Catholics too, would attend Mass on that special day when, that once-little-baby, Jesus, had all grown up then died for everyone so that one day they may be with Him forever.   

         Even Jewish parents and their families (that attended synagogue the day before on Saturday), would allow their children to participate in that once- a-year event known as the Easter Egg Hunt, held at the Washington Memorial Park, named in honor of our first president, George Washington.

         But one of their other little friends, Missy, was not allowed to play with them because her dad had been arguing with Audrey’s dad, over the last couple of weeks, about a rose bush right smack on the property line that separated their homes in the quaint little town of Westminster (Vermont), just a hop, skip, and a jump over the border from New Hampshire. 

         “Funny,” how some grownups can argue over a silly little rose bush!  But argue they did!

         Missy was very disappointed, of course, not being able to be with her friends, but her father, Bill, wasn’t about to lose this argument with Roger (Audrey’s dad).

         To Bill and Roger, it was the principal of the thing: on whose property was that tiny rose bush growing? 

         Bill and Roger broke out the property maps that the town provided, along with the surveyor’s maps thinking that they were precise and exact, so they thought. 

         Both dads said that the rose bush was on each of their properties.

         But how could that be?

         It couldn’t!  That’s how!

         So, either Bill or Roger was wrong!  


         Maybe the surveyor’s lines were wrong?

         In any event, as usually happens in such crazy arguments, the children suffer.  Fortunately, the only “suffering” was not being able to have Missy sit with them at church. 

         Even though both dads knew that the little bush was a rose bush, it hadn’t blossomed because of the unusually cool – some might call it cold – temperatures for that time of year.  In fact, many other flower- and fruit-bearing bushes hadn’t bloomed either also because of the lower than normal temperatures.  Even the trees were far behind in budding their new leaves!  After church services, the families were going to a community brunch (a combination of breakfast and lunch!) to break the fasting of the night before.

         Even at the community brunch, it was obvious that Bill and Roger’s families purposely sat apart from each other: one family occupied a table at the far end of the hall away from where the other family was sitting!

         After all, which one was going to “give in” first?

         “Not me,” thought Bill; “Not me,” thought Roger!

         It seems that pride can get in the way of an awful lot of things!

         When Missy asked her mom and dad if she could explore the dessert table and look for a delicious piece of homemade apple pie, they said: “Sure!  And if you find two, bring that back too!”  The second piece of pie was for her dad.  It seems Missy’s mom was on a diet, and didn’t want the temptation of sitting right next to her husband seeing him devour a luscious piece of wonderful smelling apple pie!  Come to think of it, she had no choice, unless she wanted to sit somewhere else, away from her husband!

         But Missy had additional plans by going to the dessert table: getting the attention of Audrey, Tammi and Millie sitting pretty darn close to that very same dessert table. 

         The “plan” worked! 

         Soon, the four friends met – even for only a few minutes – and hugged, and said how much they missed each other and prayed that their dads would get over this silly disagreement about the rose bush. 

         The brief get-together ended; Missy returned with not one, but two pieces of delicious, lovingly made apple pie, one for herself, and one for her dad…

         Well, eventually the brunch ended, and those families attending the festivities slowly started to leave the community center, and headed in the direction of the Washington Memorial Park to participate in the-always-fun Easter Egg Hunt…

         Again, this played right into the hands of the four young girls, as the signal to start “the hunt” was given, Audrey, Tammi, and Millie knew exactly where to go to meet Missy just out of sight of their parents.  Not that they were doing anything wrong, it’s just that they were good friends and loved each other very much.  It was difficult for them to be separated, not knowing how long this dispute with their dads was going to last!

         The girls found some of the Easter Eggs and deposited them into their little baskets to show their parents how hard-working and successful they were in the “hunt”.  

         Now, even though Roger and Bill were at odds with each other, the moms were just a little less concerned about on whose property that little rose bush resided.  Plus, they figured that the girls would find a way to stay in touch, especially at the egg hunt.  But kept such knowledge to themselves; not a peep to their husbands!

Plus, they figured that this silly feud couldn’t last too much longer; they were right.  Not because they could see into the future; nobody can, but events were going to take place that even they could not have imagined…

After about an hour and a half, all the eggs had been found and presented, and the contest winners announced.  As soon as the prizes were presented (Millie was one of the winners!), the moms and dads, boys and girls started to slowly depart the park and headed back to their homes for some more family fun and games, knowing that the next day, it was school-time as usual; back to studying, reading, writing and arithmetic…

It just so happened that Roger and Bill pulled into their driveways almost at the same time, so the girls were able to wave a last goodbye before entering their homes.

But wait!

Something was different about that little disputed rose bush…

As they parked their cars, they noticed that the rose bush had many big, bright, rosy-red roses sprouting all around it!

But that can’t be!

Just a couple of hours ago, that bush was all closed up; no buds, no flowers, due to the colder than usual temperatures.

What was going on here, they thought to themselves…

Both families were standing there in amazement.  Staring at that beautiful rose bush, unable to explain what they were seeing right in front of them.

Soon, more folks started to gather at their property, they too were amazed, unable to explain what they were experiencing…

Word quickly spread through the small town…

         The local radio station was tipped-off about the phenomenon of the beautiful, little rose bush, and soon broadcast the fantastic, seemingly unbelievable news!

         The tiny town newspaper – the Westminster Gazette – heard about the excitement, and sent a reporter to gather any information they could, hoping to get a “scoop” for the next day’s publication…

         I could see the headlines now: “The rose bush that could”!

         Was this a “miracle”?

         But who believes in miracles these days?

         Both Roger and Bill slowly approached the little rose bush, standing on either side of it, being careful not to step onto the others property.

         Heaven forbid!

         Soon, Audrey, Tammi, and Millie approached from their side of the property; and Missy approached from her side, standing less than two feet apart…

         Roger was the first to speak: “Bill, have you ever seen anything like this before?”

         “No, Roger, I can’t explain this; doesn’t make sense…

         “Just an hour or two ago, there was nothing here but a rose bush with no buds; no flowers.  I just can’t figure this one out.”

         “I wonder if someone is trying to tell us something,” said Roger.

         “I think we ought to take good care of this little miracle rose bush, regardless on whose property it’s on…”

         “I agree, Bill…”

         Bill spoke next…

         “Roger, I feel pretty stupid about arguing about this rose bush; I apologize.”

         “Me too, Bill; I apologize.”

         The two dads shook hands and wished each other a Happy Easter…

         All the girls were as happy as could be that their dads made up and shook hands!  Now they could be real friends again!

         And you just witnessed the real miracle of the little rose bush that could!

The End

E. DeLalla  















Read Little Johnny and the Snowman... a short story for children

         Little Johnny and the Snowman; a short story for children, 12/2017…

“Susie, make sure you have your scarf, okay?”

“I will mom…”

Laura, Susie’s mom, was just a little concerned about the weather forecast for the day: cloudy, with a chance of a few snow flurries, a bit breezy too, but not all that cold, somewhere around 30 degrees.  Still, that scarf gave Laura the security that her nine-year-old would be toasty warm while playing with her neighborhood friends.

Susie was going to meet her best friend, Janie, along with Sarah, and Frankie and Tony.  The close-knit group of youngsters grew up together and attend the same middle school, just a hop, skip, and a jump from their favorite park and skating rink.

The kids wanted to start their planned, special project: to build a huge snowman while the temperatures stayed around the 32-degree freezing point.  After all, that very same weather forecast suggested that the next couple of days would see the thermometer rise close to 40 degrees; that, they figured correctly, would start the melting of Frosty. 

So, they plowed ahead to an area just inside the park, built in honor of a local, fallen soldier from the Vietnam War, fought so many years ago.   

Being Saturday, most parents joined in with their children, filling the park with boys and girls, moms and dads, enjoying at least one-half of the weekend, knowing that Sunday is a day of rest and church, honoring the good Lord that made them who they are.

But there was something – or someone – missing from the festivities, especially from Susie and her playmate buddies: little Johnny.

It’s not that Johnny was away, or didn’t want to participate in building a Frosty snowman with his friends, it’s just that he was confined to a wheelchair after suffering a severe accident six whole months ago. 

Johnny’s right leg was paralyzed with some nerve damage that the doctors said might be made right by a special – and expensive – operation.  His parent’s medical insurance would cover part of the cost, but there would still be many thousands of dollars that would have to be raised either by taking out a loan, or some sort of fundraising effort to help cover the remaining expense. 

All Johnny could do, was to watch his close friends strolling down the street, waving as they passed by his living room window, though he desperately wanted to join in creating the tummy, head, arms and fingers of a big ‘ol Frosty. 

Susie and the “gang” would always stop by Johnny’s house to play with him and keep him company after school for as long as they could before they had to return home for dinner and do homework.  But it really hurt that Johnny couldn’t help build the special snowman just in time for the Christmas vacation. 

Johnny’s dad, Mitchell, even though he had to work part of Saturday, promised that when he returned home, he would take Johnny down to the park, so he could at least watch his friends put the new Frosty together.  This would give Johnny some measure of joy; being with his schoolmates and buddies.

And so, he did…

Soon after a chorus of: “Hi Johnny!” rang out from his dear friends, they began to plot out where the new snowman was going to be built.  They decided it would be just beyond the skating rink where Johnny and the crew loved to show off their “skills,” especially to those just a little too timid to try their luck on skates.

         But it would be a long time before Johnny could try on his skates once again, if ever.  Even though his friends and, most of all, his own family, continued to give him encouragement that one day he would be absolutely normal again. 

         Were they just trying to make Johnny feel better, or was there really a good chance that he would be able to walk, run, play and skate soon?

         Family, especially Johnny’s older brother, Andrew, and sister, Sally, friends and neighbors told Johnny, on a daily basis, that many prayers were sent his way for a complete recovery, lifting his spirits and giving him much hope for the future.

         Still, at times, Johnny would be sad, unable to accept any reason why he suffered from his leg being paralyzed, and unable to participate in his usual activities with his playmate-friends.


         The first sign that a real Frosty was being put together came when Frankie and Toni began to roll a small ball of snow that would become the snowman’s tummy.

As the little snowball continued to grow, Susie and Janie started rolling their own snowball that would become Frosty’s head, while Sarah worked on his arms and fingers…

Of course, they needed a big carrot for his nose; two little stones for his eyes, and some twigs for his fingers, and a fancy, black top-hat to cover his head.

But where would they be able to find a “top-hat”?  Well, isn’t that what parents are for?   They’ll find one, they figured!

Now that they had all the ingredients for Frosty, minus that very important top-hat, all they had to do was to put all the pieces together – like a puzzle – then enjoy their creation, that is, so long as Mother Nature cooperated and kept the temperatures down near the freezing point to keep Frosty from melting away.

Watching from his wheelchair, after only an hour-and-a-half, Johnny saw little snowballs “miraculously” transform into all the children’s beloved Frosty the Snowman. 

How fitting for the upcoming Christmas season!

It didn’t take long for a mini celebration to take place after their new creation was complete, that is, except for that top-hat that would have to be added later on that day, or maybe Monday.

The gang – and that still included Johnny – couldn’t wait to brag to their other schoolmates and relatives about the best Frosty the Snowman ever built now residing in their favorite park!

After a long and event-filled Saturday, it was time for all to return to their homes for some warm drinks of hot chocolate or tea or milk, and enjoy a wonderful and delicious meal with the family.  The same held true for Johnny and his household…

After some family activities, it was time for Johnny to get ready for bed and be ready for Sunday’s services…


After Johnny’s parents tucked him into bed, and dimmed the lights in his room, there was only one wish and thought dashing through his head, keeping him awake just a little longer than usual: please, will I be able to walk again??  Please, let me walk again!! 

This was his simple Christmas wish; that’s all he wanted for this Christmas; no toys; no new skates, just to be cured and walk again.

His thoughts slowly became blurred, and his eyelids heavy with encroaching sleep, and finally, he drifted off to a restful and peaceful slumber…

And though the events of the day were over, his slumber was temporarily interrupted by his over active imagination in the form of a strange, yet welcome dream…

Johnny didn’t’ know how much time had gone by since he fell asleep; was it a minute, five minutes, an hour; he couldn’t tell… Then, he thought he heard the door to his room slowly open; he wasn’t scared, just curious, knowing that his loving parents, and even his older brother and sister were always attentive and cared for his well-being…

As Johnny’s eyes focused on the young gentleman that entered his room, he could see that his visitor was slightly rotund (a little on the heavy side!); all dressed in white; had sort of a funny nose, pleasant, welcoming eyes, and a soft, comforting voice…

His new visitor had one question, or, shall we say, a wish for Johnny to make for the upcoming Christmas season.

“Johnny, what would you like for Christmas?”  He asked…

  Immediately, Johnny sat up in his bed, and thought of one thing: being able to get out of his wheelchair and again have strong and sturdy legs so he could run and play with his friends as he could before his accident. 

After all, who wouldn’t want to wish for that?

But Johnny’s big, and kind heart reminded him that there were others in the world, in fact, right in his own little community that were more in need than he…

For instance, there was one of his schoolmates that lived just a couple of blocks away from his home that always made trips to the local community kitchen, so they could have sufficient food to eat.  And to the local thrift shop so the kids could have half-way decent clothes and shoes to wear to school, all because his dad was having a difficult time finding a good-paying job.

He remembered his teacher telling his class about some children in Africa not being able to go to school, and, in some cases, not being able to live in peace, due to political and social unrest, usually caused by uncaring men only looking out for themselves, rather than for their citizens.

All these, and many other thoughts raced through Johnny’s mind -- in seconds… 

So, what did Johnny wish for?

What do you think Johnny wished for??


Johnny wished that his schoolmate’s dad could find a good job; he wished that the children in Africa could go to school and live in peace.  But he also wished that someday, he might be able to walk again.   That’s not being selfish, just being a child that wanted to walk again…

After his strange, but kindly visitor quickly disappeared from his room, Johnny felt that he had to tell his parents about what just happened!   So, he got up from his bed and walked into his parent’s room to tell them about his dream…

E. DeLalla




The pumpkin and the scarecrow.. a short story for children 11/2017

The Pumpkin and the Scarecrow, a short story for children, 11/2017…

“Look, Joanie, I see a really big one right over there!”  Said Andrew, to his really-excited little sister.  “I see it!  Let’s get Mary and James to see it too!”

(At seven years old, Andrew, the oldest of the four siblings, was sure to be credited with finding one of the biggest pumpkins in Farmer John’s field.)


The multi-colored leaves had begun to fall from the trees, as the chill in the Fall air was an indication of the coming festive holiday of Thanksgiving, a favorite of the Brady family.  One of the reasons that it was a favorite time of year, is that the kids knew that their nieces and nephews and cousins would be coming to their house, almost like a mini family reunion.  They also knew that the relatives would be bringing with them extra goodies to add to the already loads of good food that would almost overload the dinner table, including some of their favorite homemade desserts, sure to cause them to eat just a wee bit too much!  At such a tender age, these family adventures would make a lasting impression, with happy memories that would last forever, passing them down to their children in the years to come.

And the sky was deep blue with a few puffy clouds that, once-in-a-while, would hide the sun, but only for a few seconds at a time.  A slight breeze released some of those “stubborn” leaves still clinging to their temporary tree-home, while their fellow leaves already decorating the ground would be gently lifted up only to find a new home a few feet away, all this added to the feel of this special day.  Their mom dressed the kids in sweaters and light jackets just to make sure that they would stay as warm as toast.

Linda Brady was proud of her little ones… She loved to see their smiling faces, especially at the prospect of the coming holiday of Thanksgiving and the really-special holiday of Christmas following shortly after.  This always brought her and her husband, Frank Brady, great joy and pleasure, seeing their children growing up right before their eyes!   They also knew that time flies by, and their kids would quickly become teenagers before they knew it, so they wanted to savor every last minute of their childhood, capturing their playful antics in pictures as well as recording their voices creating future memories.

But now, the quest to become the owners of the “biggest” pumpkin in the five-acre field of pumpkins was the only thing on the minds of these young ones.  And who could blame them?  After all, what child would have anything else on their minds when surrounded by all those pumpkins?  But this was not the first “hunt” for pumpkins; from just about the time the kids could walk, their parents wanted them to see and experience this special time, all because their family had been brought up in the traditions of American life.  And this going way back to their grandfather’s coming to the United States from England in 1941 right at the beginning of World War II when only nine years old.  So granddad wasn’t old enough to enlist in the Army to participate in that terrible war that ended in 1945, thank goodness.

Frank Brady wanted to continue those traditions to help keep alive the memory of his beloved dad as well as preserving this classic American holiday.


Oh!  But wait!  There seemed to be “somebody” guarding that huge pumpkin way over in the corner of the field.  Andrew, with Joanie, five, following right behind, ever so slowly inched their way closer to the prize, along with her five-year-old twin brother, James.   Little Mary, just three years old, rushed to catch up with James, and grabbed his pant leg to hitch a free ride, but James decided to plop Mary down into the little red wagon they towed, as they all headed in the direction of their newly discovered gem.

Their plan was to capture that monster pumpkin, and claim it for their very own, but first they had to figure out just “who” that was standing directly in front of them -- with his back toward them.  Did they have to bargain with the “fellow” with those outstretched arms standing so still, just like a soldier at attention waiting for his commanding officer to inspect his uniform and rifle? 

They didn’t remember this “man,” so tall and rigid, surrounded by all those orange globes, last year.  So where did “he” come from, and why was “he” there, they wondered?  

It seems as though Farmer John had to enlist the services of this “man” because those pesky crows were making a meal of his prize-winning pumpkins just when he was needed in other sections of his farm, tending to his many other responsibilities.  And the “man” did his job well!  Not a single pumpkin was lost since “he” assumed “his” duties!

As they drew closer, they slowed their approach to this giant.  Then, Joanie, James and Mary stopped in their tracks, and let their brave brother Andrew cover the last few steps, waiting to see just what was going to happen.  

“Hello, mister?   Hello?”  Said Andrew…

There was no response…

Now, just three feet away from the “stranger,” Andrew took another step forward, ever so slowly, so as not to frighten the unsuspecting “man” towering over their pumpkin…

Before he took another step forward, though, he remembered his dad saying that he should not talk to strangers – and that went for his brother and sisters too.  But the desire to own that big old pumpkin was just too strong, and he was already thinking of what to tell his dad about this little adventure and “talking” to this “stranger.”

The three siblings could see that the “man” had funny fingers, nothing like their own fingers, but more like hay!  But how could that be?   A man doesn’t have hay for fingers, they thought.  Plus, his clothes seemed torn and tattered, nothing like their clothes.   Plus, his feet also had hay for toes, nothing like their toes.  And how could that be? 

As this little drama began to unfold, their dad, Frank, was watching from about fifty-feet away, and with his wife, began to chuckle, but very silently, waiting to see how their kids would handle the “negotiation” with the “man” standing as the last obstacle to claiming their prize pumpkin.   (And such would become pleasant and happy memories for these very blessed parents, as Frank remembered his mom and dad taking him and his two brothers and sister to a pumpkin field when he was just a youngster himself.)  Ah! What child-like innocence!

Little Mary cried out: “Andrew…”  showing concern for her brave brother.  (Andrew was Mary’s little guardian and protector; they were close as a brother and sister could be.)   

Joanie and James were just a little less concerned, but still curious with wonder at the “man” blocking their way to grabbing that big old pumpkin…

With the last three steps taken, Andrew, now in front of the tall “man,” looked up at “his” “face”…

 “This isn’t a man,” he yelled to his brother and sisters; “it’s a scarecrow”! 

Relief filled Joanie and James; Mary was still sitting in the little red wagon waiting for the last scene to unfold right before her eyes…

“A scarecrow”?  Now Joanie and James remembered their dad telling them that sometimes farmers put such things in their fields to keep birds away, so he can save his crops.  But memories can be short with such little ones...

Mary chimed in: “A scarecrow”?  (Not really knowing what that meant!)   “What is a scarecrow”? she continued…

Andrew wasted no time in getting that big, orange pumpkin from its resting place and moving it toward their red wagon.  But Mary needed to give up her private little carriage space before that huge globe could be picked up – with the help of Joanie and James – and “gently” placed in their wagon. 

But there was still a little room left in the wagon for Mary, so she became the closest to the pumpkin; that made her feel really special!

With the whole “drama” at an end, Frank and Linda smiled at each other and strolled toward their kids as they approached with the wagon – and their pumpkin!  

Now of course, their parents, would have to take those little pieces of green paper from their wallets to pay for the newly found treasure that would soon decorate the fireplace mantle.  And maybe, just maybe, mom would eventually make a fine pumpkin pie – or two?

                                           THE END…

E. DeLalla

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Honor thy Father and thy Mother

This noble and Divine command to honor our father and mother, given by God to Moses and the Israelites on Mt. Sinai, indicates the dignity and importance of the state of matrimony in salvation history.

          Our Lord Himself was present for the celebration of the wedding feast at Cana, and, at the suggestion of His most Blessed Mother, performed His first public miracle, all because neither wanted to see the bridegroom and bride embarrassed for lack of wine, displaying a very human trait of sympathy. 
          Our Lord also raised the wedding of man and woman in matrimony to that of a sacrament: an outward sign instituted by God for the conferring of grace.
          There have been numerous articles written about the Synod on the Family that took place recently in Rome.   What came out of that Synod was a hint that the Church should look more favorably on unnatural “unions” of two males or two females.  (Such an unholy relationship confers only death to the soul and scandal.)  This, of course, directly contradicts what the Church has always and everywhere believed and taught on Faith and morals down through the millennia.
          And then there is the recent announcement that the Archdiocese of New York will close and then “consolidate” parishes over the next several years, totaling one-hundred-twelve in all.  This is nearly one-third of all the parishes in the New York area.
          Why is this happening?
          The answer is simple, yet compelling: there are not enough people to fill the pews. 
          Again, the question is why?
          The contraceptive mentality that infiltrated the mindset of Catholics in this country and around the world has led to fewer babies bring born to fill those pews.   The population “replacement rate” has decreased dramatically, not only in this country, but also in most Western nations.  So the main reason for a man and a woman to enter the married state is further contradicted for the sake of convenience, which is nothing short of selfishness.  In other cases, the extreme method of “birth control” is the heinous act of aborting the developing baby in the womb of her mother.
          In the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 19, 3-6, Our Lord elevated marriage, which God had blessed in creating Adam and Eve, to a holy sacrament “…the Pharisees came to Jesus to tempt Him and saying: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?  Who answering said to them, have ye not read, that He Who made man from the beginning, made them male and female?  And He said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh.  Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh.  What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” 
          St. Paul echoes these same words in Ephesians, Chapter 5.  He uses the analogy of Christ and His Church to that of a husband and his wife.  Ge goes on to say: “… let women be subject to their husbands as to the Lord; because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church: He is the Savior of His Body.  Therefore, as the Church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things.  Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the Church, and delivered Himself up for it… So also ought men to love their wives as their own bodies.  He that loveth his wife, loveth himself: for no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it; as also Christ doth the Church: for we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.” 
          There is no “wiggle room” here.  Marriage, elevated by Christ to a sacrament for the baptized, is the union made between a man and a woman for the purpose of bringing children into the world and rearing them in the Faith, for the salvation of these children, their own salvation, and for the greater honor and glory of God.  Husband and wife are co-creators with the Divine Creator.  Two males or two females, of course, can never co-create.  There is no “union,” never mind marriage.
          We know that man-made judgments – coming from an activist judiciary – have recently “blessed” the “rights” of the unions of two males or two females, but such judgments are null and void, as they contradict the Natural Law instilled by God in every human heart.  Such is the teaching of the Church and such is common sense.  Those politicians who dare to violate God’s law, sin gravely, especially so if they are “Catholic.”
          We read in the Catholic Encyclopedia: “Marriage is a contract and is by its very nature above human law.  It was instituted by God, is subject to the Divine law, and cannot for that reason be rescinded by human law.  Those who contract marriage do so indeed by their own free wills, but they must assume the contract and its obligations unconditionally.   Marriage is natural in purpose, but Divine in origin.  It is sacred, being intended primarily by the Author of life to perpetuate His creative act and to beget children of God; its secondary ends are mutual society and help, and a lawful remedy for concupiscence.  Human law certainly takes cognizance of marriage, but marriage, not having been established by man, its essential properties cannot be annulled by such law.  Marriage is monogamic and indissoluble; death alone dissolves the union when consummated.” 
          Also in the Catholic Encyclopedia: “In the Old and the New Testament, the love of God for man, and, in particular His relations with His chosen people (whether of the Synagogue or of the Church), are frequently typified under the form of the relations between bridegroom and bride.” 
          The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.  Christ, the Head, is one with His members.  In heaven, the Church militant has become the Church triumphant, forever.  The Union is indissoluble.  So, too, therefore, in this life, the union of husband and wife, as a figure of the Church, is indissoluble, while both partners live.  Any power on earth that would dare to assume that it could abrogate this sacramental union, as the state attempts to do in sanctioning divorce, is in defiance of God Almighty.  
E. DeLalla.

Friday, May 25, 2018


Though this article refers to Iraq, it also applies to the many nations that we have since invaded, mainly for regime change – and to further secure additional energy sources.

          As former Sec. of State, James Baker once said in an interview: it’s about jobs. 

          Did you get that?  It’s about jobs?   Attacking, killing and maiming, and destabilization of nation states is about jobs? 


          Isn’t that called blood money?  But who cares these days..

    As I was driving on Route 202 through Jaffrey recently, I saw a late model pickup truck with a huge Old Glory crisply flapping in the breeze created by the forward movement of the truck.

  The Flag was one of the biggest I have seen attached to any vehicle since 9/11 and apparently reflected the truck driver's pride in his country and fervent patriotism.   Or did it?

    With the prospect of the United States engaging in a unilateral action against Iraq without concurrence of the United Nations, or a formal declaration of war, the national attitude is not one of solidarity for war.   There is much dissention and disagreement as to whether or not Iraq should be invaded by us -- or anyone, for that matter -- without giving the weapons inspectors more time to complete their mission.

  The weapons inspectors’ recent report to the U.N. indicates that progress is being made, albeit slowly and reluctantly.     

    War is not glorious at all.   It robs a nation of its treasure -- especially that of its citizen army (and airman and sailors too) -- and destroys equipment and property.   Plus, there are always the innocent that are killed along with the "enemy." 


    For a righteous war to be fought, it must meet the criteria for a just war -- are these criteria present in the case of Iraq?   I think not.

    I hope that the pickup truck driver flying our Flag the other day knows the difference between patriotism and nationalism.   The differences are titanic and must be understood in order to avoid what happened in early 1930's Germany.  

    For the Catholic patriot (as I am), the situation is more complex and requires that his Faith be integrated with his love of country.   I am finding out that this is no small task, being a Vietnam veteran and extremely pro-military, I must still apply those critical standards for a just war.   I do not find those standards being met; therefore, I cannot support a unilateral action against the nation of Iraq.

E. De Lalla    



Can't see the forest from the trees

                    Not being able to see the forest for the trees!

Not a day goes by that I don’t read some article by a “conservative” writer – whether in a column for the almost uncountable publications, or in an editorial – lamenting the sad state of our beloved country.  

These lamentations include, but are not limited to, a runaway judiciary; special interest groups demanding more and more “rights”; abortion; the anti-God folks, and liberalism in general.  

To be sure, they have valid points to complain and write about, but there also seems to be some crucial element that is missing from their logic – especially when it comes to proposing a solution – if they do -- to the myriad problems that currently plague our nation.

Do I have the answer to these increasingly serious problems?

I’ll let you be the judge…  

First, let us look at the current state of affairs of a once great country: a country, I might add that had the full potential to be the republic that our first President, the great George Washington, visualized before he was the President.  

In addition to the seemingly insurmountable problems that I listed above, there is the eroding of our sovereignty.

Why is this important?

Because if we lose our sovereignty to the new world order, we cannot function independently of them and if we cannot function independently of them, it follows that we will soon become subject to them – the world of nations that is.  

But is that so bad?  

Yes, very!

The first forerunner of this new world order is that dubious organization, the United Nations.   And now, there is another – dubious at best – organization that has formed in Europe, the so-called European Union.

There has been more opposition to the United Nations – though you and I would be hard-pressed to see it in print -- and now the European Union -- than has been talked or written about in much of the world’s liberal media.   But the opposition IS there.   There are still some factions in those European countries that know that they have forfeited their sovereignty; but for what purpose? --   Monetary strength in dealing with the United States perhaps? --   Military strength in dealing with…?

Granted, it is possible that the European continent still perceives a threat from Russia, but we know that to be ludicrous, why?   Because communism is dead, right?

There is still another insidious organization that has recently flexed its muscle AGAINST the United States: the World Trade Organization.   Just this past year, it TOLD the President that if he didn’t remove the tariff on imported steel, they would IMPOSE billions – that’s billions with a “b” – in tariffs and fines on some of our products.  

And what was the reaction of our president?   He is now thinking of, and probably will, remove those tariffs that were put in place to help the struggling steel industry here at home.  

I guess we can see just who won this particular arm-wrestling match!  

So, we have the United Nations, the European Union, the World Trade Organization, as well as the World Court.  

As a sidebar, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was recently quoted as saying that in the future, the Supreme Court must take into account international law and decisions made by their courts when our courts decide cases.   What?  

Does anyone see a pattern here?   Can we now see what the loss of our sovereignty means?  

Does anyone remember or at least read about the Marshall Plan after World War II.   Through it, we rebuilt Europe, and now, they would have us under their thumbnail.   Let us not forget too, the countless thousands of our soldiers buried in the soil on the Continent who died for THEIR freedom!  

Early in the history of our country, there was a “doctrine” set in place to keep foreign countries from interfering in the American hemisphere; it was called the Monroe Doctrine.   Now, it seems, we have a twisted, reverse version of the Monroe Doctrine not only in the areas of economics and law, but also in the very area of our cherished sovereignty.

Even our borders are not secure and are open to all those who have some initiative and imagination, enter as they please and cause, at the very least, a drain on our resources and at worst, an avenue for criminals and terrorists of all sorts.  

You would think that the United Nations, the World Court, the European Union and the World Trade Organization, would, on its surface, appear to be the ideal organizations to help prevent wars, rampant poverty, and upholding of “human rights” around the globe (I don’t like to use the word “planet”).   But a glance at the record points in the opposite direction, why?  

One of the answers to these questions could befall of our first parents.   How?   Well, because of that infamous fall, mankind has been spiritually weak as well as weak-kneed ever since.  

It seems as though man has become a god unto himself; thinking that he can solve all problems by simply throwing money, lots of money into the “system” and cure all that ails us.

In addition, the leaders of the above mentioned organizations seem to think that they are the ones in charge of human affairs and happenings around the globe, but what they don’t realize or refuse to realize, is that they are not in charge.   There will be no lasting peace on earth; no lasting solutions to economic and social injustice; no end to the hideous abomination of world-wide, rampant abortion; few if any stable governments with equitable laws for its citizens and certainly no recognition of the one, true religion as proclaimed by the Church for the last two millennia.   Not unless and until those heads of governments around the world acknowledge and submit their governance to the unchanging, eternal Kingship of Christ.

Is this an answer?   No, this is THE answer!   And until our “conservative” writer friends realize that without the Social Kingship of Christ, they will never be able to see the forest for the trees!   

E. De Lalla.       

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