Friday, May 25, 2018

Can't see the forest from the trees

                    Not being able to see the forest for the trees!

Not a day goes by that I don’t read some article by a “conservative” writer – whether in a column for the almost uncountable publications, or in an editorial – lamenting the sad state of our beloved country.  

These lamentations include, but are not limited to, a runaway judiciary; special interest groups demanding more and more “rights”; abortion; the anti-God folks, and liberalism in general.  

To be sure, they have valid points to complain and write about, but there also seems to be some crucial element that is missing from their logic – especially when it comes to proposing a solution – if they do -- to the myriad problems that currently plague our nation.

Do I have the answer to these increasingly serious problems?

I’ll let you be the judge…  

First, let us look at the current state of affairs of a once great country: a country, I might add that had the full potential to be the republic that our first President, the great George Washington, visualized before he was the President.  

In addition to the seemingly insurmountable problems that I listed above, there is the eroding of our sovereignty.

Why is this important?

Because if we lose our sovereignty to the new world order, we cannot function independently of them and if we cannot function independently of them, it follows that we will soon become subject to them – the world of nations that is.  

But is that so bad?  

Yes, very!

The first forerunner of this new world order is that dubious organization, the United Nations.   And now, there is another – dubious at best – organization that has formed in Europe, the so-called European Union.

There has been more opposition to the United Nations – though you and I would be hard-pressed to see it in print -- and now the European Union -- than has been talked or written about in much of the world’s liberal media.   But the opposition IS there.   There are still some factions in those European countries that know that they have forfeited their sovereignty; but for what purpose? --   Monetary strength in dealing with the United States perhaps? --   Military strength in dealing with…?

Granted, it is possible that the European continent still perceives a threat from Russia, but we know that to be ludicrous, why?   Because communism is dead, right?

There is still another insidious organization that has recently flexed its muscle AGAINST the United States: the World Trade Organization.   Just this past year, it TOLD the President that if he didn’t remove the tariff on imported steel, they would IMPOSE billions – that’s billions with a “b” – in tariffs and fines on some of our products.  

And what was the reaction of our president?   He is now thinking of, and probably will, remove those tariffs that were put in place to help the struggling steel industry here at home.  

I guess we can see just who won this particular arm-wrestling match!  

So, we have the United Nations, the European Union, the World Trade Organization, as well as the World Court.  

As a sidebar, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was recently quoted as saying that in the future, the Supreme Court must take into account international law and decisions made by their courts when our courts decide cases.   What?  

Does anyone see a pattern here?   Can we now see what the loss of our sovereignty means?  

Does anyone remember or at least read about the Marshall Plan after World War II.   Through it, we rebuilt Europe, and now, they would have us under their thumbnail.   Let us not forget too, the countless thousands of our soldiers buried in the soil on the Continent who died for THEIR freedom!  

Early in the history of our country, there was a “doctrine” set in place to keep foreign countries from interfering in the American hemisphere; it was called the Monroe Doctrine.   Now, it seems, we have a twisted, reverse version of the Monroe Doctrine not only in the areas of economics and law, but also in the very area of our cherished sovereignty.

Even our borders are not secure and are open to all those who have some initiative and imagination, enter as they please and cause, at the very least, a drain on our resources and at worst, an avenue for criminals and terrorists of all sorts.  

You would think that the United Nations, the World Court, the European Union and the World Trade Organization, would, on its surface, appear to be the ideal organizations to help prevent wars, rampant poverty, and upholding of “human rights” around the globe (I don’t like to use the word “planet”).   But a glance at the record points in the opposite direction, why?  

One of the answers to these questions could befall of our first parents.   How?   Well, because of that infamous fall, mankind has been spiritually weak as well as weak-kneed ever since.  

It seems as though man has become a god unto himself; thinking that he can solve all problems by simply throwing money, lots of money into the “system” and cure all that ails us.

In addition, the leaders of the above mentioned organizations seem to think that they are the ones in charge of human affairs and happenings around the globe, but what they don’t realize or refuse to realize, is that they are not in charge.   There will be no lasting peace on earth; no lasting solutions to economic and social injustice; no end to the hideous abomination of world-wide, rampant abortion; few if any stable governments with equitable laws for its citizens and certainly no recognition of the one, true religion as proclaimed by the Church for the last two millennia.   Not unless and until those heads of governments around the world acknowledge and submit their governance to the unchanging, eternal Kingship of Christ.

Is this an answer?   No, this is THE answer!   And until our “conservative” writer friends realize that without the Social Kingship of Christ, they will never be able to see the forest for the trees!   

E. De Lalla.       

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