Monday, May 21, 2018

The enemies of the Catholic Church: so-called "Catholics"...

We live in such a tepid, politically correct world that to even mention such words as sin, or the difference between good and evil is to be considered judgmental at best but most likely bigoted at worst.   And when it comes to professing the Faith of the Apostles, if we Catholics dare to do such, we are, in many instances, labeled intolerant or fanatical.   So be it.  

As a practicing Catholic, I must be able, not only to discern, but also to act on what or who my enemies are.   But why?   The answer is twofold… One, because in order to fulfill the second great Commandment: love thy neighbor, we have to realize that even our neighbors can be our enemies!   And to a Catholic, they are the ones that most need our charity (love), if by no other way than through our prayers.   And second, there is a need to defend ourselves against those who are determined to undermine the very teachings of those same Apostles as given to them by Christ Himself and safeguarded by His holy, Catholic Church.
That said, now comes the recognition of just who those enemies are.   First, those on the “outside” can more easily be seen for who they are and we can deal with them accordingly.   But!   In more instances than not, our enemies are from “within”.   In other words, those very ones who label themselves with the august handle of Catholic.
This has always been the case, but now, even more so.
As one of the most apparent, in your face differences, just look at the novus ordo Mass and the traditional Latin Mass that dates back to the Sixth Century but with its origins from Apostolic times.   With Pope Benedict XVI’s attempt to make clear – crystal clear – that the “old” Mass can be said by any priest without the permission of his Ordinary (the Bishop), there is still, and may I say, even more opposition to that “old” Mass than before the new moto proprio was issued!
But how can this be?   
The modernists in the Church have wielded such power over the decades that it is now a fight of Bishop against Bishop as well as Bishop – and others – against Pope!   All this from WITHIN, but with allies on the outside as well!
We are in a life and death struggle for our very souls and the soul, if you will, of our beloved country as well as other “civilized” countries especially on the European Continent.
The permissiveness of society to accept the scourge of abortion and contraception is now surpassed – if that is possible – by the abomination before God and good-willed men – of the so-called “gay” “marriage”.   A prime example of this can be seen in the recent passing of such a thing by the New York State senate, with the signing by the Governor, Cuomo, who by the way, is “Catholic”: living in sin with his paramour as well as being divorced from his Church-recognized wife of many years.   Sadly, this foul and scandalous example of just what a Catholic should NOT be and do, is accepted as “normal”.   To make matters even sicker, now enshrined in “law”, the passage is being hailed as a victory for “equal rights” of the homosexuals.   The “thing” was enabled by the four turn-coat, so-called republicans who voted for the measure.
Just what can such “Catholics” and others be thinking? 
It seems that when a Catholic falls from grace, and steeped in mortal sin, there is an inability to separate what is evil from good or not be able to recognize right from wrong, if even on a natural level, let alone on the supernatural level.   This means, of course, that there is a lack of moral absolutes to guide the conscience and the actions of such men (women included!).
What is the fear of these “Catholics” that fall prey to these abominations, have?   If politicians, and they stand up for what is right, is it that they will loose their support base and hence their money, position and power?   But isn’t it true that they will have to answer to a much Higher Authority than anything that could be imagined on earth?
The idea of giving scandal and the sense of sin and shame for certain acts, seems nowhere to be found these days, or is at least, muted.   The intellect, once darkened, is in dire need of resuscitation, and the conscience, weakened from an absence of grace, discards the idea that “I’ve done something wrong or evil”.   So where is the crime in the killing of the pre-born?   Where is the sin of contraception?   Who is hurt by MY personal sinful acts?   Even though the unnatural acts of the homosexuals directly contradict the Natural Law and common sense, no one is going to tell me, or them, what to do!
This is rebellion pure and simple with incalculable, catastrophic consequences!
May God have mercy on our country!

E. DeLalla


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