The debate
of whether public schools should have in their curriculum the theory of
intelligent design, or, as some say, creationism, in addition to Darwinian
evolution, has lost sight of the real purpose of this debate in the first
place: is there a need for God; does He exist and do we human creatures want to
be subject to the Creator?
Under the
cover of the so-called “separation of church and state,” there exists something
that is often overlooked in this battle over rights (and responsibilities!) and
what children should or should not be taught in the public school system in the
United States; man’s attempt to be his own god.
In light of this, we should look at
the Darwinian folks and their notion that man (and woman) evolved from pond
scum. (What a thought!) In any event, they – and their supporters –
claim that there is no other possible explanation of how we got to be where we
are today. They will point to fossils
and “missing links” and attempt to put two and two together and get five. It just doesn’t add up.
The creationists or intelligent
designers say that the Hand of God is in all things that we see, most
importantly, in man (and woman), and that without that Hand, there is
chaos. I have a feeling that they may
have hit on something here.
A good number of years ago, there
was a brave Catholic Bishop by the name of Cuthbert M. O’Gara, Bishop of
Yuanling, China. Prior to that, the
good Bishop served for four years as Prefect Apostolic of Schenchow, being
appointed there by Pope Pius XI.
He was arrested, not once, but
twice, first by the Japanese in 1941, then by the Communist Chinese in
The Communists subjected Bishop
O’Gara to “severe psychological torture in solitary confinement,
vermin-infested beds, meager rations of watered rice and being under constant,
24-hour guard.”
Prior to his arrest, the propaganda
corps of the “People’s Army of Liberation” herded the local people into
indoctrination centers for “re-education” in the ways of Big Brother.
As Bishop O’Gara relates, the first
lesson given to the indoctrinees was not some utopian drivel from Marx, Lenin
or Stalin, no, the very first fundamental lesson was man’s descent from the
apes – Darwinism! Purpose? To fulfill the mandate that all religion
must be destroyed.
Isn’t that what we see happening in
these United States and other “civilized,” westernized countries?
Just think, our children are being indoctrinated
in the Darwinian evolutionary (revolutionary, I say!) theory that we came from
pond scum or an ape that swung from a tree.
And along with Darwinism, there is
the explicit denial of Original Sin, in other words, denying our fallen natures
and the need for repentance, to amend our lives, to do good works, to pray, and
to be subject to Him in Christ’s one, true Church, the Catholic Church.
There is no need for prison cells
or 24-hour guards or incessant propaganda blaring through loud speakers, no,
the “separation of church and state” advocates and the courts are doing the
devil’s dirty work, just fine, thank you.
Can anyone spot the bad guys in
this scenario?
E. De Lalla
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