Thursday, May 24, 2018

Hate and malice 8 18 17

Hate, malice, double standards, hypocrisy, death threats, lies, fake news; the list is endless when it comes to Americans attempting to exercise their First Amendment rights that are guaranteed under the Constitution – which itself is now under constant attack.

And what is worse, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is the recipient of outright threats to his life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness guaranteed under the Declaration of Independence.

What is going on here? 

Let me answer my own question: Mr. Trump is a Republican.  Just think if someone had called for the assassination of Obama.  All political and legal hell would have broken loose.

Anyone who threatens the life of the President has committed a federal crime and, at the very least, must be arrested and interrogated.  But they are not.

The president makes a statement, but the media contradicts what he said, or claim he didn’t say what he said.

Violence is condemned by the Left, but only when the Right is allegedly involved.  But the Left rarely if ever condemns violence committed by those on the Left.  E.g.; the so-called “anti-fascist” Antifa anarchists, who ironically use fascist tactics themselves to suppress the free-speech rights of those that disagree. 

That is just one hellish example; there are many, many others.

I was a kid when Truman was president; I have never seen anything like what is happening in our country these days. 

For a peace-loving veteran, this is disconcerting, to say the least. In fact, it is downright frightening. 

I wonder where all this will lead… Civil unrest?  We already see that daily.  Civil war?  That could be just around the corner. 

Did you get that? 

Can civil war really happen in our lifetime?  If it does, will it lead to martial law?  Is that the intended end here? 

We have not experienced these dreaded scenarios in our lifetimes, but only read about them in other countries.  If such happened here, our lives will be forever changed; nothing will be the same again.  Fear will reign; uncertainly will be engrained in our psyche.  Plans for the future will be dashed to smithereens.  The First and Second Amendments will go by the wayside.  The Constitution will be dead on arrival. 

I ask again: can this really happen here?

Eugene R. DeLalla

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