Thursday, May 24, 2018

9-11 Conspiracy coverup 10 4 15

In a documentary (2011) on the 9/11 affair, the supporters of the government’s official report attempted to show the inconsistencies of those “truthers” and others demanding another investigation of what really caused the twin towers – and building seven – to collapse at nearly free-fall speed.

In the documentary, there were two glaring examples of missing information and inconsistencies that became obvious: the first – and most important? – is that the twin towers were designed to survive multiple jet hits. 

This, according to the designer of the buildings.  And, second: the documentary didn’t even mention the destruction of WTC7.  A forty-seven story skyscraper.

In fact, building seven wasn’t even mentioned in the official NIST report until 2008! 

A forty-seven story building is taller than most buildings in many American cities, and yet it wasn’t mentioned in the documentary.  Why? 

Anyone who watched building seven collapse could see that it was, in fact, an example of a perfect demolition.  It too, fell at free-fall speed.  And yet the government says that fire caused it to fall. 

No skyscraper has ever fallen due to fire.  Not in this country, nor in any other country on earth. 

Were the “attacks” on 9/11 another “Pearl Harbor” that ushered in legislation that further reduced or eliminated many of our liberties in order to be more secure? 

Ben Franklin said that those who sacrifice liberty for security, will have neither. 

Who, then, are the real conspirators?  

Eugene DeLalla

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