Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Comment on school shootings 5 23 18


Since the 1960s, and beginning with the Texas University tower shooting, there have been several mass murders of innocents on school grounds.  Columbine High School also comes to mind, in addition to the more recent shootings taking the lives of even more innocents. 

Of course, the outcry – and there should be an outcry – from all concerned Americans is understandable; it is frustrating; it brings sorrow and anguish to all those families that have lost sons, daughters, fathers and other members of the local communities where these shootings have taken place.

The national media, aligned with the radical left, continue their focus on what they consider the reason for these mass murders: the various weapons that fire bullets. 

I specifically mention bullets, because there are other weapons: knives, baseball bats, machetes, explosive devices, and, yes, perhaps even cast-iron frying pans (I’m not trying to be facetious here regarding frying pans).  

The call is to ban those weapons (guns) that they classify as “assault rifles.”   Yet, many cannot even explain or describe what an assault rifle is.  I’m not surprised.

So, the push is on, big time, to not only ban those so-called assault rifles, but also the sometimes unmentioned – and real – end: the confiscation of ALL weapons (guns) from all law-abiding citizens. 

The thinking here, I guess, is to get those weapons off the streets, but they never mention, or maybe they can’t figure it out that the criminal, the gang member is not law-abiding; they are outlaws; they do not obey the laws.

If such rabble wants a weapon, all they have to do is to put the word out on the street, and in a jiffy, it can be made available for the right price.

Note, they, the media and the left (I know it’s kind of redundant to list both the media and the left as the media is, in fact, the left!) blame the weapon (the gun) for all the death and mayhem that we have seen recently in our beloved country.

They refuse to address the real and organic threat to American society: godlessness and along with that, is the loss of the sanctity and value of all human life.  And that godlessness includes broken families; fatherless families; widespread illicit and deadly drug use… The causes of the demented people – mostly young people – that commit these heinous shootings is almost endless.

So, while the media fills the airwaves with the slaughter of these students, they never mention the much greater slaughter of the most innocent of all human life: the developing baby in her mother’s womb.

Every day in these United States, there are 3,000-plus American girls and boys destroyed in the most horrible of ways; they never have a chance to breath air and experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

So, while we should all be filled with horror at these shootings, we must – we should – be filled with the determination to end the mass murder of the pre-born. 

This great sin is one that cries to Heaven for vengeance; God will not be mocked.  I fear there will be a very high price to pay for our destruction of those innocents, not only personally, but also as a nation.

God have mercy on our country…

E. DeLalla. 

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