Friday, May 25, 2018

More filth at the checkout stand.doc

Filth at the checkout stand…

          As I entered the store, I glanced to my right and saw the first of the titillating magazines on display: the cover showed a side angle of a woman – a “celebrity” – with nothing on from the waist up and clearly showing the contour of her breast.

Next, it was easy to read the headline of a “tabloid” type newspaper extolling some form of sexual perversion between politician “a” and mistress “b”.

And once more, as I walked down the isle – with magazine facing head-0n – was a female – I hesitate to call these females women – with only her long, brown hair covering her un-clothed front.

Then there were the “fitness” magazines that left little to the imagination – usually, “men” and “women” in near embraces and wearing very little.  

          Was I in an “X-rated” video or book store inconspicuously tucked away in some dimly lit alley in downtown Boston or New York? 

          No, I was in a Rite-Aid pharmacy in Jaffrey.   But, I could have been in Wal-Mart or Hannaford Brothers or Shaw’s or CVS in Keene!  

          I find it interesting that there is no outcry from the families that patronize these establishments – particularly those with children – and demand that this filth be taken out of their stores.   Once more, it seems that the management of these retail operations sees fit to have these publications at eye level – at the checkout stands – where it is almost impossible to miss.  

          Why is that?

Is it because we have become so numb to what is corrupt and accepted as “normal” that we have lost our sense of what we should do in light of the evil that surrounds us?   Should we not fight those elements and establishments that threaten our children and their innocence, or has political correctness corrupted us into thinking that we must be tolerant of everything and to live and let live?

There are sins of commission and omission: ours is the sin of omission.   In the end, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

E. De Lalla  


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