Monday, May 21, 2018

License to kill 7 20 05.doc

Unfortunately, I remember the “James Bond” movies in which, James, the suave, sophisticated Englishman – the unrelenting agent, 007 -- employed by the British Intelligent services ran about the world tracking down the “bad guys” with no one to answer to but himself; for you see, James had a “license to kill.”   

 Think about it: a “license to kill” and no one to answer to but oneself!

In today’s real world – not the phony (and filthy) make-believe world of Hollywood – there is, nonetheless, a real “license to kill” in the form of advice given to a son by his father, or mother, for that matter, to her daughter, with these two words: “be careful.”  

What is the connection between a “license to kill” and the words “be careful”?   Let us say that the boy in question is “dating” a girl (a boy should not “date” a girl, he should properly court her), and let us say the father gives his son that “license to kill” in the form of those devastating words: be careful.   What is he telling his son?   He is telling his son, or at least giving the impression, that he expects or at least thinks that his son will be having illicit relations with the girl in question.   Further, he is telling his son, or at least implying that it is okay for him to have those illicit relations with the girl in question.   He is also telling his son that he must take “precautions” when having those illicit relations with the girl in question.  

Here is the “license to kill”: if you do get her pregnant, then you have to “take care of things,” translated, get an abortion.  

It would extremely rare in the above scenario to think that the father would suggest to his son and his “girlfriend” that they have and keep the baby or at least have the baby and give up the baby for adoption.   I say this because in today’s mindset, this whole “adventure” once looked upon as being out of the realm of normalcy or plainly immoral and something to be ashamed of, is now looked at from a standpoint that is completely alien to what has been ordained by God in the first place.

Consider the nearly complete loss of the sense of sin and guilt that once held those passions in check with the fear of the Lord along with eternal damnation for those unrepentant of their actions.   This, is, in effect, another example of the ongoing culture of death that so plagues our society these days.  

Now I know that there are those who would, at the very least, call me a prude, so be it but the fact remains, there is a culture of death fostered by such a father as given in the above example.   How sad, for it is the job of the father and mother to instill in their offspring, some semblance of moral, as well as spiritual guidance that would tell their children that to act in such a fashion is not only detrimental to their immortal souls, but also to society in general. 

The “live and let live” philosophy so prevalent, is, by its very nature, contrary to all restraint of our concupiscence as directed by the Ten Commandments – not the ten suggestions -- as well as the moral and natural law engraved upon men’s hearts from the time of their conception in the womb by the Author of life.  

In the end, it is all about authority: the “I will not submit” attitude is the same as Lucifer’s cry: “I will not serve.”   The former Angel of Light became the Prince of Darkness and the prince of the world. 

How can you or I change this “license to kill” attitude so ingrained in our mindsets?   I answer: one person (one soul) at a time.   Pray!

E. De Lalla

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