Saturday, April 30, 2022

"Disinformation Governance Board" = The Ministry Of Truth (1984 style!). Is This America, or Amerika?

 Yesterday, my son, James, and I were driving to an outdoor/camping supply shop, when I told him about an incident that happened to me one night while I was on duty in Vietnam (55 years ago this coming December)...

---I was assigned to a massive machine gun bunker on top of a sandy hill overlooking Cam Ranh Bay, about six miles from the Defense Control operations center...

This night, I was alone -- I had no ammo feeder with me to help feed the 200 hundred round belts of 7.62 tracer rounds into my big M-60 machine gun.  Which meant, among other things, that when the supervisor dropped me off at the base of the hill to start my overnight shift, I had to crawl up that sandy hill, making several trips to carry all my weapons and gear.  The sand was very fine, powder-like, if I can make that analogy...  Which meant that for every two steps up that hill, I slid back one foot!  Keeping in mind that the M-60 weighed about 24 pounds, and the cans of ammo -- 200 rounds each -- added a lot more weight, not to mention my M-16 rifle, rain gear, gas mask, poncho (to protect me from rain; in reality, I used the poncho to protect the machine gun from wind-blown sand during the monsoon season), C-rations, etc.   In addition to all that, I had to carry my 190 pounds of self up that hill!

The point is, is took at least a few minutes to get up that hill, set up the M-60, then settle in and watch and listen for any bad guys that wanted to take me -- and my brothers -- out, and do harm to our aircraft and our overall mission to support our embattled brothers in the field...

I wrote that I was six miles from the control center... In other words, I was "OD" -- out there... It was pitch black: no perimeter lights, no perimeter fencing, nothing.   The only other cops were two K-9 handlers spread hundreds of yards apart, plus another machine gun bunker also about two hundred yards away from my bunker... Across the bay was an army base with its perimeter lights, that, at times, would interfere with my ability to use my "starlight" scope efficiently because of the sensitivity of the scope.  In fact, in one instance I requested Defense Control to have the army shut off the perimeter lights temporarily so I could identify "an object" floating in the bay... In other words, the lights from the army base were no help to me to see or detect anything within my area of responsibility... 

And with no ammo feeder, and only a two-way radio to contact Defense Control, I was literally alone... The "overnight shift" was not just from 11 to 7, or 12 to 8, no, my shift was usually from sundown to sun-up... And during the 1968 Tet Offensive, the tour was over when the danger was over, or neutralized, period.

When there was little enemy activity around my base, I could still see the stuff hitting the fan in the distance with tracer rounds going in all directions; red "contact flares," and Puff the Magic Dragon gunship letting loose with 3,000 to 6,000 tracer rounds a minute on the doomed enemy below,  or helicopters (choppers) firing rockets as well as Army and ROK (South Korean) firebases lobbing in 105 Howitzer rounds to support our troops (and allies) fighting for their lives.  Plus, jet fighters from several Air Force bases would join in the strafing and bombing of the commies... This was especially true when the Marine base at Khe Sanh was under siege for 77 days, nonstop, desperately depending on the Air Force C-130s to bring in supplies and evacuate the wounded.   In some cases, C-130s were hit with rockets and mortars on the runway as they touched down, destroying the planes and their brave crews...

On most nights, the real enemy for me, was staying alert, fighting the mosquitos, snakes and the like, and watching for enemy sampans trying to come ashore and infiltrate our invisible perimeter to do us harm...

During one, long (can I say, boring?) night, I began to hear some movement just in front of my post and down the hill somewhat... (I should note that in front of my bunker, there was a considerable drop-off that led to the shoreline below where the K-9 cops and their dogs patrolled.) 

Was it an animal?  Was it the Viet Cong?  I listened intently... The movement continued... I called Defense Control -- in a whisper, I identified my post: "Defense Control, this is Oscar 57, I have movement on my post"...  My whisper was just that -- a whisper and a wee bit too low... Defense Control came back... "Oscar 57, repeat"... "Defense Control, I have movement on my post..."  

From that point on, it took a few minutes to get my supervisor and the "strike team" up to my bunker... During those minutes, I looked over my shoulder constantly, to make sure that no enemy was sneaking up behind me... (The bunker had a steel roof, but was open on all sides, so anyone could sneak up, penetrate the bunker and do me in.)  What I'm saying is, I had to have eyes in the back and sides of my head... Remember, I was alone; no bunker-mate; no ammo feeder...  

I felt vulnerable---

If I had to fight and die for my brother cops, I would, but that lousy feeling of vulnerability tied my stomach up in knots, at least until reinforcements arrived.

When the strike teams and other units arrived on my post, we pulled the K-9s out of the area and opened-up with everything we had: M-60 machine guns, .50 caliber heavy machine guns, grenades, rockets, M-16 rifles... Nothing could live through that devastating display of firepower... So, whether that original movement was a wild boar or a Viet Cong, it, or they were dead.---

Why am I bringing up this true-life story of my time in Vietnam?  Because I am beginning to get that vulnerable feeling again, this time, I'm feeling vulnerable for the future of my country and our young, growing families, and what America will look like -- especially for them -- in the near future.

Sometimes, I can no longer recognize my beloved country... 

I have embedded the following video of Tucker Carlson drawing a "line in the sand" concerning the overreaching tentacles of the fraud in the White House and his demonic plans to kill the First Amendment...  

If anyone doesn't feel vulnerable after watching the video, then something is very wrong...

(5281) Tucker: This is the point where we have to draw the line - YouTube.

Pray for strength and honor -- and pray for our country!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, April 29, 2022

The Lunatics Providing Weapons To Ukraine And "Pope" Francis' Nutty Take On The Lie Of "Climate Change"...

 If you wonder why the human race is in such a catastrophic mess, look no further than the toothless, novus ordo "Catholic" Church headed by "Pope" Francis, and its departure from its goal of the salvation of souls, couple that with the military-industrial-complex supplying billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, and you have a deadly witch's brew of war, mayhem and death -- and the loss of souls...

There are two articles that I would like you to read, one is from (Pope Francis Tackles Climate Change with Council of Cardinals (

And the other is from the Dossier substack written by Jordan Schachtel ($4 billion and counting: the D.C. war machine feasts on Ukraine (

(---Update!  The fraud in the White House now wants to up that figure to $33,000,000,000 BILLION of our taxpayer monies!---)

It should be relatively easy to see that as the church goes, so goes society...

We have on the one hand, a Godless apostate running and ruining our country, and, on the other hand, a "pope" that is more concerned (because he is brainwashed, or does he know exactly what he is doing and is one of the architects of the (Marxist) new world order?) with supposed melting icecaps and planting trees than with the destiny of the souls entrusted to him.

In the second article, we have documented treason by the so-called "president" and his lackeys in the military-industrial-complex fanning the flames of potential outright war -- read, nuclear! -- with the Russian Bear...

The main avenue for this approaching conflagration is supplying money and weapons to the Ukraine's corrupt actor-dancer-pervert-president, Zelensky, as well as to our NATO "allies" so they can replenish the stocks of weapons they sold to Ukraine.

A really vicious and deadly circle if there ever was one!  

But God allows the operation of error to infect the intellects of those who reject Him, so when they use their free wills, they can no longer differentiate between what is evil and what is good.  The choices they make, therefore, are mostly diabolical to the extreme, hence the threat of wars and the rumors of wars -- not to mention the killing of the pre-born now codified in "law" in many Western, "civilized" nations -- hangs over a dumbed-down American populace accustomed to wearing face diapers and getting injected with what has proven to be debilitating at least, and deadly at worst, "vaccine," because the government bureaucratic "experts" say you have to get the jab...

So why should anyone care about what is going on in our country or in the tinderbox of Eastern Europe/Russia/Ukraine just so long as they have enough gas in their tank and a 12-pack of Bud for the weekend?  That is, if the weekend ever arrives...

If anyone thinks that what is happening between Russia, Ukraine, the U.S. and its NATO "allies," and what the world recognizes as the Catholic Church, is unconnected, think again.  Because of the denial of perennial Church teachings by the infiltrators -- that are now so emboldened by a leftist "pope"-- the secular world no longer looks to what passes for the Catholic Church as the moral and spiritual beacon that it once was.  

But that's all they see...

The world rarely sees the small pockets of traditional and orthodox practicing the true faith in nearly every corner of the world, faithful to Christ and His teachings.  Yet, Bergoglio continues to attack what is left of the traditional orders of priests, religious and lay faithful who attend the TLM assisting at Mass performed by the former Ecclesia Dei Communities.

And those communities continue to flourish with many young and growing families providing increased vocations to the priesthood and other vocations of brothers and sisters, as opposed to the ever dwindling novus ordo churchgoers, with most (somewhere between 70-80 percent!) no longer believing in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

To be frank, that sad statistic could ultimately lead to atheism... 

Is that why world "leaders" are toying with nuclear war???  Do they think they will survive and thrive after such a conflagration???  Do they think that they will have no One to answer to for their destruction of the human race when they go to their Particular Judgment?  They are, in reality, useful idiots and tools of the father of lies, Satan...

On March 25 past, Bergoglio supposedly consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... To date, however, I see little results of that "consecration," do you?  Instead, we see increased tensions and the continued possibility of the spreading of a major conflict that could wipe out humanity as we know it... 

One more thing...  For the most part, I haven't heard a peep from the "Catholic" bishops, either in this country or overseas, condemning the apostate, Biden, or some of the other "Catholic" politicians in the U.S. clamoring for war, nor any other so-called Catholics in NATO.   Why is that?  Are most of them aligned with the "great reset" as is "pope" Bergoglio?  

Let's face the fact, that, right now, Satan is winning in so many ways...  And yet, we know -- and he knows -- that his miserable, rotten, damned head will be crushed by Our Lady's heel!  What a wonderful thought to ponder!!!  

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Horrible Proof Of The Massive Apostacy In "Catholic" Universities -- Including Notre Dame (Our Lady)!

 Yesterday, I wrote this: 

Who Am I To Judge -- Evil, Wickedness, Homosexuality, Alphabet Soup People, Apostacy, Treason, The Bishops, Cardinals, Popes Of The "Catholic" Church??

I urge all to read the following article from

The president of Notre Dame is a "Catholic" "priest": John I. Jenkins.

Past president, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., from 1952-1987, was a disaster for the once-Catholic college as well as for the Catholic faith of thousands of students who attended Notre Dame.  And these treasonous "priests" continue to spread error and filth unabated to this day!  See here an excerpt of an article: Death Claims Two at Notre Dame: Fr. Hesburgh and Charles Rice - The New American.

"In 1950, he participated in a Ford Foundation project, his first known contact with America’s leftist establishment. In 1961, his acceptance of appointment to the board of the Rockefeller Foundation (he was later named its chairman) raised more eyebrows because of its funding of pro-abortion and population-control organizations. He later arranged a private meeting with Pope Paul VI for John D. Rockefeller III to request that the Catholic Church relax its strict stand against contraception. In 1968, after the Pope condemned that practice in his Humanae Vitae encyclical, Hesburgh publicly supported an outspoken priest member of the Notre Dame faculty who defiantly opposed the Pope’s condemnation. In 1969, the Notre Dame leader added his name to an ad placed in the New York Times extolling the efforts of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to force instruction about sex to youngsters in school, even those in primary grades."

End of excerpt... Are you disgusted enough?  

This miscreant became the foundation of the apostacy from the Faith that has led to the abomination that we see today in the ecclesiastical as well as in the secular realm, practically destroying the societal norm of the natural bonds of man and woman in marriage.

(Why aren't these apostates ex-communicated?????)

Does the U.S. and most Western "civilized" nations deserve the wrath of God as did Sodom and Gomorrah?  I say, yes...

Keep your children out of "Catholic" universities and colleges!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle... 
Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Who Am I To Judge -- Evil, Wickedness, Homosexuality, Alphabet Soup People, Apostacy, Treason, The Bishops, Cardinals, Popes Of The "Catholic" Church??

  To Catholic parents: if you intend to send your child/children to "Catholic" universities, don't!

The overwhelming majority of "Catholic" universities are no longer Catholic and haven't been for decades! 

They no longer teach what the authentic Catholic Church has taught for 2,000 years, instead, most institutions of "Catholic" higher education, teach just the opposite.  They no longer teach "catechism 101": the Ten Commandments, the precepts of the Church, sexual morals, fidelity, love thy neighbor, mortal sin, death, judgment, Heaven, hell, and on and on...

In fact, many Catholic children who enter the corrupted "Catholic" universities, lose their precious faith after the first semester!

Why the silence of the bishops in whose diocese these universities are located?  Why haven't the bishops disavowed such treason and demanded that the august handle -- Catholic -- be removed from the name of the college or university?  

I have an answer: they -- the bishops, cardinals, popes -- are the traitors, homosexuals, apostates themselves!  They tolerate -- and invite -- dissident "Catholics" to spew their deadly anti-Catholic venom upon the still-young impressionable minds in their charge, while, at the same time preventing Catholics loyal to church teaching from speaking on their campuses...

Admonish the sinner?  No way, that's being too judgmental; too intolerant... 

Those in positions of leadership; the bishops, cardinals and the popes, have failed miserably in guiding their flocks to the beatific vision: their first and primary job.  What we are talking about here, is the novus ordo concoction crafted by traitors, e.g., Bugnini, the architect of the new "mass" that has led literally millions of Catholics astray -- I know, I was one of them...

Here is a video from the Remnant Newspaper that encompasses many of the present ills infecting the (novus ordo) church...

The Remnant Newspaper - WOKE CATHOLICS: Cancelling the 10 Commandments.

When will this end, Lord, when will this end???

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Monday, April 25, 2022

Accidents? Coincidences? Or, Planned -- Covert -- Devastation Of Food Processing Facilities???

  Have you heard??

Numerous food processing facilities, as well as distribution centers, have "mysteriously" been set ablaze (many, after explosions) and destroyed or seriously damaged over the last six months or so, from late 2021 to the present day!  

I just wrote, to the present day!  Yes, as I write this missive, we -- the American people -- are under attack by arson teams(?) of radical leftists -- or covert, treasonous government agents (under whose direction?) intensifying the reality of the coming food shortages, which the apostate "Catholic," incoherent pervert sitting in the White House, Biden, recently spilled the beans at a pre-staged press conference... 

This is not a conspiracy theory, but it is a now-confirmed conspiracy to starve us into submission and become so totally dependent on the government teat that our God-given human rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history...

If that happens, we will all be enslaved by the global authoritarian elitists.  Sound extreme?  Perhaps, but we have already seen such madness with the "mandates" hiding the faces of the young and old alike, and brainwashing the populace with such fear, that millions of formally free Americans voluntarily rolled up their sleeves to receive a filthy, untested, gene-altering "vaccine" that has done nothing but create more death than the so-called virus itself...

Almost every day of the week, there are horror stories of young, vibrant athletes dying on the playing field, or in their sleep after getting the second or third jab!   In fact, some autopsies have shown a strange and alien presence in the veins and arteries of the poor deceased... 

So, the Christ-haters know that we are primed for another attempted takeover of our freedoms.  Will they succeed by starving us?  When people can't get enough food for themselves and their families, they will do whatever is necessary to secure the sustenance they need to survive.  

If you think that the looting, burning and destruction of homes, businesses and entire sections of some of our cities over the last two years was bad, "you ain't seen nothin' yet"! 

I'm digressing a wee bit, so here are a couple of videos that will show that the "accidents," "coincidences" -- including small plane crashes into food processing plants, were no accidents or coincidences, but you judge for yourself.  You'll also hear about the shortages of fertilizer that is already impacting the ability of our great farmers to plant and produce our crops.  Not to mention the destruction of literally millions of chickens due to a "bird flu"... Nothing to see here, right?

(These videos are produced by "BCP": Black Conservative Patriot, a Bible-believing Christian.) 



(5185) NO FREAKIN' WAY!!!! - YouTube.

Add this: from Jon Rappoport...

Open letter to FBI, NYT, WaPo: ongoing destruction of food processing plants across America « Jon Rappoport's Blog (

Please pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Communist "Catholic" State Of Rhode Island...

  If you think that New York, or California, or Illinois are the most radical, authoritarian-run communist states in the nation, think again...

As it turns out, both New York and California are run by "Catholics" -- apostate Catholics, that is.  So, what else is new?

But guess what? 

The most "Catholic" state in the Union is Rhode Island!

See this from:

"Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States (1,212 square miles) and the eighth smallest in population (1,048,319). It is the most Catholic of states, however, with 635,590 Catholics making up 61 percent of its population."

And this from Wikipedia... "Abortion in Rhode Island is legal. On June 19, 2019, the legal right to abortion was codified into Rhode Island law by passage of the Reproductive Privacy Act.[1] 71% of Rhode Islanders were found to support passing a law to protect safe, legal abortion in an October 2018 poll.[2]"  My emphasis... 

I wonder, did all 61 percent who are supposed Catholics votein favor of the killing of the preborn?

But that's not all... 

To prove that Rhode Island is the most communist of all states, if you live in Rhode Island, you must get the filthy, gene-altering "vaccine" or pay more in taxes, and that includes getting the youngsters jabbed.  See the actual bill below...

S2552.pdf (

God bless America?  I say, may our good God have mercy on our country!

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Continuing Betrayal...

 The following video from Church Militant says it all!  

(5163) The Vortex — Continuing Betrayal - YouTube .

What we are witnessing in the church is not a dream, but it is a nightmare!

Don't be fooled by those hierarchs that wear the raiment of a priest, bishop, cardinal or pope, they can't hide behind the clothing of sheep; the fangs of a rabid, evil wolf gives them away; they intend to devour the flock of Christ, and to deceive, if possible, even the Elect...

And, as the church goes, so goes society...

We are about to witness another bunch of traitors allowing and, in fact, instigating, a massive invasion at our southern border when Title 42 ends in the coming days, unless something drastic occurs that prevents a tsunami of tens of thousands of illegal aliens literally rushing an outnumbered border security!  

By the way, where are our military forces to protect us from the coming invasion?   Are they being deployed to protect the borders of foreign countries, e.g., Ukraine???  

As you can see, treason is not limited to the novus ordo "church," but also infects civil society as well, with the incoherent dimwit hiding in his Delaware home for nearly 100 days in the first year of his "presidency."  

Bergoglio and Biden, two apostate peas in a pod!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Real Treasonous Rats -- In The Secular And Ecclesiastical Realm! Not Who You Might Think!

 So, who are the real bad guys trying to destroy our country and enslave a once-free people of the United States of America?

Is it the obvious traitors in the Marxist media?  

Is it the traitors in the Pentagon (the military industrial complex) who clamor for war?

Is it the incoherent, feeble-minded pervert in the Oval Office?

Is it the open border policies of the current "administration" with the aim (the design) of stressing to the breaking point, housing, medical facilities, enforcement of our laws -- and our taxpayers? 

Is it the aim (the design) to raise the price of fuel to power our cars and heat or cool our homes in order to restrict our freedom of movement and keep us cold in the winter and hot in the summer?

Is it the aim (the design) to poison our children with deadly drugs, especially fentanyl, pouring through our southern border?

Is it the filthy, gene-altering "vaccines" being pushed (yes, Trump pushed it too!  Remember "Warp Speed"?) on a dumbed-down, brainwashed American populace? 

The answer to these questions and more, is yes; these are the treasonous rats and their diabolical policies!

But!  These known traitors are just the tip of the iceberg...

And this is where it gets interesting, or, should I say, pathetic...

We think, that in our country, we have a two-party political system and elected folks that are supposed to represent their constituents and vote for the laws and policies that most fairly reflect the views, hopes and dreams of those who voted for them in the first place...

However, that is not always the case...

And it is not just those obvious liberals that we have to point the finger at to blame for the financial, moral and spiritual mess that we find ourselves in today...  

If we are honest with ourselves, we have to look at those who classify themselves as Republicans, or, should I say, RINOs, that is, Republicans-in-name-only, who routinely betray, not only their party, but also those very same constituents that put them in office in the first place.

These entrenched, career politicians -- both on the Left and the Right -- are prime examples for the need for term limits for those who seek national office.  Far too many have been in the Congress and the Senate for 20, 30, and even 40 years or more!  Some are now in their 80s!  This should also apply, without a doubt, to those who sit on the Supreme Court!

Let me be clear, age, in general, has nothing to do with the ability for wanting to serve our country using whatever talents they can bring to the table... (I have more than a few friends in their 80s and even 90s!)  

The point of term limits would lessen -- I hope -- the possibility of that person from being corrupted by the ubiquitous, sometimes-poisonous atmosphere that engulfs those who take their seats in the halls of congress... Originally coming to the Capital with good intentions, but succumbing to the money, power and influence peddling (lobbyists) and temptations so prevalent in D.C...

If the traitors I have mentioned were limited to our own country, or other Western nations, that would be bad enough, but the gangrenous infection that has corrupted entire nations, also encompasses what passes for the Catholic Church under the "leadership" of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio...

At the risk of being accused of attacking the pope, I would remind anyone reading this missive, that the primary reason we are on this earth is to know, love and serve God in this life, and he happy with Him in the next.  That is "catechism 101", there is no wiggle room here, especially if we have charge over our families: wife and children, even grandchildren, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc...

In order to accomplish this great goal, we should be getting help and real leadership from the Catholic hierarchy, whether in our dioceses or from Rome, with the buck stopping at the desk of Bergoglio...

But how can we expect help and guidance from a hierarchy who deny or compromise what the Church has taught for 2,000 years, including the defined dogmas including the most important that outside the Catholic Church, there is no salvation for any human creature.  

To proclaim or speak this from the pulpit would draw immediate condemnation from all quarters -- even from the majority of those within the church herself!

Fraudulent money dealings along with evil and wicked sexual perversion, permeates the Vatican along with idolatry and earth worship... How can we depend on such individuals who are supposed to be the successors of the Apostles?  Whether their ordinations were valid or not, we must resist to the face, their diabolical agenda, serving their real master, Satan, the father of lies...

We have been betrayed, not only by those who "represent" us, but also by those who have been charged with providing us with the succor of the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Our Lord...

We are witnessing the heresy of modernism and all its evil tentacles strangling the life of grace out of the faithful...

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Has The Time Come To Label The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, A Formal HERETIC?

 First, let me say that as a layman, neither I, nor any other Catholic lay faithful man, woman or child, has the authority or the power to call out Bergoglio as a formal heretic and declare that he has lost his office, period.

Having said that, it is obvious to anyone who clings to the faith of our fathers, the Saints and Martyrs, and the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church, that something evil and wicked emanates from the mouth and writings of pope Francis practically every day of the week, focusing his wrath on traditional Catholics, traditional Catholic orders, and our adherence to the Mass of the ages, the Traditional Latin Mass.  

If his attacks were on the TLM and those who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, was the extent of his hate, that, in itself, would be bad enough, but it doesn't end there... Rather, he has intimated in his impromptu diatribes to reporters, mainly while globetrotting on jets, his disdain and revulsion of some of the core tenets of the Faith, in addition to twisting the Scriptures -- and reflected in his writings -- to suit his agenda of making what is left of the Catholic Church into something unrecognizable and destroying the moral and spiritual beacon that the Church once was to the world.  In fact, he wants the Church to adopt and submit to the spirit of the age -- including his support for the perversion of the roles of males and females as God intended -- instead of the other way around.

He despises the idea of proselytizing and converting non-Catholics to the one, true Church founded by the Blood of Christ and built on the martyrdom of the Apostles and those faithful that followed them.  (Their blood became the seed of the nascent Church that eventually built Western civilization!) 

I have included two videos by two PhDs: Dr. Taylor Marshall, and Dr. Anthony Stine, two faithful -- traditional -- Catholic commentators, who painfully reveal the true colors of the man currently occupying the Chair of St. Peter...

(5100) Francis Had Some Ugly Things To Say During Holy About Traditional Catholics - YouTube.

(5100) Cardinal Burke Refused Entry to Vatican - YouTube.

I could also throw in some videos of Michael Matt of the Remnant to prove the point of the near-complete grip that Satan has on the Vatican and the hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic" Church.  See for yourself here: The Remnant Newspaper - Home.

To be honest, I can't for the life of me figure out why the treason of Bergoglio, except to say that he must have decided to serve the father of lies, rather than the true God and His most Blessed and Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus...

We must pray for Bergoglio's conversion, but not for his evil intentions!

Heaven help us! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, April 18, 2022

Calls For War With Russia Continue Unabated!

  Madness!  Pure madness!

A massive Russian "state of the art" destroyer was hit (and sunk?) by a Ukraine missile, leaving an unknown number of sailors dead and wounded...

This is another chapter in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine...

The so-called President of Ukraine, Zelensky, is openly calling for nuclear war with Russia!  Is this actor-dancer lunatic serious?

I have stated in previous articles, that if one side or the other decides to use "tactical nukes" on the battlefield, it could very easily morph into a full-blown nuclear exchange between our NATO "allies" -- meaning the U.S.! -- and the Soviet Bear.  In effect, ending mankind as we now know it, with the living envying the dead...

I have also written many times that we get what we deserve, as did Sodom and Gomorrah paying the price of perversion of the Natural Law and abandoning all God-given common sense when it came to male and female relations and their roles in society.

I ask: Is the U.S. and other Western "civilized" nations any better?

If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that such nations have codified the killing of the pre-born in "law"; the courts have granted "rights" to classes of people that, only a few years ago didn't exist and would have been considered a fairy-tale conspiracy of the "tin-foil-hat-wearers."  And yet, it has all come to fruition right before our eyes, with these, and many more crimes against humanity, the norm...

And we're not even considering the communist regimes of Red China, North Korea and other rogue nations intent on enslaving their citizens and the world to a Marxist ideology that detests the idea of God and religion...  Come to think of it, that description fits much of the West's new-world-order authoritarians, too!

(Here is a quote from Marx: "Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people [bold added].

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.")

But is there a light at the end of the tunnel???

On March 25, 2022, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, supposedly consecrated Russia (and Ukraine) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as demanded at Fatima over 100 years ago...

If this consecration was done according to that demand, then peace will be realized, and further war averted.   

But was it done according to Our Lady's demand?

Only time will tell, but I think that time is running out, as the rhetoric and actions are quickly ramping up between Russia and the corrupt Ukraine officials, not to mention the war-mongering neo-liberals and neo-conservatives within our own shores, and their bought-and-paid-for buddies in the military-industrial-complex.

Actually, I could rephrase that to more accurately read: our elected representatives who are bought-and-paid-for by the military-industrial-complex!  

One of the most terrifying situations the entire world is facing, is the fact that we have at the helm of the ship of state, an incoherent, corrupt, pervert who stole the 2020 election having his strings pulled by who knows who, and who holds the nuclear codes that would send our B-52 bombers and missiles skyward toward Russia and probably China! 

Heaven help us!

We do get what we deserve, don't we...

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Saturday, April 16, 2022

Great Timing, Bergoglio And The New York Times!!

  Yeah, great timing...

The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, just said that "we are racist, we are racists"... And, no, I'm not taking this "out of context"... I almost wish it was, but the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter is part of the globalist revolution to destroy civil society -- and the Church! -- and impose a new world order.  Unfortunately, Bergoglio is -- I hate to say this -- a useful idiot, playing right into the hands of those Christ-haters and depopulation, abortion, alphabet soup freaks intent on destroying the family unit as well as our God-given freedoms...

At least he is now out in the open, emboldened by the father of lies, Satan and his minions.  He has almost singlehandedly destroyed or contradicted Church teachings that have guided the faithful Catholic over the centuries, and replaced it with his own version of the Gospel and the church, made in the image and likeness of man, not God Almighty...

He is using the tsunami of illegal aliens invading our country as well as many European nations, rejecting the sovereignty and calling for open borders.  He purposely compares the illegal migrant with Our Lord and the Holy Family's flight into Egypt (does he realize the Angel told St. Joseph to skedaddle because Herod wanted to kill all male children two-years-old and under in order to wipe out the Baby Messias?), forgetting Church teaching that a nation has a right to defend its borders, its sovereignty...

I digress...

Here is an article where Bergoglio says we are racists:      

Pope Francis: ‘We Are Racists, We Are Racists’ (

(Note: I searched several Catholic websites but was unable to find this insulting nonsense from Bergoglio.  Why would they not print this????)

If you think that God-fearing, pro-life Americans and any other country or peoples for that matter, being pejoratively labeled racist is bad enough, coming from the supposed pope, then how about the New York Times op-ed piece telling us it is time to ditch God???

Read here: New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let's Get Rid of God (

Here is the title of the op-ed, written by Shalom Auslander

"Titled “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,” the article claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering,” and suggests that people stop teaching children about Him."' (My emphasis.) 

Just in time for Good Friday and Christ's sacrifice on the Cross -- yes, even for Shalom Auslander... 

How nice...

When Our Lord was dying on the Cross, he exclaimed: Father, forgive them for they no not what they do (St. Luke, 23; 34)...

I agree, we haven't got a clue...

Pray for strength and honor!  

VIVA CHRISTO REY!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, April 15, 2022

"Father. Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit"...

  On this Good Friday, nearly 2,000 years ago, the father of lies, Satan, thought, at least for a while, that he had won the battle and defeated the Son of God, Our Lord, Jesus.

He was wrong...

However, if we look around at what is happening in the world, it would be very easy to despair and say: the demon has won the battle for the souls of mankind!  

With the continuing slaughter of the pre-born, now enshrined in "law," with wars and rumors of wars festering throughout the globe, with communists at the helm of the ship of state, another endless list, it would be almost a natural thing to throw up our hands and go hide in a cave.  But we can't do that because Our Lord paid the price for us and our sins!

We cannot betray Him again -- Because He does not betray us.

But each time we commit a mortal sin, it is a betrayal of Christ! 

But!  Again and again, He will forgive us, as St. Peter asked: how many times should we forgive sins?  Seven times seven?  Our Lord tells him, no, but seventy times seven!  In other words, as many times as someone repents of their sins, it will be forgiven...


We are also told in the Bible, that in the end, Satan's miserable, rotten, wicked and evil head will be crushed by the heel of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ!  (Isn't it ironic that the "weaker sex" -- in this case, the Blessed Mother, will take on and defeat the massively powerful demon!)


He said that He would not leave us orphans, and that the gates of hell would never prevail against His Church!  So, no matter what horrors we face, no matter what threats to our lives from the evil powers, or disease or illness, we have to stay focused on the last four things: death, judgment, Heaven or hell.  


And on the third day, He rose again...


The way things are headed, martyrdom might be in the cards for us too, if that is the case, then so be it.

Regardless of what happens, we have to pray for the grace of final perseverance -- and strength and honor!

VIVA CHRISTO REY!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr.  Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

I wish all a Happy and Blessed Easter!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Inching -- No, Make That Giant-Stepping -- Closer To War With Russia...

  With each passing day, it seems the dysfunctional, war mongering U.S. government composed mostly of Marxist, neo-liberals -- with the help of the "immortal" neo-cons -- are inching closer to war with Russia.  But, as in the title of my article, we are taking giant steps in that disastrous direction!

In fact, we are already at war with Russia -- by proxy!  We -- and our "allies" in NATO -- have been and continue to supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine with the intention of kicking Russia out of their corrupt, Nazi-infested country.   

For the Western European nations that comprise NATO, the idea of continuing conflict -- or outright war -- with Russia is complete lunacy, and for various reasons... Prime among those reasons, is the fact that Germany and other states, get much of their gas energy from a pipeline, or pipelines, from where?  You guessed it: Russia!

The only reasonable thing I can figure out, is there is some backdoor, covert agreement that has already been made between Russia and those countries who are largely dependent on keeping the flow of natural gas to Europe regardless of any conflict.  If I'm right, I can't imagine who will be selling out who in order to keep homes warm in winter, and the food cooking on the stoves of Western Europe.  In other words, at what price security and convenience? 

How does the U.S. figure in all of this???

For one thing, the madmen in the White House and in the Demonrat-controlled Congress, are determined to put Russia -- and, more specifically, President Putin -- in his place.  Those Godless Demonrats are getting lots of help from the neo-con, treasonous rats in the Republican party, the "war party"...

Who benefits from wars and rumors of wars?  The military-industrial complex, of course.  The dollar numbers are increasing every day in the form of "aid," read: weapons and ammunition, missiles and vehicles being allocated to Ukraine and that nutcase actor-dancer-President, Zelensky. 

The outlook for peace in that part of the universe is not good.  

If things get "hot" between the U.S. and Russia, it will not be a localized battlefield scenario, but rather the prospect of sending nuclear missiles across the skies will become a very real possibility.  It may start out with tactical nukes being fired from Howitzer cannons, but if that does happen, things will escalate quicker than a New York minute!

Are we ready for that???

I'm not...

What this all boils down to, is that the current situation is a lot more serious than paying more for gas or seeing food prices soar at the grocery store.  It could very well be the beginning of the end-times for a fallen mankind that has kicked God Almighty out of the public sphere -- and out of their hearts...

This past March 25, we were witness to the supposed consecration of Russia (and Ukraine) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our most Blessed Mother, by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio... I do hope that "consecration" was or will be accepted by Our Lord and Our Lady...  But I have to say, to date, it doesn't look very hopeful at all, in fact things are beginning to spiral out of control in the direction of war, instead of peace...

We get what we deserve...

Pray for peace and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla    

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Traitors Everywhere!

 With a title of my article, Traitors Everywhere, it would be quite easy to despair and just give up, end of story...

But, as practicing Catholics, we know that despair is one of the two grievous sins against the virtue of Hope, the other being presumption.

We know that, so what's the point of the title of my article?

The point is, is that we actually do have traitors all around us, in the societal realm as well as in the ecclesiastical realm.  

Evidence abounds for treasonous activities in both entities...

Literally, books have been written about such matters, so I'll keep this short with just a few observations...

First, we can take a look at what has happened, and continues to happen within the borders of our country.  Or, should I say, what is happening at our borders!

Complete chaos!  But this is not by happenstance, or even by slipshod enforcement, but by design.

Some may say that is a serious charge; it is, but all we have to do is to recognize who is in the White House, and their -- the apostate Biden and his puppet masters -- plans for our country.

All we have to do is to compare how our country was doing under President Trump and how we are now quickly sinking on the sea of the world stage. 

Under Mr. Trump, Title 42 was being enforced, keeping hundreds of thousands -- if not millions! -- of illegal aliens within the borders of Mexico where they had to wait for legal entry to the U.S.  But Title 42 is scheduled to end in May, this will lead to a tsunami of somewhere between 500,000 to over 1,000,000 illegal aliens rushing and crushing our southern borders along California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas...

And that's only the beginning! 

This is outright treason, with the "buck" stopping at the demented, incoherent Biden and his handlers -- including Obama!  

Obama?  Yep, Obama.  Let's face it, what we are witnessing is the third term of that failed, Muslim president...

Do you miss President Trump yet?

How about inflation?

The official government indicators tell us that inflation is around 8-percent.  Add food and energy -- those two most important factors are left out of the equation; did you know that? -- and you have an inflation rate of at least 15-20 percent!

Do you miss President Trump yet?

Number two... 

We are inching closer and closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.  In fact, we -- and our NATO "allies" -- are already fighting a proxy war with Putin, and the "evil one" is losing patience with the neo-liberal and neo-con warmongers knocking at his door by sending arms and ammunition to the Ukrainian military (that includes some Nazi battalions as well!).

The military-industrial complex is jumping for joy!

Do you miss President Trump yet?

We cannot overlook or forget the most heinous and barbaric of crimes against humanity: the slaughter of the pre-born!  One of the horrendous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

Our former, imperfect President, Trump, I can say with confidence, was a defender of our tiny brothers and sisters.  If for no other reason, we should all miss President Trump for that...

Three... The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, supposedly consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on March 25.  If you read the actual prayer of the "consecration," to me it seems diluted, to say the least.  But okay, let's say that the consecration was done correctly, shouldn't we be seeing something good happening in that tinderbox?  I think so, but what we are seeing is just the opposite.  As I wrote above, we are already fighting a proxy war with the Russian Bear...

But there's something else... Bergoglio is in the middle of tearing apart what is left of the traditional Catholic Church in favor of some sort of bastardized version made in the image and likeness of man by attacking Tradition and the teachings of the real Catholic Church. The havoc he has successfully wrought is nothing short of astounding, or, should I say, demonic!

Who is Bergoglio, really?   How did he become "pope"?  Has the Church been infiltrated to such an extent that it is almost unrecognizable to the Catholic and non-Catholic world alike?  The answer is obvious... 

We have to use a little common sense here, and fight for real church unity, not the false "unity" that Bergoglio espouses by marginalizing the former Ecclesia Dei communities and those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass: the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

As the Church goes, so goes society...

So, yes, we do have traitors -- everywhere...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla   

Sunday, April 10, 2022


  Joe Biden Wants to Force Christian Hospitals to Kill Babies in Abortions or Shut Down -

I have said it many times in previous articles: the most egregious enemies of Christ, our Lord, are apostate "Catholics"...

The maniac holding the White House hostage, is at it again, this time, his department of "health and human services," wants to force the killing of the pre-born on those institutions that attempt to live by the moral and Natural Law -- as well as the divinely revealed law of God Almighty, and, if they don't submit to this demonic lunatic and his "mandates," they may be shut down or even have the heads of those institutions jailed!

Are we living in America, or is this communist Red China?  Is this America, or are we living in North Korea?  Are we living in America or are we living in ..................... You can fill in the blanks and add your own country to the list.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the above article: 

“The general public has almost no awareness of what may be coming,” Doug Wilson, CEO of the Catholic Benefits Association, told CNS. “It is written to end Catholic health care. The requirements are so far beyond Catholic teaching that Catholic employers of every sort would be faced with complying or shutting down.”

The document “revealed that HHS has promised to revise its mandates on health plan coverage and performance to include surgical abortion, cross-sex hormones, gender-transition surgeries, gender-affirming cosmetic surgeries and voice modification — along with a host of expanded services dealing with fertility treatments, contraception, abortifacients and sterilizations,” according to CNS. (My emphasis.) 

Welcome to Amerika!

Was Russia consecrated on March 25?  Maybe, but how about consecrating America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to stop the spreading of her errors???

Ain't gonna happen...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Do You Know What You Are: Man, Woman, Child, Animal, Vegetable, Or Mineral?

 Well, here we go again... The insanity keeps rolling along...

It looks as though the radical pro-death "judge" Katanji Jackson, will most likely receive a majority vote in favor of seating her on the Supreme Court, with the help of turncoat "Republicans"... It should be noted that this poor excuse of a judge, will probably be sitting on the court for more than a few decades, crippling even further, the struggle for pre-born babies' right to breathe air.  Not only that, but this miscreant has a proven track record of giving very lenient sentences to some of the most egregious and heinous crimes against innocent children and young adults, especially in the realm of sexual "misconduct" and pornography. 

Please watch this short video and get a glance of what the U.S. Senate has wrought upon our nation:  Pedophile Gatekeeper Appointed to the Supreme Court (

It seems that "judge" Jackson is right out of the same mold as "justice" Kagan, who, when she was questioned before the senate judiciary committee was asked what her views were on natural rights, her reply was that "I have no views on natural rights."  

And just the other day, the radical Jackson was asked the same question and parroted the Kagan response: "I have no views on natural rights."  

But the insanity doesn't end there... Senator Blackburn (a woman) asked "judge" Jackson if she could tell her what a woman is.  Her response was scary, she said she couldn't; because she's not a biologist.  

Did you get that?

Jackson -- a woman! -- couldn't define what a woman is!!  Because she is not a biologist!!

This is really not surprising since she has no views on natural rights.  And apparently can't figure out if she's a man, woman, child, animal, vegetable or mineral!

Jackson is obviously a woman, but if she can't determine if she, herself, is a woman, then what is she????

And this creature will sit on the Supreme Court?  Are you ready for this?  

Recently, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, supposedly consecrated Russia (and Ukraine?) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... I have said it before, and I'll say it again: the U.S. should also be consecrated to stop spreading her errors.  You see, it's not only Russia, but most of the Western, "civilized" nations that spread their errors in the form of at least two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder -- the killing of the pre-born, and the sin of Sodom... And while he's at it, how about throwing communist Red China in that witch's brew of debauched nations...

I encourage all to pray for strength and honor, because we're not getting any help from the hierarchy; not one bit...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Will Only Divine Intervention -- and the WRATH Of God -- Convert The Demonic Marxist Media -- And The World?

  On March 25, 2022, The Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, read a long, "nice" prayer that, eventually, led to the mentioning of Russia and the Ukraine, for what, exactly?

Supposedly, it was to fulfill the long-awaited consecration of Russia so she would stop spreading her errors.  

Was that actually done?  


But what I do know is that the world in general has been totally brainwashed into thinking that evil is good and good is evil; that the killing of pre-born babies is a universal "right" and that the sin of Sodom -- homosexuality -- is also a "right" -- and must be taught to our children!

That wars and rumors of wars continue unabated -- including the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, is not a sign that gives us any measure of hope...   

Getting back to the supposed consecration of Russia... I hope that Bergoglio's act will be accepted by the Divine Hosts.  

And how about consecrating the U.S to stop the spreading of her errors (run by a maniac, apostate "Catholic" and his lackeys in the media)?  How about consecrating Canada (run by a maniac apostate "Catholic" and his lackeys in the media)?  How about consecrating the UK (run by apostates)?  Do you begin to see an evil pattern here??  

All these nations and more, are guilty of these monstrous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

These countries tolerate and foster hate instead of love; charity has been abandoned: we just can't seem to tell the truth; we have to pamper the perverted.  Instead of admonishing the sinner, the sinner is encouraged -- in their state of sin!   

Where are the Catholic hierarchy in all of this?  Why is the silence so deafening?   Sure, a bishop or two may throw a "Catholic crumb" our way once in a while, but overall, the complicity with the devilish powers is nothing short of a complete betrayal to their real Master, Christ our Lord...

Please watch the following video from RemnantTV... 

The Remnant Newspaper - GloBA’ALism: Is Pope Francis Dancing with the Devil?.

Mr. Matt covers many of the items I just listed above, and more... This is an important video to watch and digest, you cannot afford to ignore it...

Never stop praying for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...