Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Grievous Sin And Madness Of Liberalism -- In Society AND In What Passes For The "Modern" Catholic Church...

  (The following information is gleaned from (the Catholic Encyclopedia))...

Those Catholics in the traditional movement -- including adhering to the Mass of the ages and the perennial teachings of the authentic Magisterium -- know the craziness and madness of the gangrenous infection that has infiltrated the novus ordo sect, especially the concoction of Bugnini in creating the new "mass," after he and his Protestant buddies agreed on a rite that even they could use in their services!

Let that sink in: our Catholic Mass became something unrecognizable to the faithful, and through compromise and appeasement, the new thing was nearly completely devoid of the sacrificial nature of the Mass.  The demonic arch-heretic -- and Freemason -- Bugnini, actually bragged about that massive destruction...

His "victory" was the epitome of a successful, classic act of sabotage that was finally endorsed by the weak-willed, Paul VI, and officially promulgated in 1970 to the horror of those raised on the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages -- the very same Mass that produced uncountable Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years...

So, when did this infiltration and attack on the faithful flock of Christ begin?  And what are some of the ramifications that we see in society today?   

First, as you will see, this insertion of liberalism began long before Vat. II.  Second, we also see the fruits of this evil and mad ideology as well as a corrupted theology, a theology that is intent in re-making and re-shaping the true Catholic Church into something that the world will accept and praise...

Isn't that what we see under the "pontificate" Bergoglio? 

I always thought the role of the Church was the salvation of souls??  Am I wrong in thinking this???

Here are some excerpts from the article under the heading: Liberalism...

"(1) The prevailing political form of modern Liberal Catholicism, is that which would regulate the relations of the Church to the State and modern society in accordance with the Liberal principles as expounded by Benjamin Constant. It had its predecessors and patterns in Gallicanism, Febronianism, and Josephinism. Founded 1828 by Lamennais, the system was later defended in some respects by Lacordaire, Montalembert, Parisis, Dupanloup, and Falloux.

(2) The more theological and religious form of Liberal Catholicism had its predecessors in Jansenism and Josephinism; it aims at certain reforms in ecclesiastical doctrine and discipline in accordance with the anti-ecclesiastical liberal Protestant theory and atheistical "science and enlightenment" prevailing at the time. The newest phases of this Liberalism were condemned by Pius X as Modernism. In general it advocates latitude in interpreting dogma, oversight or disregard of the disciplinary and doctrinal decrees of the Roman Congregations, sympathy with the State even in its enactments against the liberty of the Church, in the action of her bishopsclergyreligious orders and congregations, and a disposition to regard as clericalism the efforts of the Church to protect the rights of the family and of individuals to the free exercise of religion."

"...sympathy with the State even in its enactments against the liberty of the Church..."

Pure madness! 

And this: "By proclaiming man's absolute autonomy in the intellectual, moral and social order, Liberalism denies, at least practically, God and supernatural religion. If carried out logically, it leads even to a theoretical denial of God, by putting deified mankind in place of God. It has been censured in the condemnations of Rationalism and Naturalism. The most solemn condemnation of Naturalism and Rationalism was contained in the Constitution "De Fide" of the Vatican Council (1870); the most explicit and detailed condemnation, however, was administered to modern Liberalism by Pius IX in the Encyclical "Quanta cura" of 8 December, 1864 and the attached Syllabus. Pius X condemned it again in his allocution of 17 April, 1907, and in the Decree of the Congregation of the Inquisition of 3 July, 1907, in which the principal errors of Modernism were rejected and censured in sixty-five propositions. The older and principally political form of false Liberal Catholicism had been condemned by the Encyclical of Gregory XVI, "Mirari Vos", of 15 August, 1832 and by many briefs of Pius IX (see Ségur, "Hommage aux Catholiques Libéraux", Paris, 1875). The definition of the papal infallibility by the Vatican council was virtually a condemnation of Liberalism. Besides this many recent decisions concern the principal errors of Liberalism. Of great importance in this respect are the allocutions and encyclicals of Pius IXLeo XIII, and Pius X. (Cf., Recueil des allocutions consistorales encycliques . . . citées dans le Syllabus", Paris, 1865) and the encyclicals of Leo XIII of 20 January, 1888, "On Human Liberty"; of 21 April, 1878, "On the Evils of Modern Society"; of 28 December, 1878, "On the Sects of the Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists"; of 4 August, 1879, "On Christian Philosophy"; of 10 February, 1880, "On Matrimony"; of 29 July, 1881, "On the Origin of Civil Power"; of 20 April, 1884, "On Freemasonry"; of 1 November, 1885, "On the Christian State"; of 25 December, 1888, "On the Christian Life"; of 10 January, 1890, "On the Chief Duties of a Christian Citizen"; of 15 May, 1891, "On the Social Question"; of 20 January, 1894, "On the Importance of Unity in Faith and Union with the Church for the Preservation of the Moral Foundations of the State"; of 19 March, 1902, "On the Persecution of the Church all over the World". 

How much worse have things gotten since these condemnations of the pre-conciliar popes??

Read the entire article here: CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Liberalism (

As we enter a new year, faithful Catholics will be faced with fresh attacks from the likes of the novus ordo hierarchy (including Bergoglio and his evil agenda) that hate Tradition -- especially the Traditional Latin Mass.

Pray for strength and honor -- we will need it now more than ever!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ann DiLalla: R.I.P. -- My Mom Passed Away On December 26, 2007, On The Feast Of St. Stephen -- The Protomartyr Of The Catholic Church...

  First, note the spelling of "DiLalla"... My dad's last name was spelled DiLalla, but on my birth certificate my last name is listed -- as -- DeLalla!

I might add that my Uncle Vince's (my father's brother!) last name was also spelled, DeLalla!  

In any event, rest assured that I am of the DeLalla clan, in fact I am second in line, so to speak, of being the Patriarch of what is remaining of the DeLalla family, with my cousin, Richard, being about one year older than I (his 76 to my 75...).


At the time of my mom's passing, our James was 15 years old, and now, he is 30 years old with his own -- growing -- family!

Knowing that love never dies, I'm sure that my dear mother is still watching over our family, especially James'... And, I hope, that when I leave this earth, our good God will allow me to see my mom again, as well as watch over and protect my family here on earth... 

I could write a book about my mom, and what a mother is: the life-bearer and the heart of the family.  But I'll admit, that if I did attempt to write a book about my mom, it would fall way short of what love, talents and teachings she handed down to me and my (now-deceased) brother.  

One incident that I vividly remember, is when my brother joined the Navy in 1960 at the tender age of 18... Considered an adult, that still didn't matter to my mom as she cried because she knew that she had to let him go to serve his country and probably figured that she couldn't do anything about his joining anyway!

On the other hand, when I wanted to join the Air Force (my first choice was the Army, but I changed my mind shortly after the Air Force recruiter came to our school; he was a good salesman!) right out of high school, I was technically still not considered an adult and had to have my parent's consent to join.  Three days after I started basic training, I turned 18... But again, my mom shed some tears because she had to let her "baby" go and serve his country, too.   

I think my mom was very concerned about my brother's moral and spiritual state, knowing that before he joined the Navy, he already had gotten in with some local, somewhat shady characters from "around the block."  I knew some of those guys, and yes, they were "shady"... But one did become a New York City cop and served for many years.   I also remember that some of those very same guys would sing doo-wop oldies "on the corner," as well as have some explosive firework displays, every year, on the Fourth...

When the Cuban Missile Crises reared its ugly head, my mom was on pins and needles, knowing that the aircraft carrier he was stationed on was in the waters around Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...

This was not the only arrow to pierce her gentle, caring heart... When I got my orders for Vietnam, her heart sunk, as events were plastered on the 6 o'clock "news" every day of the week, and that I was going headlong into that war-torn country.  And although I was not physically wounded at the time I came back to "the world," I was a changed man, and they knew it. 

The agony and tribulations my brother and I put my mom through, I can only imagine, but the worst for her was yet to come...

She had to witness her offspring slowly slipping away from the faith, and sliding into a potential eternal abyss, not living good and decent lives, but succumbing to the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil...

Like the Prodigal son, I returned; my brother on the other hand "half-returned," but then fell into a deadly relationship -- another painful arrow.  If only my brother had realized...

Those are only some of the numerous events that she had to put up with... As you can imagine, there were many others, such as the death of her husband (my dad), and my brother... Revealing the news of their passing were the toughest things I have ever had to do in my life...

Another factoid: My mom could have been an incredible, professional chef if she had decided to go that route!  There is little doubt in my mind that she was the best, most talented cook in all the clan -- and I mean among all our other relatives and friends combined!

That's the primary reason I became a little "chunky" and had to shed some weight before I entered the military -- and I did, 50 pounds worth! 


Kathy, James and I, visited my mom on Christmas, 2007... We had a great time; I remember we had my mom laughing and filled with joy at having her James nearby... We played games and ate chocolate... 

But before our next visit, the hospital nurse called our home at about 10:30pm, on the 26th, and informed us of my dear mom's passing...

(She always wore her Brown Scapula, and her Rosary was on her little movable table -- she was a child of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and that is why I am supremely confident that she is in, or soon will be, in the Heavenly Beatitude.) 

This was the most trying and sad time of our lives, but as Catholics, we have the hope -- and promise -- that those who love Him and keep His Commandments, will have eternal life.  What more can we ask for??   I can also say with certainty, that she stayed the course and finished the race (St. Paul)...

Please say an Ave Maria for my mom...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Fifty-Five Years Ago On December 16, 1967, I Started My Tour Of Duty In Vietnam...

  That was my "Christmas present" back in '67...

A lot has transpired since then, spiritually, physically and mentally, including a long journey back to my precious Catholic faith... 

Don't get me wrong, I was not a "typical" G.I. gone crazy while away from home, doing things most unpleasing to God and rejecting His divine grace for the sake of a moment's pleasure... 

But I did "go crazy" after my return to "the world" (home) on December 16, 1968...

One thing I vividly remember as I was walking through the airport terminal on my way to meet my parents and be driven back to our home located in northwest New Jersey, was an Army brother G.I. still in his jungle fatigues, alone, waiting for who or what I would never know...

This is how it worked, sometimes: a G.I. out in the field would get his orders to exit Vietnam when his tour was up and be pulled out from the field, gather his possessions and orders and be taken to one of the many commercial airliners that were contracted to take us back to the U.S.

One of the really sad parts of the whole Vietnam experience, especially for those brothers that had life and death combat encounters, is that the G.I. would be back home in about 14 or 15 hours, in some cases, right after a firefight!  There was no time to relax, rewind, talk and heal, unlike the G.I.s of previous wars that were on troop ships for days or even weeks, and if wounded, on a hospital ship.  Nope, not us.  We boarded a jet: goodbye and good luck, see you later pal...

For some G.I.s, that's when the real battle began...

The now-common acronym, PTSD, hadn't become part of the lexicon at that time, yet that's what many Vietnam Vets experienced, some to this very day... 

I guess you could say that I was one of the "lucky" ones... In that I was not -- physically -- wounded by enemy fire, but psychologically and spiritually, yes, very much so.  

My spiritual journey was a whole different ball game, nearly losing my faith for almost two decades, but by the constant prayers of my mother and my dear aunt (Sister, Angela Spinelli, of the Religious Teachers Filippini) I was saved from almost certain, eternal destruction!  

Later, much later, I would suffer physically with what is called a spindle cell sarcoma caused by the chemical defoliant, Agent Orange, used extensively in Vietnam to uncover the enemies' hiding places, caches and infiltration trails into the South.  That hellish chemical was the cause of many cancers and birth defects of the children of the troops who were exposed to it out in the field, but also on air force flightlines as the deadly chemical drifted unseen through the air as A.O. was loaded onto C-130 aircraft to be sprayed on the jungle forests. 

(For many years, the Veterans Administration (VA) absolutely denied any connection between A.O. and the cancers that it produced, but that changed, as many ailments have now been added to the "presumptive list" allowing Vietnam Vets to get treatment and disability compensation!)

I could write a book here, (in fact I have; several: The Battle For Oscar Six is still available on Amazon), but all I ask is for anyone reading this missive to pray for me -- and all Vietnam Vets, for their physical and spiritual needs -- and conversion, or to come back to the faith, as the Prodigal son returned to the arms of his jubilant Father...

One more thing... I was no hero during my Vietnam tour, I just did my job as so many others did.  

I still do love my country, very much so...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

"Blessed Are Ye, When Men...Persecute You...For My Sake" (St. Matthew 5:11-12)... (King James Version).

 Powerful letter from Archbishop Vigano in defense of Fr. Frank Pavone... Watch and listen what the good Archbishop says in his letter on the Dr. Taylor Marshall podcast, here: (2079) Viganò DEFENDS Fr. Frank Pavone against Pope Francis - YouTube.

There is little need to add anything to the devastating facts that are revealed in the video.

What I will say, is that the current cabal of new-world-order Marxists and deviants that are in control of the Vatican, are hell-bent on eviscerating the Catholic priesthood, and destroy any priest that preaches the truth from the pulpit -- shouting from the housetops! -- the perennial teachings of the authentic Catholic Church, including the tenets of the Natural Law...

As the novus ordo "church" goes, so goes society -- at least that's what the world sees as the Catholic Church, but, in reality, what they see has nothing to do with the one, true Church that our Lord and Savior founded on the rock of St. Peter!

This massive apostacy is the result of those infiltrators into the Body of Christ by the successful recruitment of communists -- by the communist, Bella Dodd, and her comrades -- to corrupt and destroy the church from within...  

Judge for yourself!  And pray for the defeat of these diabolical monsters!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Outrageous Spiritual Attack And Dismissal Of Father Frank Pavone (Of Priests For Life) From The Priesthood!

  If anyone needs any more evidence of the demonic forces that have infiltrated Holy Mother Church in order to destroy Her from within, then look no further...

The objective of the Soviet communists, such as Bella Dodd and her comrades, to recruit fellow communists and perverts to enter the Catholic seminaries and to become "priests" has been overwhelmingly successful!   In fact, we are now seeing the fourth and fifth generation of such evil males wearing the Roman collar, from "priests," "bishops," "cardinals," and even "popes," implementing the Masonic/Communist plot to scatter and devour the flock of Christ! 

See this article from

You won't believe how many Communists infiltrated the Catholic Church in 1930s America - LifeSite (

Remember what President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here at my desk!  Indicating, that, as leader of the U.S. and the free world at the time, he accepted responsibility for his actions and the actions of his subordinates.

This is in stark contrast to the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, who blames "rigid," traditional Catholics for everything gone wrong under heaven, while, at the same time, ignoring -- and even encouraging -- openly homosexual perverts and Marxist lunatics sitting in high places within the novus ordo "church," appointing and promoting such miscreants to "advisory boards" to fight for "social justice" causes and "climate change"!  

But if that weren't bad enough, Bergoglio has taken part in, and promoted worship of false gods thereby violating the First Commandment!  But this too is nothing new from the adherent to the Marxism of so-called "liberation theology" that influenced Bergoglio while he was in his formative years in South America...

I know that I have digressed a wee bit here... See this interview of Fr. Frank Pavone by Dr. Taylor Marshall and hear what is next for the good Father...

(2012) Father Frank Pavone talks with Dr. Taylor Marshall about Vatican decree - YouTube.

You will see -- and hear -- that Fr. Pavone is sure that the next uncanonical, illicit step is to be ex-communicated by the apostate rogues now occupying very powerful offices in the Vatican.  

If this actually takes place, it will automatically be null and void, but to the poorly catechized novus ordo Catholics, it will be "gospel"!

And here: (2012) Father Pavone Responds to Pope Francis - YouTube.

In addition, here is an excellent article written by Leo Higgins and posted on  Fr. Pavone’s 'Laicization' - LewRockwell.

Here is the first paragraph of this informative article: "Fr. Frank Pavone, who has dedicated his life and priesthood to the cause of the defense of life, from the womb to natural death, has been “laicizedy” by Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Francis.”  This holy and dedicated priest gets shanked, while the execrable James Martin get feted by Bergoglio and other fanboys at Vatican events orchestrated to advocate – under “papal” auspices – the entire LGBTQ/transgender agenda."

And this: 

"We have reached Kafka-esque levels of weirdness in the Church, these days. Bergoglio gets away with all of these crazy things because no one wants to risk a cushy sinecure to oppose him.  Not even Burke or Schneider will really push very hard.  The large group of conservative and traditional “professional Catholics” out there in the clergy and Catholic media and punditry, known these days as Trad Inc., have too much invested in staying within the bounds of mainstream “respectability” to rock the boat.  The same conservatives and traditionalists in the Church are a major component of the Recognize and Resist movement, saying that they see “Francis” as pope but resist his errors.  They “recognize” Bergoglio as pope to avoid being in “schism” by still recognizing Benedict due to his non-resignation resignation, so they just say they will “resist” Bergoglio’s heresies and idolatries as much as possible.  But resisting papal authority (from their point of view) is a form of schism itself!  In effect, they openly are in virtual schism in order to avoid being schismatic!  They think more about their paychecks and access to Vaticanistas than they do about truth."

End of excerpts...

I ask: when will novus ordo Catholics wake up and shake off the hypnotic state they have been under for nearly 60 years since the demonic Second Vatican Council????

When will this anti-Christ cabal of communists and homosexuals be amputated from the gangrenous infection that continues to spread in the novus ordo "church" in order to save the body and bring it back to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith????

Lord have mercy on us!!

Pray for strength and honor for Fr. Frank Pavone -- and for JUSTICE -- and for all of us!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Sad And Sick Woke Military Is A Reflection Of A Sad And Sick Society -- The Result Of The Rejection Of The Kingship Of Christ As King Of Nations, King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords!

  Over the last couple of weeks, news broke of some military personnel -- of the officer ranks! -- engaging in some very un-natural behavior...

Specifically, those "officers and gentlemen" had the whistle blown on them by others in the Army who couldn't take it anymore!  

Articles began to appear detailing the sickness infecting the Army -- and, I might add -- other services as well, in some way, shape or form.  

I must warn the reader that the following articles might be a bit much for the average God-fearing individual to absorb.  Some of the photos are quite disturbing...

What am I talking about exactly?

Have you ever heard of "pup" masks or someone being a "pup handler"??  

If you haven't, then good for you...

But the truth shall set us free!

(This nonsense is all part of the sodomite agenda with the rejection of the Natural Law and the Ten Commandments!) 

Here is one article from The Blaze: Army investigating viral photos of officers posing in 'puppy play' kink masks, BDSM gear while in uniform - TheBlaze.

Here is another from

Army Investigating Officers For Wearing Fetish “Pup” Masks While in Uniform After Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed - Survive the News.

This one is from

SICK: US Army Col. Poses in Uniform with “Pup Mask” – Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed! - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site (

I could list several other articles, but what for?  The treasonous rats wearing the uniform of our country are a disgrace to that very same uniform of those who went before them and served their country honorably...

Now that you might have read or glanced at some of the filth of these lunatics, think about this: while the current Marxist regime holding our country hostage in D.C. continues to force deadly "vaccines" on our military (although a federal judge has recently stopped that illegal, tyrannical mandate -- we'll see how long that lasts!) and use our precious military for social experimentation, the military brass of our adversaries, i.e., Russia, China and others, are building up their formidable armies, navies and air forces, waiting for just the right time to execute a "Red Dawn" on an unprepared, weakened U.S. military and citizenry.

Sound farfetched?  Perhaps, but could this be part of a planned takeover of the beloved land of our birth in order to fulfill the establishment of a one-world government, devoid of good and worship of the true God, to be replaced with Satan and his minions?

How could this be happening? 

As the title of my article reads:  The Result Of The Rejection Of The Kingship Of Christ As King Of Nations, King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords!

That's how...

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Why Is This Happening?????? Biden Invites Drag Queen Who Performs For Children To Attend ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Signing...

  See the full article here from Biden Invites Drag Queen Who Dances for Kids to Marriage Bill Signing (

And one from Biden invites anti-police nonbinary drag queen to White House: 'F--- the police' | Fox News.

Lastly, from the Drag Queen Story Hour Performer To Attend White House Ceremony (

To be frank, I could list over a dozen such articles from various news sources, including left, right and alternative media.  As a simple search will show...

But the idea of insulting those who truly respect the state and sacrament of Holy Matrimony -- and the Natural Law, is now commonplace with the apostate Biden holding the White House hostage...

In fact, it seems to me that he -- and his handlers -- relish the idea of insulting the good God that allows them to breathe air.  And He does allow them each and every breath!  If that were not the case, then these barbarian, baby-killing hedonists would die in a New York minute! 

Biden, Pelosi, et al, never cease claiming that they are "devout Catholics," but any right-thinking real Catholic can easily see through the veneer of lies and figure out that these miscreants, are, in reality, atheists in a very poor "Catholic" disguise!  

In the title of my article, I asked: Why Is This Happening??????

This could be one of the answers... from

(1842) Cardinal Muller & Bishop Schneider: "Don't Let The Modernists Change The Faith!" - YouTube.

Again, I could post dozens of videos and articles to answer that question in spades, but you get the idea that what is currently left of the real Catholic Church is truly only a Remnant, an Elect, not a billion-plus souls...  

Did you get that "Bishop" Barron?

The mental and spiritual sickness presently sweeping the nation is due in no small part to the Christ-haters in the federal monstrosity and it trickles down to state and local apostates as well...

Of course, these maniacs don't believe that they -- and all of us! -- will have to answer to our Lord at their Particular Judgment, if they did believe they would have to account for their actions and inactions, then we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.  The Satan-loving atheists are having a field day -- for now, that is...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christ Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, December 9, 2022

December 7, 1941... Did Anyone Remember??

  Did any of the mainstream media -- or even the "alternative" media -- remember or comment on the attack on Pearl Harbor that rocketed us into World War II, eighty-one years ago? 

I recently wrote an article about the murder of President Kennedy, see here: November 22, 1963: (Catholic) President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated In Dallas, Texas...

I lamented the fact that I didn't see any missives about that tragic day, I can only figure I missed someone's -- anyone's -- notes on the assassination of the first Catholic president in the history of our nation...

The Pearl Harbor tragedy saw the loss of nearly 2,400 military and civilian personnel, not to mention hundreds wounded, some very severely wounded.  But the lives of those who survived would never be the same again, as our country -- and the world -- would never be the same again...

Here is an excellent article by Jacob G. Hornberger on It is well worth the read: Roosevelt’s Infamy - LewRockwell.

Do I believe in conspiracy theories?  No, but I do believe in conspiracies.  The difference is titanic!

The world was forever changed by WWII, as was the "attack" on September 11, 2001, that led to the longest war in U.S. history: Afghanistan...The ramifications of that mess are still with us today, not only with our dead troops and destroyed families, but also with those who suffered physical and phycological wounds as well as the massive draining of the treasury...

But not for the enormous amounts of blood money that the military-industrial complex rakes-in with any war!  And isn't that always the case???  Look at what's happening in Ukraine.  

Same old, same old...

Will we ever learn that war is a punishment for our grievous sins against God and the rejection of His Son's sacrifice for the salvation of our souls?  

I wonder...

Pray for mercy -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

It's The Almighty Dollar, "Diversity" And "Inclusion"... But What About Sin???

  When was the last time you read about Sodom and Gomorrah and what fate befell those hell-hole cities swimming in unnatural vice?


I will post an entire article I just read on, and you will not believe why the U.S. is so outraged!  Then again, maybe you will... But first, here is the title:  US Warns of Impact on Investment, Tourism, as Indonesia Okays Outlawing Extramarital Sex.

I should point out that Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country: Number one, Muslims believe that killing pre-born babies is murder and hence they don't sanction it as some kind of "right" as the murderers in the U.S. do and go to extremes to protect that "right."

They also believe in fidelity to one's spouse, as opposed to easy divorce and promiscuity so prevalent here in the land of the free and the home of the brave...

As you read this article, please remember that the morally and spiritually corrupt Biden "administration" are Marxist haters of Christ, our Lord, and want to impose their vile version of "democracy" on other nations.  And when those other nations resist the attempt of some very bad actors to destroy their sovereignty, the U.S. employs sometimes very sinister measures to make those nations regret their stance!

( – "The United States is assessing legislation passed by Indonesian lawmakers Tuesday that outlaw's sex outside of marriage – including for non-citizens – and is concerned about its impact on civil liberties and the investment climate for U.S. companies, State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.

“Indonesia is a valued democratic partner of the United States,” Price said. “We seek to work together with Indonesia to counter hatred, intolerance and build more prosperous and inclusive societies. We’ll continue to do that by supporting democracy and promoting respect for human rights.

"While the extramarital sex ban is drawing most attention, the new criminal code legislation includes numerous other controversial provisions, among them the criminalization of cohabitation between unmarried couples, adultery, contraception education for minors, and the insulting of state institutions including the presidency and legislature.

Elsewhere in the 624-provision code are bans on the spreading of Communist or Marxist-Leninist teaching, the dissemination of exaggerated or inaccurate news, and the organizing of demonstrations without notification that cause a public disturbance. Blasphemy regulations are also tightened.

Those convicted of outlawed behavior face fines and prison terms – up to a year in the case of an unmarried couple caught having sex.

"Approval of the code by the 575-member People’s Representative Council (DPR) came three weeks after the world’s third-largest democracy hosted President Biden and other G20 leaders for a summit on Bali, a tourist resort island with a reputation for partying and hook-up culture.

"In a speech on Monday, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Sung Kim expressed concern about the legislation’s potential impact on American investment in Indonesia.

“Around the world, if laws are unclear, businesses are often reluctant to invest because they are not sure how different laws may impact their business operations,” Kim told the American Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta.

“We remain concerned that morality clauses [in the new code] attempting to regulate what occurs in a household between consenting adults can have a negative impact on Indonesia’s investment climate.”

“Criminalizing the personal decisions of individuals would loom large within the decision matrix of many companies determining whether to invest in Indonesia,” he said. “The outcome could well result in less foreign investment, tourism, and travel.”

The world’s most populous Muslim country has long sought to strike a balance between secular and Islamic forces. The five principles of its state ideology known as “Pancasila” are belief in God, national unity, just and civilized humanity, representative democracy and social justice.

Belief in that context is not limited to the Islamic faith. The state also officially recognizes Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

The blasphemy provisions in the new code apply to all six recognized religions, and anyone convicted of blaspheming one of them faces a prison term of up to three years – or five years, if the offending took place online.

Promotion of atheism, or any belief outside the six permitted ones, carries a jail term of up to two years, and anyone convicted of disrupting a religious service for one of the six recognized faiths could face up to five years’ imprisonment.


Ironically, the legislation is being presented as a “reform” of an outdated criminal code first put in place a century ago, during the Dutch colonial era.

A previous attempt to pass similar legislation generated large protests, and the initiative was suspended by President Joko Widodo in 2019. Drafters have since incorporated changes in a bid to quell some of the unease.

In the category of sex-related offenses, for prosecutions to take place a complaint will have to be lodged by specified parties, such as a parent, spouse, or child of the alleged offender.

On the issue of capital punishment, while the new code does not abolish it, it does make the death penalty commutable if a prisoner on death row demonstrates remorse and good behavior for a period of ten years.

After the DPR backed the legislation on Tuesday, Justice Minister Yasonna Laoly told reporters in Jakarta that the century-old penal code was behind the times, but its replacement would be “reformative, progressive, and in accordance with the present situation in Indonesia.”

He conceded that in a multicultural and multi-ethnic society, it would be “impossible to accommodate 100 percent of all interests.”

The legislation will come into force in three years’ time. In the meantime, Yasonna said, government representatives will be briefing the public, institutions, and law enforcement agencies.

The waiting period will also allow for the filing of constitutional challenges, and some civil society organizations have already indicated their intention to do so.

Decrying some of the provisions in the new code, the Jakarta Post in an editorial Wednesday said it “could have serious ramifications in our culturally and ideologically diverse society, and will surely not help us in our attempt to become a key player in global politics and economy.

“We call on civil society groups to challenge the legislation at the Constitutional Court, though we have little confidence that the latter would be independent or progressive enough to right the wrongs of the lawmakers,” it said.

End of article...

Draw your own conclusions about our glorious State Department and the Leftist cabal holding our country hostage since January of 2021... 

God help us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Want To See The Face Of Evil? Just Look At The Assistant Secretary For Health, Dr. Richard "Rachel" Levine, Another Diabolical Frankenstein Creation...

  Get this from the web.  (I will add quotation marks and emphasis where I feel it is necessary to show the lunacy of these creatures): "Is Dr Levine a man or a woman?"

"Well, at birth, Dr. Levine was named Richard Levine. He grew up using the same name and identifying as male. He even got married to a wife and had two children with her. However, Dr. Levine states that "she" struggled with "her" identity and always wanted to be a "woman."

Such deniers of the Natural Law are beyond belief!  But that's only part of the madness...

Dr. Richard Levine "called on doctors to serve as “ambassadors” in the attempt to normalize transgenderism."

It also said this: “I believe in our role as truth-tellers. And the truth that we need to confront now is that medicine and science are being politically perverted.”

Can you believe that this creature claims that he (she or it?) is a truth teller???

I could post numerous articles to show that this guy is doing the work of Satan and his minions in trying to corrupt the moral, physical and spiritual well-being of minors -- especially minors!

Here is one from

Revealing email shows Biden official ‘Rachel’ Levine sought research to justify trans surgeries for kids - LifeSite (

Or, how about this one from

Levine Calls on Docs to Be 'Ambassadors' to Normalize Transgenderism (

These creatures have been installed by the apostate "Catholic" sitting in the Oval Office...  Need I say more?? 

Folks, we are being bombarded with evil.  It surrounds us on all sides.  We are getting little to no help from the novus ordo "shepherds," in fact, many of those prelates are a major part of the problem, being sodomites and Marxists themselves.  So, Who do we have to turn to in these desperate, unholy, diabolical times? 

Our Lord and His holy Church of Tradition, the authentic Magisterium and the traditional Latin Mass of the ages!

Protect you children, at all costs, from these monsters, these wolves in sheep's clothing... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, December 5, 2022

"This Changes Everything": A New Bomber That Cost $2,000,000,000 (Of Our Taxpayer Money) Per Plane!


Two BILLION bucks for a single jet bomber?


The military-industrial complex is jumping for joy over this boondoggle.  And they should be, after pulling off another steal from the American taxpayer...

(Oh, by the way, I thought there was supposed to be an audit of the several TRILLION DOLLARS somehow misplaced (read: unaccounted for) in the Pentagon's budget over the last several years???))

Does all this sound familiar?  

It should, as we are seeing more waste and misuse of our monies and weapons supposedly being shipped and utilized by the corrupt Ukraine and their equally corrupt leaders in the form of Zelensky and his cronies to fight the Russians, at least that's what we're told...

It has now come to light, that a good portion of the money is falling into the hands of the Ukrainian fat-cats, as well as many of the deadly weapons are being sold on the black market -- to real, bona fide terrorists.  And those terrorists are more than willing to use those weapons and ammo to create numerous false flag incidents to further destabilize whatever is left of peace and security on planet earth.

So, if you couple the hundreds of millions -- and billions! -- of dollars being doled out to Ukraine by the equally corrupt Biden "administration" to fight a proxy war with the Russian Bear, and the price tag of $2 BILLION for a new American jet bomber, you can readily see that the idea of a possibility of a period of peace is almost nonexistent, whether for us or our children or our grandchildren...

And I naively believed that Bergoglio was going to properly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as demanded at Fatima over a hundred years ago.  Obviously, that "consecration" was not accepted! 

If you put two and two together, you can see that we have treasonous rats in the federal, muti-tentacled monstrosity doing everything in its unbridled power to squash American peace, sovereignty, and happiness -- to hell with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as outlined in the Declaration of Independence -- and reflected in the Natural Law! 

The following is an excerpt from an article written by Karen Kwiatkowski and can be read at 'This Changes Everything' - LewRockwell.

It points out the man-centered apostacy of an ungrateful, fallen mankind devoid of the love of God and neighbor...

"My disrespect, and I hope yours, for our political leaders, and their lackeys, dependencies, apologists and associated criminal elements, is boundless. Offering a better defense strategy for their “consideration” is a waste of everyone’s time. Our country’s founders had plenty of pithy advice worth echoing:  Stop looking for monsters to destroy, avoid entangling alliances, trade with everyone, limit the power of the government godhead/President, and worship God, not man.  None of it was followed, even in the early 1800s.

More current perhaps, is President Eisenhower’s “Cross of Iron” speech.  He shared five pillars that he believed, in 1953, to be “the way chosen by the United States…[to] govern its conduct in world affairs.”

"First: No people on earth can be held, as a people, to be an enemy — for all humanity shares the common hunger for peace and fellowship and justice.

Second: No nation’s security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation — but only in effective cooperation with fellow nations.

Third: Every nation’s right to a form of government and an economic system of its own choosing is inalienable.

Fourth: Any nation’s attempt to dictate to other nations their form of government is indefensible.

And fifth: A nation’s hope of lasting peace cannot be firmly based upon any race in armaments — but rather upon just relations and honest understanding with all other nations."

"Honestly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.  Reading these words, one is overwhelmed by an intense shame at what US security policy has become.  Perhaps this collective shame – a shame inchoately demonstrated by Secretary of Defense Austin himself as he licked his lips and stumbled through his prepared speech lauding a beefed-up, jaw-droppingly expensive, nuclear-equipped UAV – is what will really change everything."

These traitors do not deserve our respect -- or obedience!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...