Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Sad And Sick Woke Military Is A Reflection Of A Sad And Sick Society -- The Result Of The Rejection Of The Kingship Of Christ As King Of Nations, King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords!

  Over the last couple of weeks, news broke of some military personnel -- of the officer ranks! -- engaging in some very un-natural behavior...

Specifically, those "officers and gentlemen" had the whistle blown on them by others in the Army who couldn't take it anymore!  

Articles began to appear detailing the sickness infecting the Army -- and, I might add -- other services as well, in some way, shape or form.  

I must warn the reader that the following articles might be a bit much for the average God-fearing individual to absorb.  Some of the photos are quite disturbing...

What am I talking about exactly?

Have you ever heard of "pup" masks or someone being a "pup handler"??  

If you haven't, then good for you...

But the truth shall set us free!

(This nonsense is all part of the sodomite agenda with the rejection of the Natural Law and the Ten Commandments!) 

Here is one article from The Blaze: Army investigating viral photos of officers posing in 'puppy play' kink masks, BDSM gear while in uniform - TheBlaze.

Here is another from

Army Investigating Officers For Wearing Fetish “Pup” Masks While in Uniform After Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed - Survive the News.

This one is from

SICK: US Army Col. Poses in Uniform with “Pup Mask” – Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed! - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site (

I could list several other articles, but what for?  The treasonous rats wearing the uniform of our country are a disgrace to that very same uniform of those who went before them and served their country honorably...

Now that you might have read or glanced at some of the filth of these lunatics, think about this: while the current Marxist regime holding our country hostage in D.C. continues to force deadly "vaccines" on our military (although a federal judge has recently stopped that illegal, tyrannical mandate -- we'll see how long that lasts!) and use our precious military for social experimentation, the military brass of our adversaries, i.e., Russia, China and others, are building up their formidable armies, navies and air forces, waiting for just the right time to execute a "Red Dawn" on an unprepared, weakened U.S. military and citizenry.

Sound farfetched?  Perhaps, but could this be part of a planned takeover of the beloved land of our birth in order to fulfill the establishment of a one-world government, devoid of good and worship of the true God, to be replaced with Satan and his minions?

How could this be happening? 

As the title of my article reads:  The Result Of The Rejection Of The Kingship Of Christ As King Of Nations, King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords!

That's how...

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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