Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Grievous Sin And Madness Of Liberalism -- In Society AND In What Passes For The "Modern" Catholic Church...

  (The following information is gleaned from (the Catholic Encyclopedia))...

Those Catholics in the traditional movement -- including adhering to the Mass of the ages and the perennial teachings of the authentic Magisterium -- know the craziness and madness of the gangrenous infection that has infiltrated the novus ordo sect, especially the concoction of Bugnini in creating the new "mass," after he and his Protestant buddies agreed on a rite that even they could use in their services!

Let that sink in: our Catholic Mass became something unrecognizable to the faithful, and through compromise and appeasement, the new thing was nearly completely devoid of the sacrificial nature of the Mass.  The demonic arch-heretic -- and Freemason -- Bugnini, actually bragged about that massive destruction...

His "victory" was the epitome of a successful, classic act of sabotage that was finally endorsed by the weak-willed, Paul VI, and officially promulgated in 1970 to the horror of those raised on the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages -- the very same Mass that produced uncountable Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years...

So, when did this infiltration and attack on the faithful flock of Christ begin?  And what are some of the ramifications that we see in society today?   

First, as you will see, this insertion of liberalism began long before Vat. II.  Second, we also see the fruits of this evil and mad ideology as well as a corrupted theology, a theology that is intent in re-making and re-shaping the true Catholic Church into something that the world will accept and praise...

Isn't that what we see under the "pontificate" Bergoglio? 

I always thought the role of the Church was the salvation of souls??  Am I wrong in thinking this???

Here are some excerpts from the article under the heading: Liberalism...

"(1) The prevailing political form of modern Liberal Catholicism, is that which would regulate the relations of the Church to the State and modern society in accordance with the Liberal principles as expounded by Benjamin Constant. It had its predecessors and patterns in Gallicanism, Febronianism, and Josephinism. Founded 1828 by Lamennais, the system was later defended in some respects by Lacordaire, Montalembert, Parisis, Dupanloup, and Falloux.

(2) The more theological and religious form of Liberal Catholicism had its predecessors in Jansenism and Josephinism; it aims at certain reforms in ecclesiastical doctrine and discipline in accordance with the anti-ecclesiastical liberal Protestant theory and atheistical "science and enlightenment" prevailing at the time. The newest phases of this Liberalism were condemned by Pius X as Modernism. In general it advocates latitude in interpreting dogma, oversight or disregard of the disciplinary and doctrinal decrees of the Roman Congregations, sympathy with the State even in its enactments against the liberty of the Church, in the action of her bishopsclergyreligious orders and congregations, and a disposition to regard as clericalism the efforts of the Church to protect the rights of the family and of individuals to the free exercise of religion."

"...sympathy with the State even in its enactments against the liberty of the Church..."

Pure madness! 

And this: "By proclaiming man's absolute autonomy in the intellectual, moral and social order, Liberalism denies, at least practically, God and supernatural religion. If carried out logically, it leads even to a theoretical denial of God, by putting deified mankind in place of God. It has been censured in the condemnations of Rationalism and Naturalism. The most solemn condemnation of Naturalism and Rationalism was contained in the Constitution "De Fide" of the Vatican Council (1870); the most explicit and detailed condemnation, however, was administered to modern Liberalism by Pius IX in the Encyclical "Quanta cura" of 8 December, 1864 and the attached Syllabus. Pius X condemned it again in his allocution of 17 April, 1907, and in the Decree of the Congregation of the Inquisition of 3 July, 1907, in which the principal errors of Modernism were rejected and censured in sixty-five propositions. The older and principally political form of false Liberal Catholicism had been condemned by the Encyclical of Gregory XVI, "Mirari Vos", of 15 August, 1832 and by many briefs of Pius IX (see Ségur, "Hommage aux Catholiques Libéraux", Paris, 1875). The definition of the papal infallibility by the Vatican council was virtually a condemnation of Liberalism. Besides this many recent decisions concern the principal errors of Liberalism. Of great importance in this respect are the allocutions and encyclicals of Pius IXLeo XIII, and Pius X. (Cf., Recueil des allocutions consistorales encycliques . . . citées dans le Syllabus", Paris, 1865) and the encyclicals of Leo XIII of 20 January, 1888, "On Human Liberty"; of 21 April, 1878, "On the Evils of Modern Society"; of 28 December, 1878, "On the Sects of the Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists"; of 4 August, 1879, "On Christian Philosophy"; of 10 February, 1880, "On Matrimony"; of 29 July, 1881, "On the Origin of Civil Power"; of 20 April, 1884, "On Freemasonry"; of 1 November, 1885, "On the Christian State"; of 25 December, 1888, "On the Christian Life"; of 10 January, 1890, "On the Chief Duties of a Christian Citizen"; of 15 May, 1891, "On the Social Question"; of 20 January, 1894, "On the Importance of Unity in Faith and Union with the Church for the Preservation of the Moral Foundations of the State"; of 19 March, 1902, "On the Persecution of the Church all over the World". 

How much worse have things gotten since these condemnations of the pre-conciliar popes??

Read the entire article here: CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Liberalism (

As we enter a new year, faithful Catholics will be faced with fresh attacks from the likes of the novus ordo hierarchy (including Bergoglio and his evil agenda) that hate Tradition -- especially the Traditional Latin Mass.

Pray for strength and honor -- we will need it now more than ever!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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